The hunter exam phase 4 part 2

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Killua POV
The examiner was getting the people that got to the bottom first like hisoka and that creepy pin dude *huff* I wonder what kitty will tell me but she seem scared like she knows something will happen oh well at least she trust me.
~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Well its my turn.

Me:see you guys at the end of phase 4.

Kitty: you too.

Gon:bye bye see you as well.

Kill POV

Okay let's see here in this bush will be perfect I can hide and I can wait for kitty.

Kitty POV

I know Killua is here somewhere I can smell him here.

Killua POV

'Someone's looking for me but I dont know if its an enemy or an alley.' Someone's voice: killua are you here!?

'I know that voice'

Me:I'm right here.

*pops up*

Kitty POV
Me:killua! Man you scared me. Don't do that again! *hits his head*

Killua: itai! Alright alright so what do you want.

Me:I will tell you later someone's following you.

Killua: I know but he won't come out.

Killua POV
Come on let's just leave see if he follows kitty said.

Me:okay fine let's just go.
I still sense him following me and I don't like it.
......... That's it I can't take it anymore it's annoying.*stops walking*
Me:come on out I know your there.
*muttering*tch so annoying.

Kitty:Killua? *stops walking as well* what's wrong.

Me: he won't stop following.

~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~
(I actually think it was annoying as well when they followed killua.)

Kitty POV

Me:since this is a good place to talk let's start.

Kill:alright then, what do you want to talk about.

Me:okay how my destiny is to die well you guys can change my fate.

Kill:wait really then tell me already don't keep me waiting.

Me:well you see all you and the gang have to do is kill my family.

Kill:oh okay ........huh!!! So wait wait wait hold on are you asking us to kill your family isn't that impossible?

Me: well actually no my family is week they can only kill by long range and not hand to hand combat I am the only one that can do that. So all you have to do is kill them easy right?

Kill:yeah I guess your right. Ant way so right after the hunter exam I have to tell them everything, and save you right?

Me:yeah that's right. But first I am going to tell you were I live so you can find me. My house is on top of a mountain called redrum mountain got it, also its at the very top.

Kill:okay got it anything else.

Me:yeah in my family there's only mom dad big sis and my little sis that's my entire family and you guys have to do is kill them oh and don't worry if you can't find me because I know you guys can do it plus I can enter your mind and tell you which way to go when your at my house also don't worry about gon just tell him that my family doesn't care about me and they abuse me and use me like a tool that way he won't be sad that he kill my family, okay?

Kill:okay. Any way let's sleep I will take watch and you can sleep.
Me:thanks, good night.
Time skip-----°-°------

3rd POV
The examiner called and said 4th phase is over and come back to the start. When killua and kitty got there they couldn't see Gon, leorio or kurapika and they didn't pass until they heard gons voice "wait!!".

Killua's POV
I was starting to think Gon won't make it that is until I heard his voice " wait!!" Gon! When I turn around gon and the others were there running to us I was so glad they made it but the next phase is when something bad will happen to kitty I hope it isn't to serious.

~~~£~£~~~~~author note~~~~~
Sorry I was looking for inspiration so what will you think will happen to kitty in the last phase and don't forget to comment.•~•.

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