Chapter 1: Therapy

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"I can remember the first time I ever opened my eyes as an infant, but I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning. Living with short term memory loss is hard, but I try to fight through it. I have a recorder always hooked onto my belt, I don't go or do anything without it. Some people I don't tell about it, some people already know, and others I told. Having this life style, it makes me want to rip my hair out and cry until I can't anymore. I wish this would stop, I know I can't do anything for it and that makes me want to scream. I think of all the other people that are going through this and I want to help, but I don't know how. I think talking about it helps, but I'm not sure. I sometimes prey to god that one day I'll wake up, and it would've all been a dream. Sometimes, I think he tries to humor me by giving me dreams of that happening. One time, I forgot who my brother was. That killed me when my Mom told me that had happened. Huh, she said this would help, It's been two months of me coming here, and I still feel these things, some other problems went I hope these will." A timer went off as soon as I stopped talking. "That was very good Freya. I'm glad we got more into how you're feeling. I will see you next week." Dr. Melissa -my therapist- said to me. I stood, put my hoodie on, waved, and left the room. I walked down the cream colored hallways, doors were shut and others open. I knew some of the other therapists were looking at me, staring. Word gets around when there is a 15 year old girl with short term memory loss. I walked into the waiting room and seeked for my Mom. She was sitting on one of those small, blue waiting room chairs reading a magazine that she had gotten off the glass coffee table. "Mom." I said aloud. She looked up at me, put the magazine on the table, put her light purple purse on her shoulder, stood, and walked out with me. "How was your meet today? Get to talk about anything new?" Mom asked, her round pregnant stomach made her shirt stick up a bit. "Same old, same old. How is...uhm..." I dug in my pocket and pulled out a yellow sticky note that said 'Baby Sisters Name: Aqua' "Aqua! How is Aqua doing?" I continued my question. "She's doing good, healthy as ever." Mom said unlocking the car and getting in the drivers side. I got in the passengers seat and rolled the window down. "What do you want for dinner hon?" Mom asked me. "Uhm...Chilli con carne" I answered. The one thing that I could never foget is chilli con carne. A Texas classic. My grandma makes it a lot. "Heh, maybe I can call grandma and see if she could make it and we could all go down to her place tonight." Mom suggested. "Huh! MOM! PLEASE! I NEED THAT CHILLI IN MY STOMACH!" I shouted excitedly. "Ok, ok, I'll call her when we get home." She said. I did a litttle dance in the car seat and smiled. "Now I'm starving." I said staring out the car window.

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