Pinky Swear Sister

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His gaze remained focused on me. Dad tilted his head to one side as he studied me.

Marie shuffled her feet next to me, I could sense her unease growing and I knew she'd be telling her mom all about this later.

I uncrossed my arms and kept my gaze on his as I crossed them and leaned against the door jam. "Seriously. I've been on a school retreat with little sleep." I said flatly. "Are we done here for tonight? I think you have some calls to start making."

His jaw tightened and relaxed in a way I usually only saw from Mr. Blackbourne. "Fine." He said curtly. "Both of you go to bed. We'll take care of things in the morning." He said dismissively.

I didn't wait for any further instruction but nudged Marie to head upstairs, grabbing her elbow when we'd reached the landing. "Look..." I said softly. Her eyes finally met mine. "I totally know how you feel about me and I don't mean to be in your hair or this house or in your business at all."

Her head tilted and she studied me. "okay." She said, after an extended silence.

"I could just be in this for me, you know. But I'm making sure he does right by you and your mom. I absolutely do not care what she says about me. He has to take care of his responsibility to her and its only fair that the two of us get what we are owed because you know grandpa and grandma set up education accounts for us."

She nodded. "I know." She frowned for a moment. "Do you think he was really going to do all that? Get rid of the house?"

I shrugged. "I can probably find out. But for him to be back without any word to us for over 2 months is definitely a sign of nothing good." She sighed softly. "So, please stay on the same side with me through tomorrow, we'll get him to go away on Monday. I think we can get him to get us out of school because the banks won't be open on Sunday and I have no intention of letting him leave without a cashier's check in my hand."

She bit her lower lip. "Yeah, I guess. You said we'd work out a new arrangement once he leaves, right?"

I nodded and held out my hand for a pinky swear. "I promise." I said solemnly. "And that means a notarized agreement if your mom comes home. I won't be here if she comes back." I said. "You know how she's been to me and she will find a reason to blame me for the fact he left. I won't take that anymore."

Marie made a face before completing the pinky swear. "Okay. I'll go along with whatever tomorrow but once he leaves Monday... or Tuesday, we're going to have our own agreement hammered out."

"Deal." I nodded and we shook pinkies before going into our rooms. I locked the door once I was inside and looked around at the assembly of boys in my room. "Hi." I smiled, a slightly wobbly smile.

"Hi Princess." Victor stood and reached for me. I breathed in his moss and berry scent. He kissed my forehead and I felt the tears well up in my eyes. "Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green went to go arrange for the notary to come by tomorrow." He said. "You've done so well today." He murmured.

The comment was agreed on by the other guys and I raised my head, looking around at them. "Thank you." I murmured. "I hate to ask it because I haven't seen all of you for most of the week but ..." I tightened my grip on Victor's shirt. "Can I please crash now? I just need a little time to break down ... process everything and regroup and I really can't handle all of us right now." I felt Victor's lips press against my hair. "You can take turns being here with me but I'd like time with Victor, if that's okay."

Kota nodded. "Of course, sweetie. We'll work it out and pop in and out as needed. You do need rest and we'll help you come up with the rest of the plan if you need it." I nodded and Victor released me so that I could accept hugs and various kisses on my face before they all managed to leave through the window.

I sighed softly, running my hand over my face. "Why me?" I asked Victor.

He smiled slightly. "Why you...?" He arched an eyebrow at me before gathering me up into his arms again and hugging me tightly.

I felt the tears squeeze out of my eyes as I had them scrunched tightly as I clung to him again and buried my face in his chest. "Why couldn't they just have loved me for who I am?"

But I'm only human

And I bleed when I fall down

I'm only human

And I crash and I break down

Your words in my head, knives in my heart

You build me up and then I fall apart

'Cause I'm only human, yeah

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