Chapter 38

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The air field is bustling with pilots, engineers and droids prepping for the attack on Star Killer base. The energy is part apprehension and part hopeful. Jaina is inspecting her x-wing while her droid Sneaker is loaded into it.

"All right Sneaker, make sure we're ready to go." She calls to the droid. It beeps in response.

She walks over to Poe's x-wing while BB-8 is loaded. "Hey BB-8, make sure our man makes it back in one piece!"

BB-8 chirps back and she smiles. Poe pulls her into a tight hug. "Don't worry about me. I always come back."

"You better." She whispers giving him a long kiss.

Before they part Poe turns serious, "Do me a favor?" She waits for him to continue.

"Don't do anything... heroic."

"Poe..." Jaina sighs. She knows he means don't go after Ben.

"Jaina, I can't lose you." He begs.

Jaina looks into his dark eyes, she smiles parroting his words. "Don't worry about me. I always come back."

"Promise." He whispers before pulling her into another kiss.

Finn approaches as they break apart. Poe gives him an encouraging smile and slap on the back as he passes by. Finn in return gives his friend a nervous smile.

Jaina walks with Finn to the Millennium Falcon at the end of the airfield. Her father and Chewie are loading equipment.

"Finn, I know I owe you a great debt of gratitude..." Jaina says softly entwining her arm with his."But I need you to do me another favor."

He looks at their arms and then to her, "You owe me nothing. Poe saved me. You and your family have been nothing but helpful to me."

"Nevertheless," She looks directly at Han. "Please watch out for him." "He likes you I can feel it. He is also fond of your friend...he won't leave without her. Just watch each other's backs, ok?"

Finn musters a smile and pats Jaina's hand. "You have my word."

Chewie growls at Finn when he's close enough and motions toward an open crate of explosives.

"What?" Finn shrugs.

"He wants you to put them in the bags and onto the ship." Jaina smiles and Chewie moantalks.

"Chewie, check that donal capitator. Come on let's go." Han calls from a scanner. Chewie walks by and gestures toward Jaina.

"Are you sure this old bird has enough in her?" Jaina jokes.

Han grins. "She has more than enough for this adventure."

She wraps her arms around her father's waist. "You better be right."

"We're stronger than we look." Han says kissing the top of her head.

Father and daughter hug for the first time in years. Jaina has missed his smell. No matter how shaggy her father looked he always smelled clean with a hint of spiced cologne. Finn drops some of the bombs, breaking the two's embrace.

"Finn be careful with those! They're explosives!" Han and Jaina yell at the same time.

"Now you tell me." Finn mutters, gingerly picking up the round bombs.

Jaina and Han share a quick chuckle. Han cups her face, "I'm sorry I wasn't always there when you needed me... I've been a terrible father..."

Tears form in Jaina's eyes, "You weren't terrible... you did your best."

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