1 Day until Shutdown

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"Are you okay Ki-ki?"

Kaylin glances at Hyuk. He was sitting next to her on the dirty floor of the cabin they had found buried deep in the woods. It had taken hours to find for them, but it would take days, maybe weeks, for normal people to find it.

"Yeah, I'm fine..."

"You're lying," Hyuk scolds, "What's wrong?"

Kaylin stares. He was the youngest of all of them at sixteen when he died, but sometimes it seemed like he was the oldest.

"I'm worried about N."

That simple sentence shattered her heart. It had only been a few hours since he had told her to run and not to worry about him. But, before Leo had kidnapped her, she had learned what happened to terrorists in the new society; they were executed by strangulation. A painful and terrifying death. Trials for such were held immediately after the accusation.

"Hongbin and Wonshik will be back soon with news on what the Council said," Hyuk assures, "Without clear evidence, they don't know you existed and eye-witness accounts are not considered reliable. All of them should be fine."

"But if they're not--"

"We're computers, remember? If they're not, we'll figure out a plan to rescue them," Hyuk cuts her off.

The front door slams and in seconds, Hongbin and Wonshik come into view. Both of them look fine, even though they went out as soon as she and Hyuk were settled in the rundown cabin.

"Do you want the good news or the bad news?" Hongbin asks.


"The good news is we made it out unseen," Wonshik says, which basically tells them the results.

"They were found guilty?" Hyuk's voice rings through her head.


"Then let's get going!" Kaylin gets up hurriedly.

"Kaylin, there's more..." Wonshik continues.

"What?" She asks in a whisper.

"The execution..." Wonshik looks to Hongbin for help.

"WHAT!!" She screams, about to lung for him. Hongbin grabs her hair and pulls her back.

"It took place at the Council House."

Kaylin begins to tremble, her voice gone. N was dead, they were all dead. She falls to the ground and rocks back and forth.

"We also weren't done with the good news," Wonshik's voice is empty.

"What is the rest of the good news?"

Kaylin can't hear them.

10 DAYS (Vixx Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now