Feet On Earth

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December 14th
A baby crying in her momma' arms being comforted by her soft, chocolate coloured skin.

Which baby you ask?


Tears of joy stream down her cheek, leaving noticeable dry stains.
Whom is the mother you ask?

Well simply, her.

Wrapped in a blanket, I see "New Delhi maternity hospital" marked in a cherry red colour.

November 26th 2007
Silly girl, removing all the pots from the cupboard, huh? Giggled mom as I continued with my business in the kitchen.

My father took a video of that, I still have it by the way!
When I finished fooling around I went to eat the broccoli-spinach baby food mom made for me.
Mommy had to put back all the pots one at a time!
Back then I was a chubby one, if you took a picture of me, I could pass as a sumo wrestler!
I was all chubby from my cheeks to my  feet. Hey, that rhymes!
I only ate foods that contained vegetables, because usually when babies in India are born, most of them don't way 3 to 4 kg when born.
So as the doctor said "This baby needs to go on a diet ya!" accompanied by his Indian accent.
Christmas 2007
My 3rd Christmas holiday full of presents and joy lalalalala lalalala!
Happiness completed my lips shaping a devious smile, while my eyes see new barbies, toys, jewellery and full of other things that would make any other little female toddler happy.
I always loved decorating the Christmas tree with all those glittery golden ornaments, 2 weeks before Christmas.
Nothing that special in 2oo7.
Now, let's move on to my first year of kindergarten, in chapter 2.

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