Chapter 15

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This chapter is dedicated to: @Michelesawyers

He pulls my shirt over my head and lifts me from my thighs into his room. He drops me into his bed and he looks over me.

" you understand, si bonita " he whispers in my ear.

" mmmm" I moan against his lips.

" from now on you sleep on my bed" he whispers harshly biting my earlobe.

After that I don't even remember, but I knew what he said to me, he meant it, he won't be letting me sleep anywhere else from now on.


" si necesito que este todo listo para mañana que llegue en la mañana. A segura te conda llege que estén los papeles listos y tenga todas las contractos listos"

As I walked pass the hallway and into the kitchen I heard Jonah speaking fast in the Door next to the kitchen. I knew it wasn't English but it Spanish.

How I know, well I took a year of Spanish but never continued with it but I understand some words.

I went to the kitchen to make myself a Nutella sandwich, as Jonah walked out of the office hanging up with whoever he was on the phone with.

He sees me pass by and sits on one of the stools and just looks at me make my sandwich. I don't look up as I speak to him.

" if don't know you spoke Spanish"

" well, I almost never mention it, mostly at work with my assistant and my best friend who works along side me" he says casually.

" is this assistant a girl" I ask

" why" he says looking at me curiously.

" no reason just making conversation" I say as I shrug my shoulder Ana doc tune to finish my sandwich.

" are you jealous, querida " he says sweetly.

" What! No I was just asking" I say fast looking up at him for once.

" no need to hide your jealousy, but no it's no a woman and my assistant is a guy if you were wondering" he says looking at me trying not to laugh.

" I wasn't going to ask about your assistant but ok " I say as I take a bite of my sandwich.

" me vas a dar un mordida" i hear him say in Spanish.

" w-what did you say" I ask.

" I said if you were going to give me a bite of your sandwich" he says sweetly.

I hand him my sandwich Nutella and he takes a big bite. And I watch him chew it and swallow the food. As I continue to finish my piece of food.

" what were you talking on the phone about"

" work some to have the papers I need for tomorrow ready and also the contracts "

" what are the contracts for"

" I have a meeting with three buyers, I'm gonna buy some offices in Chicago and they need contracts of course" he explains to me while getting up and walking toward me.

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