It starts now

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The bullying, it starts now.
February 14th 2oo9
My second year of kindergarten not as happy and fun as everyone would think.
I had only one friend, Mary she was very nice, the only friend I had.
This year I'm in my home town, France, Brittany, St-Malo.
It's drawing time, we had to draw un paysage, which means a landscape in French.
I drew grass and sunshine thinking something was missing I then saw the girl next to me with blue eyes and black hair a mix that I have never seen before, draw birds, those "V" shaped birds you know?
I copied her and drew plenty of birds on my paper just like her she noticed that I did the exact same thing as her so she threw an insult "C'est pas des oiseaux ça c'est des "V""
Translation:" Those aren't birds those are "V's""
Just a little comment like that broke my heart my drawing was covered in big wet tears I felt like there was no point of keeping the drawing so I tore it into tiny pieces and put it all on the ground without anyone noticing.
March 26th 2o09
For the entire school year it was a mix of kindergarteners in there 2nd or 3rd year of school.
I remember this tall girl with blonde long hair in a high ponytail she seemed like Regina George with a ponytail.
She was friends with Mary they were both in there 3rd year of kindergarten so they got along.
Caroline would always take Mary to play with her each recess because she wanted me to be a pathetic loser with no friends whatsoever, so most of them days I would be by myself with no one by my side not even imaginary friends, because I knew that they didn't exist so I wouldn't bother to create one.
June 30th 2009
It's the end of the year.
We created a show for the parents, girls wearing pink,green or orange tutus with a white T-shirt while the boys are equipped with these cheap tuxedos.
I was wearing a pink tutu my favourite colour, and Mary was wearing a green one.
July 17th 2009
I was in summer camp drawing with Mary by my side we had matching hello kitty shirts I was pretty happy with no bully to bother me here until Mary was gone one day, she had moved out to live in Paris.
That's when all the bullies started making me feel shameful making fun of my drawings or better yet me ,pointing out that I always wear lame braids (I had frizzy-curly hair so I had to tie it or else when I got home it would be extremely hard to brush, so I kinda had no choice)
I was happy to finally be able to move out and go to Beijing,China at the French School with no bullies but boy was I wrong!
Now my last kindergarten year awaits you in the next chapter!

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