Hunter exam phase 2

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Kitty's POV
When we got there they had a giant gate oh well then I saw Leo being carried by hisoka but he was all brusied up any way when I heard killua say gon I looked were his voice was then I saw gon anhis I isd kurapika .

Killua= hey I thought you were done for gon.

Me= I don't really get why you would be thinking that though I don't really care.

Kill= oh gon I almost forgot to tell you me and Kitty made a deal that you would help her to smile and get her eyes and hair gold oh and kurapika will help her to be sad and lireo will help make her mad.

Leo= oi its leorio and sure I don't mind.

Kura= I don't mind either but what would you do.

Kill= that's simple I will make her blush or make her fall for me:3.

Kura= o-oh Kay, but did you do it already are what?

Kill= actually I made her hair and eyes turn scarlet but no blush and before you say any thing she is not a kurta also her eyes and hair show how she feels but she can't share it so we are not only have her show her emotions with her hair and eyes but to show it like when she is sad she will have tears okay that kind of thing.


That's what we heard and the door open then all applicants went into the gate then before us showed a women and a bigger men behind her guess these are the next examiner's then she said "my name is manchi and your next phase will be cooking!!!" Then all the applicant's said that they are here for the hunter exam then they just made fun of them and blah blah blah so I heard we were suppose to catch a boar so I found one and killed it and I was t he first one there so I took my time and do what a roster pig should be like and mine was different then the rest then it was my turn I gave them my dish and buhra said it was a pass but menchi ate and said I also pass so I was the one who ended up being the only one.
--------- time skip-----------------------------
Some how the others ended up with a retry I couldn't do it because I already passed any way we ate then we headed of to the ship.

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