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Natasha's p.o.v.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I roll over, smacking my alarm clock.
throwing off the covers, I head out of my room and across the hall to my sisters room.

I knock three times. No reply comes, so I peek in.

"Livia! Wake up!" She sits up, rubbing her eyes.

I head down the hall, towards the kitchen.

"Good morning to you too..." I hear her grumble.

"Good Morning, Livia!" I call.

Livia's p.o.v.

I roll my eyes, following my sister down the hall, to the kitchen.
We eat breakfast quickly, then go to our rooms to get ready for school. I put on a cute girly dress, curl my hair and put on a little bit of makeup.

Nat is wearing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. She looks me over, raising an eyebrow.

"What? Just because you wear t-shirts and jeans, doesn't mean I can't dress nice." I cross my arms.

"I didn't say anything." She shrugs.

"You were thinking it." I mock glare at her.

"What do you read minds now?" She asks.

I give her a deadpan look.

" OK, maybe I was thinking it." She smiles.

"Uh-huh. Yep." We head out to her car.

We drive to school, singing to the radio as we go.

We pull up to the school, getting out of the car and heading inside.

I head to my locker, opening it and putting what I need into my backpack.

"Hey, liv!" I turn to see Charlie smiling brightly.

"Oh, hey! What's up?" I ask, shutting my locker.

"Not much. Same things as every other day. You?"she shrugs.

"Well, I'm..., we really need to get out more." I say.

She giggles.

"Yeah, we probably should. Ooh! How is operation Bucky?" She grins.

"About the same place as operation Grant. Nada. Nothing." I frown.

She sighs.

"I wish there was a way to make boys stop being such dorks. At least your not friend-zoned three times over. And Bucky doesn't already have a girlfriend." She sighs, as Grant and Kara walk by.

He smiles and waves, heading over, with kara on his arm. Wearing his football jacket I might add.

"Hey, Charlie. liv." He nods to both of us.

"What's up?" He asks.

"Not much. We were just talking." I shrug.

"About what? If you don't mind me asking."

" Nothing! Absolutely nothing." Charlie says quickly, leaning against the lockers.

"Yeah, just girl stuff." I add, trying to be less frantic than Charlie.

"It would be against girl code to tell you." She nods.

"Okay, okay. Sorry I asked." He laughs, raising his hands in mock surrender.

He glances behind him as his name is called.

"Well, I gotta go. See you later." He smiles, before turning and walking away.

Kara turned to glare at us, then smirked mockingly.

I turned to Charlie. She was turning red and there was practically steam coming out of her ears.

"Grant? More specifically, Kara ?" Norneth asks, coming to stand next to us.

"Yes." Charlie growls.

She cleared her throat, taking a breath.

"I'm back." She said after a second.

"Good." Norneth and I say at the same time.

"I was getting worried you might explode." Norneth jokes.
That's three people! Myself, TheWinterFlame, and elfindisguise. Also, I'm trying to keep the chapters under 600 words.  It's easier. Today's question...what's your favorite band?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2017 ⏰

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