Chapter 12

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The following morning, Lord Rhuun waited eagerly at the seaside docks. The warship that the knights had been transferred to would be landing any moment. He would be placed in higher favor by the Dark One when he proudly presented all the invaders to him, especially the one that caused so much ruin to his plans. Lord Haraush would be soon removed, and Lord Andas, that foppish twit, knew nothing of what had occurred. I will enjoy killing him, he thought happily, once I am given total control over all the clans. Perhaps by aiding the Dark One so, it will happen even sooner.

As the ship appeared, he quickly prepared his escort of soldiers to take possession of his prize. The captain disembarked first. His eyes were downcast and he seemed nervous, his turban in his hands.

“You’ve done good work! You shall be rewarded, indeed! Quickly, my men are ready. You may bring forth the prisoners.”

“Eh, my Lord…” The captain bowed. Immediately, Lord Rhuun’s eyes narrowed. “Yes, yes, what is it?”

The captain stammered an apology. “The spies you had ordered us to secure…they were not on the supply ship! Our ships surrounded them at the chosen rendezvous point. Your man on the supply ship informed us they left on small boats to land on the Dark One’s isle. We took charge of the ship and imprisoned the entire crew, of course. The ship will be escorted back to port shortly. I returned here immediately to personally apologize.”

“WHAAT?!” Lord Rhuun’s eyes bulged. He grabbed hold of the captain’s tunic by the throat. “What did you just say?! What did he just say?!” Lord Rhuun screeched.

“I am sorry, my lord. But there was nothing we could do!” the captain pleaded.

“You fool!” Lord Rhuun gasped, as if struck a mortal blow. Immediately his mind went to work. If the Dark One learned that he had the knights in his possession and allowed them to escape, he would be angry indeed. How to deflect blame? He would need a quick response. He could say they first arrived here, of course, but with the help of Lord Haraush, they escaped! Yes! He has their ship, its captain, and the other two spies. That will pacify the Dark One as a substitute for not having all of them.

Rhuun would feign ignorance of the knights’ attempt to breach his island, and ensure the crews on his three warships say nothing more, on pain of death. The crew of the supply ship will have to be held for the nonce. Yes, that should work, Lord Rhuun thought happily. After all, there is nowhere for the knights to go, no ship to take them back. They are trapped on the island. They were doomed from the start if that was their paltry plan to begin with. What could they possibly accomplish? Next to the Dark One they are nothing. They will be captured and destroyed, and the release of their ship and the three captives to the Dark One will still promote my usefulness.

“Good. Good! It has all turned out well, after all, my captain,” Lord Rhuun said, straightening the captain’s shirt he had so viciously pulled. “You are not to blame for any of this. Stay here. When the supply ship is brought in, I want you to imprison the captain and his crew on the charge of assisting spies against our nation!”

“But, my lord, the captain and his crew insisted they had held no such persons upon their ship! There are no proofs, except for what your man told us in secret to keep his position with them. The supply ships to the Dark One are special envoys given their royal charge directly by the clan lords such as yourself! As such, to accuse them of adverse actions is akin to accusing the clan lord who directed them as well! Even if you could prove it, the captain and his crew are of Lord Haraush’s clan. You would need his approval and consent to your charges to do anything! To do such a thing without them will cause much discontent and anger from his clan if you move forward with—”

“Don’t bother me with trifles! Your job is to do, not think! I know the rules of our clans! They will be imprisoned when they return or you will take their place instead!” Lord Rhuun said angrily. “And once your men have imprisoned them, stay about, for I will be retrieving three other parcels. They will be proof enough for the tribunal of the clan lords, and proof enough to incriminate Lord Haraush, his supply ship, and anyone else I accuse before his own people to remove them all legally. I will return shortly!”

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