Hunger ..

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We all have a stomach to which we daily feed with worldly food , but did you know that everyone of us posesses another secret stomach which is slightly more larger than the previous one ,no body knows it's actual location in the digestive system .
The latter stomach reqiures feeders like love , care and appreciation , strange right? But you know what we starve more when the latter stomach is empty , but sadly these feeders are not easily avalaible at the food stores or super markets , hence one searches everywhere to switch from starving to satisfied mode .
Now here comes the twist , usually the products offered by the people called love ,care and appreciation are of high quality and pure so when it feeds the latter stomach the person eventually feels quite contented and satisfied , but these products offered by some different people are somehow expired , cheap and of rotten variety containing alot of impurities like fake love , care or appreciation though it looks quite feasible from outside because the way the people garnished it is quite presentable hence the preson just gulp it like a gluten as he has always a great hunger for this secret stomach .
Temporarily the person feels good but afterwards he posesses symptoms like nausea vomiting and diarrhea , the person eventually felt the discomforrt and wanted to throw up and expel this rotten feeder containing the fake stuff and he realize that he has been fooled and he didn't checked the food properly before eating it , but now it's too late .....😒😒
This rotten food can only get digested with time frame . The specialty of this feeder is that it may get digested after a long time but it leaves ulcers and blisters on the stomach wall which caused tenderness and pain whenever the person eats ~🙁
Fake people in our lives at like rotten food they just butter us and walk into our lives and then after playing their villain role in our lives they just walk out leaving scars in our souls 😖😒🙁😔
So just be careful who you choose around you so that you can't suffer that much ...

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