Chapter 17

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The dove of truth is sitting in our garden

Our gaze inside the room

Light and truth just outside our window

Our eyes see only gloom

The dove of truth is making dovely sounds

Our ears like better beat and drum

Love and truth just outside our window

But our ears are deaf for them

The dove of truth is still sitting in our garden

Her message clearly there

Love and light just outside our window

But our egos would not care

If just our ego could be silenced

The dove of truth is never far away

Truth, light and love is all around,

Our soul will pray.

Niall and I return to my house after picking up some pain relievers for my head. My dad's car is home. I wonder if he even noticed if I was gone. I highly doubt it. Niall goes and opens the door for me. Even after taking some pain killers my head is in some much pain.

I unlock the door and turn on the light. It is sorta weird because I would think my dad would still be up given that it is only 9:30. Niall shuts the door behind me and then comes and whispers in my ear "Lets go upstairs babe" I do as he says like usually and walk up the stairs. He gets whatever he wants, always...

My parents room is the first door to the left when you walk up the stairs. When I go past it I hear giggling. I almost knock on the door but don't. I think tho myself that it couldn't be my mom because she wouldn't dare to leave Amy at the hospital alone, especially at night.

"What are you doing?" I startled myself not knowing Niall was there. I look over to the door and he does too. "Is that your mom and dad?"

"Uh, At this point I really don't know..." I really am confused. I don't know what to do. "Should I open it or like knock again?"

"Well what do you think?" Niall studys my face trying to tell what I am thinking.

"I really don't think that is my mom.." I say looking down at my feet.

Before I can stop my own self my hand is on the knob and I am opening the door. This would have never happened if Niall hadn't pushed me to do it. I walk in the room and look over to the bed. There in bed lies a women and my dad. She is young to young. This doesn't feel right. My dad is with another women. Or should I say girl. Or wait better yet skank...

I turn around immediately and walk out with a slam of the door "That wasn't my mom it was some young girl I don't know, Niall can I stay at your house for the weekend?"

Niall smiles and then hides it because he knows it isn't the time "Well yeah. I wouldn't want you anywhere else.."

"Okay well I need to get some stuff out of my room first since I will be at your house for a few days"

"I'm not go complain at all, I'm just happy if you are with me" I smile at him and shut and lock my door.

I grab a little duffle bag that I fond in my closet. I thrown in a pair of jeans and some sweats. I also add a few t shirts. I grab my uggs and out them in there too. "Mae can we talk?" I hear my dad say through the door. I walk out of the closet and look over to Niall and put my finger up to my face to show not to talk.

Pandemonium Thoughts {Niall Horan AU} [REVISING]Where stories live. Discover now