Module 18

880 7 0

1.                                    is a development period lasting from about ages 12 to 18.

2.                                    is making a pledge to nourish the feelings of love and to actively maintain the relationship.

3.                                    is how we like ourselves and how much we value our self-worth, importance, attractiveness, and social competence.

4.                                    is an organized mental or cognitive list that includes characteristics about people, events, or objects.

5.                                    is the third level of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning.

6.                                    is the first menstrual period.

7.                                   may be caused by genetic defects, physiological problems, or diseases.

8.                                    is the major male hormone.

9.                                    are less controlling and behave with a nonpunshing and accepting attitude towards their children's impulses, desires, and actions.

10.                                is feeling close and connected to someone.

11.                                is one of the major female hormones.

12.                                is a gradual and natural slowing of our physical processes from middle through late adulthood.

13.                                attempt to direct their children's activities in a rational and intelligent way.

14.                                is feeling physically aroused and attracted to someone.

15.                                involves continuously thinking about the loved one and is accompanied by warm sexual feelings and powerful emotional reactions.

16.                                is the second level of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning.

17.                                 refers to a developmental period, between the ages of 9 and 17.

18.                                attempt to shape, control, and evaluate the behavior and attitudes of their children in accordance with set standard of conduct, usually an absolute standard that comes from religious or respected authorities.

19.                                 is the first level Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning.

20.                                involves having trusting and tender feelings for someone whose life is closely bound up with one's own.

a) adolescence

b) puberty

c) menarche

d) estrogen

e) testosterone

f) authoritarian parents

g) permissive parents

h) authoritative parents

i) self-esteem

j) passion

k) intimacy

l) commitment

m) passionate love

n) companionate love

o) schema

p) normal aging

q) pathological aging

r) preconventional level

s) conventional level

t) postconventional level

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