Chapter Seventeen

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I woke up the next morning with a slight headache, and feeling nervous to see how Grayson would behave around me now that I had truly let him in.

"Good morning, sunshine" He said, noticing that I was awake almost immediately, "What's on the agenda for today?"

"Let's just grab coffee and breakfast and walk around for a while" I suggested lightly, "We can sightsee a bit and then see my mom"

The weather was beautiful, sunny and not very cold for November. I threw on a pair of ripped jeans and a cream colored sweater, grabbed my sunglasses, and we walked out the door. 

We grabbed coffee and croissants and walked down towards the Eiffel tower again. We stopped, just staring up at it.

"So I didn't know you could dance" I grinned at him.

"Well, I don't dance with just anybody, Princess" Grayson answered, looking at me so intensely that I actually sort of blushed.

Luckily, my phone rang right then before Grayson could make fun of me.

"Hi mom" I answered.

"Happy Thanksgiving sweetie!" She trilled, but I knew what was coming before she said it. I could hear it in her voice by now that she was about to disappoint me.

"You can't have Thanksgiving dinner" I stated flatly.

"Sweetie, try to understand-" She started, but I hung up on her.

I stared up at the Eiffel tower wordlessly, feeling the anger bubble up inside of me. Grayson looked at me, concerned and not sure what to do.

"Are you okay, Princess?" He asked gently.

"I can't believe her! She flew us across the fricking world and now she's too busy to have dinner?" I exploded, "She's so selfish! I hate her!"

Grayson put his arm around me and rubbed my back comfortingly. I lead him away from the Eiffel tower and started walking towards some other tourist sights, trying my best to stay calm and not have another outburst. Then I thought about the fact that I basically forced Grayson to come with me to see my mom, and she had canceled on us.

"I'm sorry for dragging you here with me" I sighed, "We can leave early if you want"

"Princess, we're in Paris" He laughed, "I think we can entertain ourselves for a couple days.

And entertain ourselves we did. I tried my best to ignore every single one of my mom's phone calls for the rest of the weekend, and we did tourist things, ate a ton of good food, and went out to bars every night. The weekend flew by with me showing him all of the great things I had learned and loved about Paris the many times I had visited my mom here.

Saturday morning, I actually answered my mom's phone call, and she begged me to bring Grayson by her work so that we could see her for a little bit. When I was younger, I wasn't allowed backstage the day of a big runway show like the one she was working on, so I agreed reluctantly thinking that we could leave if she was being weird.

"Serena" She said, draping her arms around me dramatically, "I'm so glad you guys made it."

She was careful to smile at Grayson, who greeted her politely. She insisted on showing us around, but would bark orders at random people every minute or so, greatly interrupting our tour.

"This is Gianna" She said, introducing us to one of the models, "She's brilliant, she's only your age and she's the star of this show"

Gianna waved at me and Grayson, while my mom inspected the outfit that she was trying on. The look on her face told me she was closing in on a mental breakdown about it, and I was right.

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