Chapter 18

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Jaina and Korr touch down on a dock in front a grand building. There are aircrafts swizzing around them and Jaina is dizzy from the ruckus. She closes her eyes to focus and relax.

"Welcome!" Sondiv Sella greets.

"Hello, Father." Korr runs down the ramp to her parent. "This is Jaina... General Organa's daughter."

"Yes, I know... I remember you as a small child." He shakes Jaina's hand.

"It's nice to see you again and thank you for letting me stay with you." She timidly replies.

"Right this way..." He leads them into the building.

They ride a glass elevator all the way to the top floors. Jaina stares out at all the other buildings and aircrafts as the Sellas catch up. When the doors open she follows them into the foyer of the penthouse. There are tall windows all around displaying the spectacular view. Sondiv gives them a quick tour before taking them up an exquisite staircase.

Jaina's bedroom is at the far end of the hall. There are floor to ceiling windows just like the rooms downstairs. She sits on the round bed in the center of the room and stares out the window. Her mind wonders to Poe, hopefully in time he will forgive her. Who knows she may only be here a few weeks. She jumps at the slight knock on the door.

"Come in." She calls.

In steps Korr, "Your mother wanted you to contact her as soon as we landed. You can use the hologram monitor on the desk, just make sure its a secure channel."

"Ok, thank you Korr." Jaina looks at the desk Korr pointed at.

"You're welcome, dinner will be brought up in a little while if you're hungry. I'll be downstairs if you need anything."

Jaina smiles and nods in response. She waits for Korr to exit and gets up to use the monitor.

"Hello Mother." She tries to sound cheerful.

"I'm so glad to hear from you, Darling." Leia replies. "How is my friend Sondiv?"

"He looks well. How are things at the base?"

"As well as to be expected..." Leia continues to fill Jaina on the daily goings of the base. Jaina desperately wants to ask her mother about Poe.

"And... How are the squadrons?" She treads lightly. "Is Commander Dameron wearing them out?"

"Of course Poe is drilling them non-stop. That's why they're so strong." Leia laughs.

Jaina forces a smile on her face. Her heart aches thinking about Poe. She should have asked for him to come with her. No, that wouldn't be possible. Poe's needed on the base, he's commander of his own squad and her mother relies on him for all her important missions. She just wishes they would have parted on better terms.

"Darling, are you all right? You look upset." Leia interrupts.

"Uh yea, I'm good. Sorry... I just miss you and all my friends."

"I know dear, hopefully you won't be there too long. Get some rest and I'll talk to you tomorrow."Leia blows a kiss and signs off.

Jaina considers getting in touch with Poe but it's late on D'Qar now. Well that's an excuse, really she doesn't know what she will say to him. They didn't exactly break up, maybe they just need some time to cool down. They say distance makes the heart grow fonder.


The first few weeks have been a flurry of meetings and Senate hearings. Jaina now understands her father and Poe's frustrations with the bureacracy. It seems to her all the Senate does is argue but nothing ever gets resolved.

The one on one meetings aren't any better. Korr does most of the talking and while many planets believe the First Order to be a possible threat none want a war on their hands. There are a few allies to the Resistance but they are the planets that have actually been attacked by the First Order. These are already funding the Resistance.

After a long day of meetings Korr and Jaina are ready to go to bed. As they are exiting the Senate building Jaina senses something is askew. She looks down the stairs at their shuttle to see a man in a black uniform standing with his arms behind his back. She can make out his fiery red hair under his cap.

"Good Evening, Lady Solo." He bows slightly as she approaches.

"Hello..." She cautiously returns, "Forgive me for any rudeness but who are you?"

"I am Armitage Hux." He's much younger than Jaina expected.

"I have not seen you around the Senate before... Mr...."

"Commander... Commander Hux, Lady..." He says tipping his hat somewhat.

"You don't need to be so formal Commander. My mother is no longer Princess or Senator. If you feel so inclined to use formal addresses, I am Lieutenant Solo or simply Jaina."

He nods in acknowledgement. Jaina continues, "It was a pleasure to meet you."

"Trust me the pleasure is all mine." He smirks.

Jaina feels uneasy in his presence. There's something about his crystal blue eyes that seem to be examining her whole being. He was very calm and controlled but she could tell he was holding back a lot of animosity. He walks up the stairs closer to her.

" I hope this isn't too forward but I was waiting to speak with you."

"What can I help you with?" She asks trying to hide the nervousness rising in her.

"I understand you are here to advocate action against the First Order. I'm curious, isn't your brother the leader of the First Order?"

Jaina's face contorts in annoyance at him mentioning Ben. "What does this have to do with..."

Hux cackles evilly, "Your brother, a fallen Jedi turned his back on his family. He has become quite a fearsome thing to behold. So merciless. Tell me ...Do you plan on having him pardoned if he is ever captured?"

"Where do you get off speaking to me about Ben?!" Jaina shouts. Korr holds her back from striking Hux. There are a number of Senators and people staring at them.

Hux is only a step below her but stands at her eye level. He holds her gaze while smirking.

"You are so much like him... All rage and emotion. You're like a festering wound that inflames at the slightest touch."

"Are you here to just provoke me or is there an actual reason you are here?" She asks through gritted teeth.

He leans close to her face and in a low tone growls, "I came to warn you... There is nothing you could possibly do to stop the rise of the First Order. The world you know will cease to exist. It would be better for you if you..."

"Let me guess... If I join you and Ben..." Jaina interrupts rolling her eyes.

"Absolutely not... Your brother is more than enough to handle. Don't be so sure he'll protect you when the time comes. Supreme Leader Snoke wants to rid the galaxy of any remaining Jedi, starting with your uncle and you."

Before Jaina can reply she feels a piercing pain on her side. She was so occupied by what he was saying she hadn't noticed the knife he had pressed against her. She collaspes backwards as Korr reaches for her blaster and shoots Hux in the arm as he lunges to stab Jaina again. Fighting ensues all around them as Republic soldiers run out from the Senate and First Order officers in black matching Hux come from a nearby shuttle.

Korr begins to fire upon the black uniforms. Hux lunges once again at Jaina and she kicks him square in the jaw. The knife goes flying down the stairs. Fueled by adrenaline she charges at him and they tumble down to the bottom of the steps. She gains the upper hand and delivers multiple punches to his face. He is able to block another round and flips her off him. She lands on her side where she was stabbed and the pain takes her breath away.

Lying there gasping for air she sees Hux get up and run with the other black uniforms into a shuttle. Korr is suddenly by her side reassuring her she will be fine. The adrenaline coursing through her runs out and her vision begins to blur. The last thing she sees is Hux's shuttle disappear through the atmosphere.

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