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My first year of school at the pumpkin house, yes the kindergarten is called "pumpkin house", no it was not an actual pumpkin.
I don't remember much about that year but I can tell you enough to fill a chapter like this 2nd chapter...
Oops, sorry did I forget to write the date? Silly me.
September 1st 2008
I walk into the jolly classroom with momma, my big brown eyes seeing bright posters with the ABC as well as all the other students, mostly Indian since, well, we were living in the capital city, after all.
I didn't have many friends mostly because I was very shy but also because I was more of a "Lone Ranger" as you might guess.
I wouldn't really talk to anyone I didn't care what other toddlers would think, I wish I had that confidence now but honestly, I was smart in that way since a very young age but I was NOT smart in a scholastic way as you might think.
I remember having a school race at the end of the year, I came in last because I was just walking the entire time, but everybody got a medal though!
I would cry once in a while because I missed my mom and dad, doesn't every little kindergartener do that?
I would jump in mommy's arms when she came to pick me up from school screaming happily "Mommy, mommy I missed you!"
Each time I think of this tears of joy try to drop down but I hold them tears in.
It was the only school year with, joy.
A word that has never been felt in my soul at school ever since the second year of kindergarten.
All the verbal bullied take me down with one single word, worthless, ugly, dumb.
I have always been sensitive to those words it's the only way they make me swallow this word, this word called, shame.
Why me, is it because I look scared? Do I really look like all those insults you violently stab me with?
I have never been bullied by violence because I got it all, big, strong and tall so they think that if they threw a punch at me I will automatically hurt them like no pain they have ever experienced before, I asked one of my friends that are friends with those bullies to ask why they don't use violence and that's what they told that girl.
You might be thinking, nobody has verbally bullied you from here stop pretending to have such a miserable life.
Well the answer to that my dear friend is that I'm not saying I have a life more miserable then anyone on earth from those that are bullied with violence to those that are kidnapped, no.
They start getting intense in 5th grade but until then read these chapters first.

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