Luna Lovegood and the Music Box

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9/17/13--Super-short, really mean-of-me: TEASER


            Luna’s heart was beating with vigor as the eerie tune echoed through the room.  The same notes she had memorized and heard so many times…  Though how could that be?  The box was in her pocket, was it not?  But as she reached her hand into the pocket of her cardigan, her fingers met only air.

            No!  Luna spun around in a circle, whipping her wand out from behind her ear.  There was no one there.  Yet the music continued it’s strange sound.  Though she had thought it impossible, her heart rate picked up yet again.  Her breathing quickened.  There was someone in here—someone, among these piles of lost, who was on the brink of figuring out her secret. 

            Quietly as her red sneakers would allow, Luna began to creep in the direction of the music.  She stopped, suddenly, as the song ended.  She held her breath, the air more silent than ever before in her experience.  Then the thief turned the knob, and the somber sound creaked out its notes once more.

            She could feel the power of the box every time she held it—there was something special about it, some secret it was harboring that she needed to solve.  She just had to.  She was so close to figuring it out.  She had to get it back.  She had—

            Luna approached a tall stack of chairs and trunks, the sound, no doubt, coming from just behind.  Wand in front of her, she leaped forward, the words, “Accio box!” springing from her lips before the beholder could even notice her presence. 

            Whipping around, the thief’s pale eyes met her own.  A hiss escaped her normally whimsical mouth and she curled her fingers around the box, possessively.

            Never again would it leave her side.


Chapter One is coming soon!  Sorry it's taken me so long!  Forgive me for being mean. :(

Lots of love,


Luna Lovegood and the Music Box {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now