Confidence (NaruHina)

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Summary: Naruto notices that Hinata lacks his own vibrant personality and confidence, and he intends to find out why. Just a fluffy fic for the first one.. Please leave prompts!

"Naruto, you and Hinata will accompany each other on this mission. I have to take Sasuke and Sakura on mine," the silver haired jonin Kakashi pointed out, a smile detectable beneath his mostly-covered face thanks to his one visible eye.

"Hinata? Why her?!" Naruto whined.

Honestly he didn't mind the Hyuga girl. In fact he quite liked her. But for reasons the twelve-year-old Konoha shinobi couldn't explain to himself, he always got nervous around her. Probably because she lacked any speck of confidence one may possess.

"Quit complaining, Naruto! You're so immature. Plus Hinata hasn't done anything to you at all, so don't be rude," Sakura pointed out with a finger thrusted violently Naruto's way, making the boy cower.

"Okay, okay... Geez, if it's that important. What's the mission anyway, sensei? Beating bad guys? Escorting someone important through dangerous territory?"

Kakashi laughed at Naruto's sparkling eyes as his young mind envisioned several tales of heroism he could possibly endure in the following days. Yet he shook his head, holding up a scroll that contained mission specs, letting it fall to the ground with a thwip as the paper unfurled.

"Actually it's rather simple. You just have to go and help some villagers rebuild a few houses. They were invaded and the tiny village was damaged by some rogue ninja, so they put in a request to the Leaf Village, and you and Hinata are it."

Naruto's jaw dropped comically to the ground. He was furious, and began jumping on the spot in protest.

"What?!" he squealed, "not even one enemy?! But.. The rogue ninja could come back, right? I might get to kick some ass after all!"

"Uh... No. The chances of that are highly unlikely. These weren't ninja looking to murder and sack the village, they simply stole some supplies and fled, but they got caught in the process and some houses were damaged to create a diversion while they escaped," Kakashi explained tiredly.

"This is gonna suck..." Naruto pouted, folding his arms across his chest, before looking around the area surrounding the Konoha village gates, "where is Hinata anyway?"

As if his thoughts could make her appear out of thin air, Hinata was then seen in the distance, closing the gap between herself and the village entrance. She was running, but a nervous look was plastered on her face.

"N-Naruto... I'm... I'm sorry I'm late... I...."

"Eh, don't worry about it," Naruto flashed her a grin and a thumbs up, "let's just get going!"


The journey to the tiny fishing village that had reached out to Konoha for help was only a day long, but for Naruto it felt like forever.

Hinata barely spoke a word the whole time, instead opting to play with her fingers and avoid eye contact whenever Naruto looked at her.

He didn't understand what made her so afraid of people, as far as Naruto was concerned she was one of the nicest people in his age group. Certainly the only one that ever spoke to him out of choice.

But for now she was silent. Not one sound uttered except for the occasional gasp or grunt when she heard a noise or wasn't paying attention and almost walked into a tree.

Eventually, the journey did end, and Naruto and Hinata had reached the village the following morning, where they were greeted by one of the villagers.

"You must be the Konoha shinobi, yes?" the man asked calmly.

"Yep, that's us! I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm here to help out! Because that's what a future Hokage does, he helps his people!"

"His... People?" the man scratched the back of his head, before turning his attention to Hinata, who shied away, "and who are you, young lady?"

"O-oh..." Hinata stuttered, and Naruto groaned, "I'm.. Hi-"

"This is Hinata Hyuga, and she's here to help too!" Naruto butted in, and Hinata seemed to cower behind him.

"Okay, nice to me you. Now let me show you what we need," the man smiled warmly at the children, leading them into the tiny, riverside village.


Construction and repair took merely two days; days Naruto and Hinata spent practically together the whole time.

Hinata's lack of confidence had almost gotten her into trouble several times, but Naruto had always managed to keep her out of it.

They shared a bedroom together in a small shack, where Naruto finally got Hinata talking a little more once the night was well underway.

Tonight was their last night before they returned to Konoha to declare their mission a success.

The villagers had thrown a small banquet in their honor. Many fish were cooker over a campfire and consumed that night, mostly by Naruto, and the entire village enjoyed the miniature celebration.

As it began to die down, Naruto noticed Hinata wasn't around anymore, and after wandering a bit he found her sitting by the river bank, knees pulled up to her chest as she stared in solitude at the stars above.

Knowing all to well what it was like to feel so alone, Naruto wandered over and sat beside her on the sand bank, where he pulled his own knees in, rocking forward slightly to see her face.

"What's wrong, Hinata?"

"N-Naruto!" Hinata jumped slightly, previously unaware of her companion's company.

"Sorry," Naruto giggled, "didn't mean to scare ya'. So what's up? What're you doin' over here by yourself?"

"I guess I just don't like all the people..." Hinata replied, barely audible.

"I gotta ask.. Why are you so shy?" Naruto gave in to his curiosity, following her gaze to the sky.

It took her a moment to reply this time, and she visibly tensed.

"I'm just scared people won't like me... I'm not like Neji.. I'm not strong like him... I'm not smart like some of our peers... But people expect me to be just like Neji, the star of the Hyuga clan..."

"Forget Neji, you're great! Hinata, you're stronger than you know, trust me! And you're smarter than I'll ever be," Naruto chuckled, and to his relief he earned a smile, "anyone who meets you is bound to like you if you just act a little more confident!"

"You really think so...?"

"I know so! I like you, Hinata," Naruto gave her his signature grin, which she then returned.

"Alright, Naruto. I'll do as you say, I'll be more confident, because you believe in me!"

"That's the spirit!" Naruto threw a fist into the air.

They had a conversation about several different things after that, and they spoke long into the night, ignoring the company of the stars over their heads, because the stars in each other's eyes were enough for the young shinobi.

So much so, that the night may have ended for them both in a short, sloppy, but sweet kiss. A first kiss both would cherish for the rest of their lives, because it symbolised a belief in each other; a desire to strive for more, to forever grow until their very last days.


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