Chapter 3: Locker Oh Locker, Where Is Thy Locker?

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Nyx Grammatico. The drama (acting) hoe in my little friend group. "Come on Amara, please!?" Nyx begged. "It's my most delicate, handmade dress ever! Why would I give the drama club my Juliet dress when it's probably gonna get ruined!" Amara replied with great annoyance. Nyx had been asking Amara to use her handmade Juliet dress for the play Romeo and Juliet ever since Nyx saw Amara on the bus. Ciel Dagnan, the gay hoe in the group, was standing besides Nyx with his head against his locker. "Why did I ask so soon? What if he thinks I'm gross!?" Ciel whimpered. Lyle Cabella, the chill hottie hoe of the group, was standing behind Ciel "Dude, calm down. All he said was he needs to think." Lyle comforted Ciel. I stood right besides Amara listening to all their conversations. Soon enough, I glanced at the clock and realised I hadn't gotten any of my books. I began to go into a panic and ran down the hall into the next section of lockers, the bad things was...I forgot which one was mine. I searched for what seemed like forever, but was only a mintue. In the short minute, being the clutz I am, I ran into a guy carrying his books and made them fall all over the floor! I quickly began picking up his books and put them in a pile. "I'm so sorry, I'm in a hurry because I didn't get my books yet and I can't remember which locker is mine..." I looked up at him, the front portion of his hair was slicked into a point and he had a shirt with a Nirvana face on it. I was mesmerized by the grey with a tint of green eyes that stared so intently into mine. "Uhm...yeah. S-sorry." I mumbled pushing the hair in my face behind my ear. "It's fine." He picked up his books and stood "Well...I think I know where your locker is. I've seen you by it before. 110 I think." He pointed to locker 110 then I looked at him, dazed by his revelations. I was lost, heart beating fast, a silence between us. I nodded and walked to locker 110 and put my code in. He was correct, locker 110 was mine. I got my books out, closed my locker, and looked at him. He stared, not at me, at my binder. I had a collage of Fall Out Boy, Melanie Martinez, Nirvana, Three Days Grace, Paramore, Fairy Tail, and Sword Art Online glued onto it. "I like your binder." He said then looking on the ground awkwardly. "Thanks." I mumbled. "Well...see ya." He mumbled back, walking away. The bell rang right after he left and my group came over. "What was that all about?" Amara asked. "Why were you talking to Grant Kingsley?" Nyx asked. "He's kinda cu-" Ciel was cut off by Lyle "Don't even think about it."

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