The Greenleaf's

68 10 26

Thranduil's p.o.v

I watch as the children got on the bus. Laughing, talking, smiling. Little angels...

But these are not my children. No,

I turned to face my front yard.

These are my children.

"Has anyone is seen my shoe? I only have one..." Legolas asked, As he stepped out the front door, sure enough, wearing only one shoe.

"I dot a wet soo!" Pippin yelled, pulling Legolas' other shoe out of a bucket of water which was earlier being used to wash my car.

"Pippin! No, bad!" Legolas yelled, moving to pick the youngest up.

"Merry! I swear, if you don't give me back my phone, you'll regret it!" Boromir yelled, chasing merry around the front yard.

"Ooh! Dad! Boromir's swearing!"
Merry teased.

"You little-" boromir started, but was cut off.

"Hey! Knock it off! Both of you! And Boromir, you probably shouldn't finish that sentence." Aragorn said, giving boromir a warning look as he came out the door.

"School starts in twenty minutes, and we still have to finish getting dressed, and drive there!" Sam said, Coming out the door and gesturing wildly.

"Relax Sam, we'll get there on time. We just have to hurry." Aragorn said, trying to calm Sam down, and grab merry at the same time.

"Haha! I win, you little brat!" Boromir taunted, as his phone was handed to him by Aragorn.

"Or did you?"

Merry landed a swift kick to his shin, and --as he fell-- another between the legs.


Before anyone could react, he was running again.

"Meridoc brandybuck greenleaf! How many times do I have to tell you, not to kick?! Especially there!"
I yelled, as Boromir Sank to the ground, and Aragorn chased merry around the yard.

We're going to be late.

"Where's Frodo?" I sigh, beginning to develop a headache.

After a series of shrugs and an 'I don't know.' From Aragorn, I head into the house, peeking into the kitchen to find a head of curly, dark hair resting on the table.

"Frodo...ugh! We're gonna be late. Again! For probably the fourth time this week!" Frodo lifts his head slightly at this.

"Why didn't you go to bed when I asked you to?" I groan, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I did." He replies groggily.

"Let me rephrase that, why didn't you go to sleep?" I ask, slowly losing my patients.

"You said go to bed." He shrugged.

"So you stayed up all night playing on the Internet."

"Well..." I groan, running my hand over my face.

"I want you dressed, I want your teeth brushed, and I want you wearing deodorant in five minutes. Hustle!" I point off to the stairs.

I go through the living room, to the front door, peaking my head out to where all the kids are fighting. I groan stepping out the door.

"HEY!" All heads turn towards me.

Aragorn Freeze's mid swing, in his attempt to punch Boromir, his other hand clutching Boromir's shirt. Sam is standing behind them, probably trying to break up the fight. Farther away, Legolas is holding Pippin, frozen after attempting to take his shoe back from him, as be held it just out of reach, and merry had successfully climbed the oak tree in the front yard. Probably to avoid being caught after the kicking incident. I also suspect that was why Aragorn and boromir were fighting.

I take a deep breath, calming myself.

"Everyone in the house." Thankfully they were worried enough about what would happen if they didn't, not to argue.

With everyone in the house, I can control the situation easier.

"Line up." They did and I stepped back, looking them over.

"Legolas, go change your shoes, Aragorn, take Pippin to go change his shirt, its soaked. But before you do...breath check." I said as I knelt down next to him.

He huffed out air and I mock glared at him.

"You did not brush your teeth!" I say.

"I'm a monster. Monsters don' have to brush their teef!"

"Are you a monster, or a super hero?"
He looks to be considering it for a moment.

"Uummm...a superhero." He shrugs.

"Even Superheroes have to listen to their parents and brush their teeth."
I tell him.

"Batman doesn't." He grins, before taking off down the hall.

"This kid is the reason I have to sleep with one eye open."I look to Aragorn, standing up.

"Capture Batman, change his shirt, and make sure he brushes his teeth." I sigh, waving him off.
I manage (with Aragorn and Legolas's help) to wrangle up all the kids, getting them in the car and driving them to school. Luckily the school is close to home.

They all race into the building and I sigh, driving home.

All in a days work.

So, no players introduced today, but I don't yet have any people in this family, so you will probably be introduced very soon. Well, by for now! -Leigh

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