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I know this is two comments too short but If I'm going to be grounded then I want this chapter up and waiting to see what eveyone thinks.

Chapter 3

 I woke before the sun just like every other day but one thing was different there were three heart beats in the house instead of just two. Yesterday's events flashed threw my mind and my senses calmed, quickly I jumped into the shower. After a longish shower I made breakfast; Bacon, eggs, and pancakes.

First up was my little man, most likly because he smelled the bacon.

"Mamma, can I have breakfast?" Sam asked rubbing his sleepy eyes

"Sure honey" I filled his plate with bacon and eggs "I'll let you have pancakes when I get back."

He nodded and happily ate his food.

I walked out of the kitchen after watching him for a few minutes and headed to guest room. I knocked only to receve a growl in return.

"Beth breakfast!" I yelled throuh the door.

"Ok be there in a minute" her sleepy reply came.

 Smiling I walked into the kitchen and Sam was finished with his food. He looked up at me with his puppy eyes.

"Want some pancakes?" I asked smilling

"Yes please" Sam smiled seepishly

I plated two for both of us and pilled napkins under him. We dug in then were finished by the time Beth joined us.

"What's for breakfast?" She asked streching.

"Eggs, bacon and pancakes. Help yourself. . . Do you know a good kindergarden?"  I asked

"Unn there is only one in town is with the middle and high school." Beth responded sitting next to me.

"So there is only one high school in this town?" I aksed

"Yeah that's it. Where are you working?" Beth asked smiling

"Oh I'm the new art teacher in the high school." I chuckled at her face

Beth's mouth was hanging open and her eyes were wide with shock, so much that she didn't hear the door bell ring.

"I'll get it" yelled sam as he ran to the door.

A mother's dream is the safty locks on the top of doors so they can't open the door.

"Sam I got the door go check on Beth." I shood him into the kitchen

When I opened the door. a hot guy stood on the porch. He had black shaggy hair, bright green eyes, high cheek bones and to die for lips.

"Is Beth here?" He asked

"Who are you?" I retorted

"Mark, Beth's boyfriend" Mark smiled

"Oh then yeah she's here. Come on in." I shut the door beind him "Follow me"

I led him into the kitchen where Beth had recovered and was eating again.

"Beth you have a visiter" I smiled as she spit out her food in surprise

"Mark?" she asked looking like she just won the lottery

"Hey hon" Mark smirked

"Come on Sam I think they need a minute." Picking up sam I walked into the living room and put on Sponge Bob.

Three episodes later they came out of the kitchen with a blushing Beth and Mark had a huge smirk, I just shook my head.

"Please tell my I dont have to sanitize my kitchen" I whisperd

Mark heard me and sheepishly nodded.

"Oh no I  Dont the cleaning suplies are in the hall closet now get started." I sent him a pointed look

He went right to work and was finished by lunch, then they were leaving by lunch. Sam and I start school tommorrow and I just hope there is no problems.

I really hope this is a good story, please let me know what you think even with a vot.

So please




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