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I yawned and stretched before remembering the text from Aiden and began to smile. I then remember that Aiden is in New York and decide to call him. The phone rang and rang until he picked it up. "Hello." We both said in unison. "Awww. Aiden what are you up to? I miss you so much, babes." I said. His voice sounded so deep. (Ooh la la.) "I'm good thanks. What about you? Am just sorting out some of my shirts and stuff. You know, unpacking and stuff." His voice always ignited my love for him. His smile and everything about him also ignited my love for him. I wanted to fly to him and love him passionately but I was desperate and had to stay here in San Francisco. "Oh my God! I'm getting late for work. I better get going. Bye babes."
"Bye, Lou." His voice still tingles in my mind and I want to break free and embrace him and love him as much as I can. And even more. I quickly showered and slipped on my peach blouse with a black bow and black skinny jeans and styled my hair into a waterfall braid before brushing on some clear lip gloss for a finishing touch. I looked in the mirror and sighed wishing for Aiden to be here to compliment me. "You look fine." I thought to myself. I glanced at the clock on the wall and began to grab my essentials and run out of the front door. I unlocked my Fiat and sped off into the direction of Blueberry Bakery. The local café that EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE in the neighborhood came to.
The atmosphere of the café was full of warmth and comfort. And the chocolaty scent made me close my eyes and dream about mine and Aiden's last visit to the café together. "Hey, sweets! You took your time." It was my bestie Kameron. He was so lovely and adorable. I remember the slumber party that he threw when he came out to his parents. His parents are lovely. Kameron has always been there for me and I will always appreciate it no matter what. Today he's wearing a black and white striped sweater with yellow skinny jeans and he is rocking his yellow shooting star specs. I don't know how he rocks such a unique look. He looks amazingly weird. "So how's the bae? I heard he shifted to the city of dreams for a while." He questions. I reply sadly, "He's good. But I miss him so much. Why did he leave me alone?" Right now, Kam is giving me an 'Excuse me, what about me?' look. "I'm sorry , I'm just so sad." He hugs me tight and I can smell hints of his ginseng aftershave. His hugs are full of warmth and comfort. I looked up and smiled at him because I knew even if Aiden isn't here Kam will ALWAYS be there for me no matter what.

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