4 Days until Shutdown

131 11 6

Kaylin is leaning against the glass walls of the prison she was kept in. Ever since Leo had taken her back to her room she hadn't seen N. She missed him; she hated herself for it. She missed his voice; his calling her princess dispite her protests.

"Get up," Leo's cold voice orders.

She had been so immersed in thought, she hadn't noticed him come in. She obeys quickly, he seemed more pissed than usual. She starts to strip so he doesn't have to ask her.

"Stop," he orders and she freezes. Why didn't he want her to strip?

"Get over here."

She slowly obeys. He grabs her and handcuffs her. He takes her hair and drags her out of the glass cage. She winces. It didn't hurt, but she was confused. What was going on?

He stops when they get to a large steel door. Leo glances at her before punching in the passcode. The key pad makes a beep before the door slides open. Ken and N are there, their backs to the two of them. Kaylin's mechanical heart starts to beat faster upon seeing N. His lab coat was off, he was wearing a black t-shirt. His muscles were visible through the material. Leo clears his throat, both turn around.

Ken claps his hands once while N simply stares. Leo releases her and shoves her to Ken while going over to N and pulling him away. Kaylin turns to Ken, a scowl forming on her face.

"Come now, don't be that way," he tells her cheerfully, "Did Taekwoon tell you why I had you brought here?"

"Leo didn't say anything," she answers coldly.

"Leo?" Ken asks confused, then smiles, "Ah yes, Haekyeon told me you gave them nicknames. Do you have one for me?"


"Why Ken?" He laughs, "It's so random."

"A bully in the school I went to was named Ken. You remind me of him."

"So I'm a bully to you?" He asks.

"Yes and no. You remind me of him because you both are cocky."

His eyes darken for a brief second before going back to normal. 

"Well, that's a good thing because being cocky means I'm confident I can do anything. After all, I helped make you and Subject 1."

"Subject... 1?" She asks, she now being the one confused.

"You might know him as Hongbin."

Kaylin's eyes widen.

"Hongbin?!" She asks excitedly, Ken nods.

"You and him will be working together to help us complete the others."

"Others?" She asks, then shakes her head, remembering the other bodies, "How are we supposed to help? I don't know anything sciency."

"You're wired with artificial intelligence, you'll know what to do," he tells her, unlocking her wrists. He leads her to a small door where she assumed Hongbin was. He opens it and her suspicions are confirmed when a tall, handsome boy walks out. He bows to her, she can see fear in his eyes.

"What will happen if we don't?" She asks.

Ken raises an eyebrow, "Don't what?"


"You," he points a finger at her, "Will be deactivated."


"You will be deactivated."

The words reach Haekyeon from across the room and his hands stop in the middle of their work. He knew Jaehwan was very serious about completing the experiment successfully, but he didn't think he would go that far. He would deactivate Kaylin if she failed? Jaehwan was very good at making good on his promises, in this case, a threat.

Taekwoon snaps his fingers in front of Haekyeon's face, bringing him back to reality. Taekwoon let's out a small huff and continues what he was doing.

"Subject 1, you will be working on Subject 2 with Dr. Jung," Jaehwan says. Haekyeon freezes again. That edict could only mean...

"Kaylin, you will be working with Dr. Cha and I on Subject 3."

Haekyeon mentally rejoices, then feels the euphoria go fown. He'd have to share her with Jaehwan. Dammit.

He can hear her and Jaehwan walking over to the table. She comes into his line of sight and he nearly sighs in relief. She looked fine, miserable, but fine.

He can hear Jaehwan start telling her what to do, then he hears her tell him to shut up. Haekyeon looks up in amazement. She is gathering tools from the side table.

"How long has he been dead?"

"About a year."

"How long after he died did you receive the corpse?"

"Thirteen hours, but..."

"Dead tissue in his brain needs to be rewired to it starts functioning again. We'll start with that after the body is fully defrosted."

Haekyeon stares.

"How did you know..." Jaehwan starts, she cuts him off.

"I can feel it. Anyway, he will need half a mechanical heart where the blood would normally be pumped. We can keep his emotions if you want, but I doubt we could revive the memories he had. A possible solution is to carve out his memory bank, replace it, then use the computer to scan the memories onto a data card."

She starts to work, her hands flying as she does. Haekyeon glances over at Leo and sees Hongbin working quuckly. Not as fast as Kaylin, but quickly.

Kaylin starts giving orders to Jaehwan, who smiles in delight. His plan was going better than expected.

Haekyeon watches her work in facination, searching every aspect of her. She when she worked, she had cute little pouty lips and her forehead got wrinkles. If she messed up, she'd mutter a curse under her breath before correcting it. If she did something well, a smile played around her lips before disappearing.

Something clatters on the other side of the room, everyone, including him, whirls. Subject 2, Kim Wonshik was moving his arm around. Kaylin stares for a few moments then goes back to work.

"Haekyeon, stay here and watch her while I go check this out," Jaehwan orders before walking away.

He turns back to Kaylin and nearly gasps. Normally, it would've taken hours to wire up Subject 3's body safely and rig it with machinery. She had done it in minutes. He watches as she turns on the support machine and watching hopefully. At fist nothing happens, and he feels her disappointment. She reaches to turn it off, but Haekyeon catches her wrist before she does.

Subject 3's fingers were moving.

Authors note
Okay thank you bye!

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