Chapter 17 : Can't Stand Him

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"What, why?"

"Why? Maybe I still love him but this doesn't seem right." Camila whispered back to him.

Shawn knew for a long time exactly what was going on with Jacob... He was cheating. He kept it as a secret to Camila. He didn't wanna hurt her.

"I got it!" Jacob shouted.

He opened the door and looked at Camila.


"Okay, look Jacob," Shawn bursted out in an angry tone,"I know your deal here. I know what you did to hurt Camila."

"What?" he asked, not realizing Bea was back there.

"Yeah, that's right." Bea stepped up,"This was all a set up. Camila is one of my dearest friends. I would never let someone cheat."

Camila burst into tears and Jacob hugged her,"I'm so sorry Camz... I still love you."

Shawn's hands crunched together and his eyebrows scrunched up.

"Okay, that's it!" Shawn yelled and pinned Jacob against the wall.

"Shawn!" Camila yelled. She was always against violence,"What the hell is your problem?"

"Yeah, bro." Jacob said, trying to shove my hands off.

"What's my problem?" Shawn asked, angry, but upset, tears flowing down his cheeks,"My problem? My problem is that I friggin like you Camila! A lot! You make me happy, you make me laugh, you make me feel things that I've never felt before! Your crazy, and different! My problem is that I just can't stand seeing you with someone else! That's my problem, Camila!"

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