Forging of a Knight: Rise of the Slavekeepers - A Brief Note

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Hello all - Book Two of the Forging of a Knight series is now on Kindle!

At last, Forging of a Knight, Rise of the Slavekeepers is out - and just in time before Halloween! It will be available soon in paperback version at, Barnes&, and other online vendors, as well as for the NOOK and iBookstore!

Both paperback AND an epub version are currently available at

I will be posting the first five chapters here to give a little sampling of the latest adventure of Qualtan and his friends. I probably wont add more for now, out of respect to those who do buy it and dont want spoilers.

New heroes, new villains, and an ending that will hint at the biggest threat of all in Book Three of the series coming out next year!

Qualtan has become a knight at last. With Glaive, the half-orcne thief by his side, he will join a host of new friends: Jesepha, the strong-willed female knight; her mentor, the elder knight Bartholomew, who carries a strange secret; the young and hot-headed knight Euric; the glum and impatient knight Richard; and the dashing merchant lord Visandus. 

A seemingly routine mission will unravel into one of greater horror, involving inter-dimensional creatures, rival sea-faring pirate nations, and a face-to-face confrontation between Qualtan and Darksiege, one of Those That Stand in Shadow, at last! Should they somehow prevail, it will just be a precursor to an even GREATER threat!

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