Module 19

344 3 15

1. is the second stage of Freud's psychosexual stages, lasts from the age one and a half to three.

2. refers to a combination of last-lasting and distinctive behaviors, thoughts, motives, and emotions that typify how we react and adapt to other people and situations.

3. is refusing to recognize some anxiety- provoking event or piece of information that is clear to others.

4. is Freud's first division of the mind to develop.

5. represent wishes, desires, or thoughts that, because of their disturbing or threatening content, we automatically repress and cannot voluntarily access.

6. refers to our inherent tendency to develop and reach our true potentials.

7. is a Freudian technique in which clients are encouraged to talk about any thoughts or images that enter their head.

8. falsely and unconsciously attributes your own unacceptable feelings, traits, or thoughts to individuals or objects.

9. is Freud's third division of the mind, develops from the ego in early childhood.

10. is the Freudian concept the refers to the influence of repressed thoughts, desires, or impulses on our conscious thoughts and behaviors.

11. is the third stage of Freud's psychosexual stages, lasts from the age of three to six.

12. are mistakes or slips of the tongue that we make in everyday speech.

13. involves blocking and pushing unacceptable or threatening feelings, wishes, or experiences into the unconscious.

14. are wishes, desires, or thoughts that we are aware of, or can recall, at any given moment.

15. is Freud's second division of the mind, develops during the id during infancy.

16. is the fourth stage of Freud's psychosexual stages, lasts from age six to puberty.

17. involves transferring feelings about, or response to, an object that causes anxiety to another person or object that is less threatening.

18. a Freudian technique of analyzing dreams.

19. is the first stage of Freud's psychosexual stages, lasts for the first eighteen months of life.

20. is the last stage of Freud's psychosexual stages, lasts from puberty through adulthood.

a) personality

b) conscious thoughts

c) unconscious forces

d) unconscious motivation

e) free association

f) dream interpretation

g) Freudian slips

h) id

i) ego

j) super ego

k) denial

l) repression

m) projection

n) displacement

o) oral stage

p) anal stage

q) phallic stage

r) latency stage

s) genital stage

t) self-actualization

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