Love , a weakness or Strength ??? ❤/💔

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Since years I thought that loving someone makes you weak they suddenly become your weak point and I do believe in it ! And I promise to myself not to love someone enough so that I become weak !
I'm at a stage of life I love someone which such an intensity with such madness that I can't resist there's definitely not a  back door so that I can reverse my forward steps .... Because in the game of love you lose your mind and heart ....
I'm surprised that I was the person back then who stopped people and myself not to love someone so intensely that you go madly mad for that person but here I am fell deeply in the well of LOVE !
But the interesting fact which I learned is that when a person is loved he walks an extra mile he works for an extra hour his efficiency is just multiplied to multiple fold .... so what I'm trying to say is that one should use the *LOVE as STRENGTH not as a WEAKNESS !!*
I'll promise myself to use this love this way and return this favour this care this affection this concern this LOVE what's given to me to OTHERS by helping them move ahead in their life INN SHAA ALLAH !!

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