1. Wake up

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Jimin's P.O.V.

Dreams... They were everywhere around me. I'd like to daydream. Just fly away to an another world.
But coming back to the real world is really disappointing. The real world is so cold and boring.

"Jiminie! Class is about to start." Taehyung waved his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah yeah..." I mumbled.

School was like a jail. I was forced to be there and it was so boring. I just wasted time.
I wish I could be a bird. So I could fly away in freedom. Do whatever I want.

"So what are we gonna talk about today?" I asked Jungkook who sat a bench away from me.


"Are you kidding me..." I sighed.

I sank down into a potato. I almost became one with my bench. I am a bench...
What is it like to be something that can't move? Like a tree. Wonder how that be like...

Slowly I started to fall asleep. If sleep was a subject, my grades would've improved a lot.

"Hey! It's time to eat lunch." Someone was shaking my shoulder.

"What? Who are you?" The person who shook me was someone I didn't recognise. Was he a newbie?

"Name's Suga. Let's go and eat."

"And I was dreaming away so peacefully..." I rubbed my eyes.

"What's your name sleepy head?"


"I think it was a good idea that I woke you up Jimin. Or you would've been hungry for the rest of the day."

The stranger, or Suga now. Took my hand and dragged my trough the corridors. To the cafeteria.

"Slow down! Who are you?"

"Didn't I already tell you? I'm Suga."

"Are you new here or what?"

"Does it matter?"

"Not that much. But why did you wake me up?"

"Your bench friend leaved you for his other friends. And I thought 'poor guy. He won't be able to eat lunch because his friend is such a betrayer.'
I couldn't let you be there alone in the whole classroom. I just had to do something."

"Sweet of you."

"I'm not sweet!"

I giggled. Yeah sure.

"You don't have sugar in your coffe?" I asked surprised.

"Nope. Sugar free."

"What? But your name is Su-
Never mind."

"Hey, name is Suga but I'd like to have my coffe sugar free."

"You're funny." I smiled

"And you my dear friend... Got no jams."


"But maybe one day you'll find them jams." He winked.

The bell rang. The day was finally over. Such a relief!

"It's over! What a short day." I stretched.

"Whatever. Let's go home. Where do you live?"

"My house is just a few block away. There!" I pointed at the suns direction.

"Do you live on the sun? Where's your rocket?"

"No! I live at the suns direction. Ugh... Never mind. Where do you live?"

"I was just joking. My house is also at that direction."

That walk home was not like usual. Having him beside me on my way home was... Different.
I had a feeling about him. But I couldn't point out what.

"So... What do you like to do on your free time?" I asked Suga.

"Eh... I don't know. I like to create music and write rap. Maybe I'll be a rapper."

"That's cool! Any hobbies?"


"Oh my god! Same!"

"Favourite sport?"

"Hmm... I like every kind of sport. But I'd like to try arching."

"Mom wanted me to try some sport. To lazy to do it though."

"Maybe we can go and try arching together?"

"I don't know mate..."

"Come on! It'll be fun!"

"I'll think about it. See you tomorrow." Suga went into his house.

"I live just right there!" I pointed at my house

"Cool. On the other side of the street. When does school start tomorrow?"

"9:00 AM."

"Maybe we can meet up at that street lamp tomorrow at 8:40 AM? Sounds good?"

"Sure. I'll see you Suga!"

He waved with a little smile on his face. Oh my god, he's actually really cute.
Geez! I just meet him!

Who was he?
I'm pretty sure that he won't leave my mind for a couple of weeks.

Whatever I tried to do. He always came back. I was so curious. Why did he had to wake me up? Why did he bother?
And he was so mysterious..

I got to know


Omg! First chapter!
I'm so exited for this story! Wooo! My first YoonMin fic. This will be interesting. I'm kinda nervous too though.

I hope you liked this and will continue reading!

- Ari 15.05.16

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