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Chapter 6

Ugh FINALLY HOME! I never knew how much I missed Dragon Springs so much, Damn I sound like a chick. I need some major guys night these Alpha dudies have taken all of the fun out of being top dog. First place I went when I just got into town was my beta's house Matt and his mate Lily.

I knocked on the door and waited; Matt opened the door and a huge grin spread across his face "Hey Man how's it going?"

 I grawned "Not good still no mate!"

He put a reashering hand on my shoulder "Its all good man you'll find her."

There is only one full moon left this month and unfortunatly we dont find our mate by sparkes like stories say, its only on a full moon when our wolves tell us. The draw back is they have to be in a 100 mile radise.

"Want to go to my place? I need a beer." Matt smirked and nodded.

We headed to my place and found that my family was home, we lost my mother during Sky's birth. My father and Seth have taken it the hadest I've taken over the alpha dudies since then and havent had time.

 When we got to my house there was a small car sitting out front and the light in my office was on.

"Dude who does that car belong to?" Matt asked

"I guess I'll find out." We walked into the house, my dad and brother were watching T.V. looking a bit tense.

"What's going on guys?" I asked smirking as Seth smiled at me

"How in the hell did you grow so fast? What are you now a junior?" Seth glared my way

"NO I'm a senior remember?" 

My jaw dropped "NO way you were starting out last time i checked

"That was a few years ago. . . . SO no mate?" He smirked knowing that would get to me.

I was about to growl when running feet comming down the stairs and Sky just about flew down the stairs. A boy about his age was right behnd him but before he could a girl smached him into her arms.

She looked up "Sky be carfule!"

Sky stopped on the middle step and looked up at her "But he's my brother!"

She gave him a look that I havent seen in five years "I understand that but there is no reason to get hurt."

He nodded and took the steps slower then ran to me "Josh!!"

Skooping him up I hugged him tight, then let go and saw that the girl had finished the staris and was waiting by them.

"Sky who is she?:"

"Oh that's Ash she's Sam's mom." Sky smiled at her and she returned it

I set him on the floor and walked to Ash "What's your name miss and what can I help you with?"

Ash looked me strait in the eye "My name is Ms, G and I want to stay in your territory."

"Rouge?" I guessed

"By choise" She nodded

I sighed should I? or not?

YES  my wolf growled

Why  I asked him

Could be mate to someone, give her until after full moon. He did have a point and if she was a mate to someone then they are happy and she will join the pack anyway.

"You may stay until after the full moon if you aren't someone's mate unless you are already mated?"

She looked at me "My mate is still unknown and you realized that my son is staying if I am."

I nodded

There were seven days until the full moon so we will see. . . . . . . .  .. .

I'm your mate and he's MY sonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя