Chapter 13 : Still Best Friends...?

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I opened the door, not only to see the girls, but Shawn.

I love him way to much, I have to forgive him.

"Shawn!" I screamed, trying to hide my happiness,"We need to talk."

I had to.

I pulled his arm, signaling the girls to go to Ally's room or something.

I pulled Shawn into the room, locking the door, and hugging him tight. Tears were in my eyes, slowly dripping down my face.

He was surprised, I could tell. "Mila..?" he asked.


"I can't believe Laur did that to you." Shawn said, wiping the tears on my face with the pad of his thumb,"We're not going to prom anymore. She isn't my friend anymore anyways."

Before Shawn could continue, Camila whispered,"I'm sorry."

Her head was still buried into his chest.

"Nah, it's okay. Lauren wasn't-"

"No, I'm sorry what I did to you. I didn't mean it. Your my-" Camila sobbed into his chest.

She quickly said in one breath,"Shawn, your my best friend and I don't wanna lose you."

"Camila, I don't wanna lose you either." he told her, honestly.

Shawn loosened from the hug as something came to his mind,"Camila... I need to show you something."

His hands slid down her arms to her hands.

"What is it?" she asked, sniffling.

"A surprise." said Shawn, with a smile on his face.


Camila closed her eyes, being guided of where to go with Shawn's hands on her waist.

"Step, and step, and step," Shawn guided her.

"How much longer is this gonna take?" Camila asked.

"Actually, we are right here." he told her.

She could imagine the wide grin on his face.

"Open your eyes," he told her, as she did so.

She was guided to a rooftop, with a few blankets on it and a small light.

He placed something around her neck: the moon and sun necklace they had as kids.

She clutched it immediately.

"Shawn this is," she looked at him, as he was turned in the other direction.

The next thing he realized was two small arms around his body. 


Shawn and Camila spent their whole night up there, and where currently laying down, looking at the stars.

"Look!" Camila pointed,"This moon reminds me of the one we saw as kids. The most beautiful thing I have seen."

"I wouldn't say the most beautiful thing I have seen." Shawn said.

Shawn turned to face Camila. She turned as well. Shawn tucked a tuft of her hair behind her ear.

Camila realized it all. It all made sense now. Shawn was in love with her. Ever since they were little. She was the girl he had loved.

Shawn didn't have to lean in. They were that close, and in fact they were so alike they did it at the same exact moment. He stared into those beautiful brown eyes of hers and she stared at the boy's brown orbs.

They closed their eyes, their lips brushed together. Fireworks exploded in their bodies. It was like they were the only ones who existed on the whole planet. 

Shawn held her face, gently and continued to kiss her, and Camila did the same, as she wrapped her leg around his legs. Shawn and Camila both let out five words they have been meaning to say to each other for a long time. They just didn't know how to show it, or express these feelings. The words were, simple:

"I love you."

The people who are meant to be in your life will always gravitate back towards you, no matter how far they wander.


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