Chapter 8

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Saber: hello and let's play truth or dare!
All: *groans and whimpering*
Springtrap: come on! This is a stupid game! Why would everyone play this?!
Violet: i think this is a game for idiots...
Freddy: agreed...
Saber: fine then, I have my fnaf ships in this paper, so whoever or 1 disagree's to play truth or dare, I have no choice I'll drown you in the ballpit or play pockey. My game, my rule! *smiles evily*
Marionne: she's scary...
Richard: ikr?
Saber: i have 5 in here my friends send me in Fb so:

-Foxy since your my favorite Animatronic, I dare you to kiss Mangle then smack cam Freddy in the face.-

Foxy: do I really do this?
Saber: unless you want to go to the ballpit of doom.
Foxy: *kissed Mangle in the lips then smack cam Freddy once again*
Freddy: seriously, why is it always me?
Saber: because your the bossy one around here and you have no mercy when you suffocate Shabon. Why would they call you king, murderer!
Shabon: *nods in agreement*
Saber: ok! On the the next one!

-Willow, do a 360 no scope!*

Willow: sorry pal, my backbone is broken...
Saber: I know how you feel, on to the next question!
Willow: (yes, nailed it!)
Chica and Toychica: (is that even an excuse?)

-Goldie! Is it true that salt can trapped you?-

Bonnie: only way to find out!
*toyfreddy puts salt around Goldie. And he approves*

-hey cupcake are you a girl or a boy?-

Cupcake: hmmm........ A *bleeep*
Springtrap: what?
Saber: ok let's try this again, are you a boy or a girl?
Cupcake: *BLEEEEEPP*
Foxy: what did he say?
Chica: *bleeep* said *bleep* a *bleep*
Saber: i think auto cucumber did it...
Goldie: well, let's go to the next question then.

-Hey puppet, can you tell us what happened in the "incident"?-

Marionette: do I really think I'm going to tell you that? After what he had done to the children? Tch, not on my watch.

-I have a better 1! Summon the ghost children, then let summon the purple guy-

Marionette: sure, I want to summon the children, but I don't prefer the second one.
Shabon: plus, Springy can't even control Vincy just yet.
Shafreddy: uhhhh it's Vincent.
Shabon: yeah yeah what ever.
Marionette: ok, I need Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, foxy and Goldie. Please stand on the center.
*they stood on the center and Marionette does some crazy languages*
Mari: rof eht rewop detsev otnu em, esiar eht daed ot eth gnivil, otnu eseht ohw doots otni em......
*a bright light was coming towards the animatronics*

To be continued

A/N sorry guys short story, I'm kinda rushing. So how did I do

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