Chapter 1. The Beautiful Cousin Conjecture

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hello and welcome to my new teen wolf / stiles stilinski fan fiction! this story idea actually came to me in the shower the other day and i was like 'holy crap i can so write a book about this' so that's what i'm currently doing...

this chapter is dedicted to the lovely Amanda, aka @occlumency , she is so awesome it's unreal. she was my first ever real friend on wattpad, she loves teen wolf just as much if not more than i do, she makes me covers, and she writes wonderful stories that hit me right in the feels every single chapter!

okay, now on to the chapter....

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Smile Kennedy, you're beautiful.

I couldn't help but shake my head sadly at the inspirational message that has been written on my mirror in black eyeliner since the seventh grade. I believe I saw somewhere online that reinforcing positive feedback about yourself helps you really feel that way, it hasn't really worked for me though. I'm not saying I'm depressed or anything, but reading the stupid message doesn't really change my mood at all.

With a sigh, I grabbed my bag and headed out of my bedroom-- making sure that the light was off and the door was shut, and then made my way down the stairs. When I rounded the corner of the den into the the kitchen, I found my mom sipping coffee and sifting through some paperwork. She must've heard my heels clicking on the old linoleum floor because her head snapped up, her brown eyes widening in surprise. "Oh, Kennedy... I forgot you had school today, I'm usually up this early on my own." She chuckled to herself as she put her attention back to the paper before her.

I nodded to myself, "Yeah mom... it's my first day, not like it's important or anything." I muttered as I grabbed a granola bar and shot my mom an annoyed look before walking out of the house. She has been like this, constantly working, since my dad committed suicide eight years ago. I had been the one to find him that night, he had shot himself in the head in the living room of our house, well-- a month later my mom moved here to Beacon Hills so we were closer to my dad's cousins, whom my mom was close to. That's why I live about five minutes away from my dear cousin, Lydia Martin, who I have been hanging out with since my move here.

To be honest I don't know if people know that my dad killed himself and that I had been the one to find him, I mean I assume they do-- apparently this town is a bit of a gossiping one. I don't really care if people know, it doesn't really change anything. Anyway, as I climbed into my car and pulled out of the driveway I realized that I didn't text Lydia this morning like she had asked me to. She wanted a play by play of my outfit, so we wouldn't clash. I doubt we would though, we dress a bit differently.

By the time I pulled into the crowded parking lot, I wanted to turn back around and go home. I had really enjoyed my summer, when I wasn't with Lydia and Jackson-- I was reading and watching a lot of old 80's movies that were better than life itself. Needless to say, sixty percent of my summer was spent in a pair of sweats with my hair pulled up while I was curled up in my bed with my laptop.

With a sigh, I grabbed my bag and slid out of my car and made my way across the parking lot-- I didn't get five feet from my car before Lydia had spotted me, "KENNEDY!"

I turned around and when she saw me she was grinning, her posy of girls whose name's I didn't bother to remember were trailing behind her. I smiled and waited patiently for her to catch up to where I was standing, "Move those little short legs!" I called with a laugh as she rolled her eyes at me.

"You look so cute, I love your outfit. I will so be borrowing those shoes!" She stated as she linked her arm through mine and started to pull me down the sidewalk. The thing with Lydia is, she does whatever she wants. Sometimes it can be a bit much, but this girl has been there with me through the worst times of my life, and I love her to death for it. I've learned that even though she has absolutely no filter and will say just about anything without even thinking of how it will affect the other person, she is extremely loyal and protective over what is hers. I think that's part of the reason why she was so adamant on taking me under her wing when I moved here, that way I would always have someone to talk to.

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