Upgrade !!

18 5 1

She easily cried over small things and little situations so in order to get rid of these tears she asked GOD to make her strong enough to not to cry in front of everyone and every sad situation 》》
According to her fantasy thoughts , she thought that to be strong is like a potion or spell that will be poured into her instantly as soon as she prays in front of GOD and she could feel something new in herself 😉😉😉 hilarious huh ?
But ..
In actual practice when she demands to be strongs she was gifted with difficulities and obstacles , first she was annoyed then she got busy in solving those above problems which were even harder to solve than the math problems she once feared of !!
Then after going through much she feels something within her is upgraded ,
Now this self of her take things a little lightly and tackle situations much sensibly . Now she is so busy in making her life straight that there is no extra hour for worries and cries 😀😀
And now she understands it all !!

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