chapter 7 part 1

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The venue was really cool, and there was a LOT of people waiting around for All Time Low. As we stood in the long line, my phone rang, and I answered it seeing Matt's name. "Hey, I see you. We're to your left. Come backstage. The guys want you here."  He said mysteriously. I hung up turning to Ross. "Matt just sounded really creepy and suspicious, but he said he wants us backstage so let's go."  The five fans in front of and behind us gasped dramatically, whispering things that sounded like, "oh my gosh, they know them."  I grabbed Ross' hand and dragged him to the left of us, looking for anyone from the band.  Matt came out of nowhere, hugging me. "I heard it was your birthday so happy birthday!" He told me quietly, probably scared of me being tackled, as I was too. He pulled me around the corner, and we passed a few cars before going through a couple doorways, and ending up in a back room, where the band was waiting. "Hey Jane!" They all yelled, seeing me walk in the room. "Hi guys, did you have fun at your party last night?" I greeted.  "Yeah dude, I was wasted so I don't remember much but I know I had alot of fun." Alex told me. I laughed, "So do you remember who this is... anyone?" I asked, pointing to Ross.  Zack raised his hand. "Besides you Zack, you have an unfair advantage over them, you weren't shitfaced." I said before Zack could speak. "Okay, I'll start the introductions again, guys this is my best friend Ross. He just got offered the same experiment deal thing at the studio." I said happily. "Wait, I was convinced you were dating.... Jane, what did you do?" Alex asked, turning to me suspiciously. i laughed nervously. "Uh, you're very.... handsy when you're drunk and I told you he was my boyfriend last night so you'd stop feeling me up and trying to get me in bed." I told the singer. "Oh shit, I'm sorry Janie... And Ross, it's nice to meet you dude." Alex said, shaking Ross' hand. Ross looked star struck again. "DUDE! We just went through this; they're normal people like us." I practically yelled in Ross' face. He snapped out of it, shaking his head. "Yeah yeah, Jane.  It's nice to meet you guys too, when you're sober." He said laughing slightly. Jack jumped up all of the sudden. "GUYS! I think Janie should sing in remembering sunday with us, so she can get famous! Cause she deserves it!" He said happily. "Awe, thanks Jack-O. I will if the rest of the band and Matt agree." I told him.  "Jane, we agree. So remembering sunday is the third song they're playing. Here's a copy of the set list, and some lyrics, if you need to practice." Matt said, randomly appearing holding like three pieces of paper.  "Rossie! They're singing lullabies! Remember when you did that on the piano at school and you had us all swooning?" I asked him excitedly. He nodded, laughing. "I think I'm gonna make that song my final grade in there, it's so fun to play and it's such a deep song." He told me, blushing as he looked back at All Time Low. "You guys sing it better than I do, though. And that's who the fans are here for, the wonderful All Time Low."  He said informatively. I looked up at Matt, who looked like he just had an idea. He ran over to sit by Alex and whisper in his ear. "Did I miss you guys' coming out party?" I joked to them, giving a sheepish smile and mouthing sorry to Ross.  Matt looked at me. "I had a fantastic idea, and it lets Ross gain fans too." He said cryptically.  I looked at Ross, who looked like he was going to pass out. "Settle down, I don't know what they're planning, but you'll make it through. Lullabies is your most confident song, right?" I said softly. He nodded, making me smile. "Good, then you'll be fine. By the way, I told you they would love you." I continued in a quiet voice.  Out of nowhere, Jack jumped up and sat on my lap. "What are you two lovebirds whispering about?" He asked quietly, sounding like a gossiping schoolgirl. Ross answered, "We're not lovebirds, and we’re just friends. And we were whispering about what they're planning." He said, nodding his head towards Matt, Alex, Rian, and Zack who were all whispering to each other with excited looks on their faces. Jack grinned suddenly. "I have to do the test to make sure you guys aren't dating. Jane, prepare yourself." He said, before he started dry humping me randomly.  He started panting, "Oh Jane, Jane, you're so hot." He said, trying to imitate a moan. You could tell it was fake, and it was creeping me out along with the weird smile he sent towards Ross, watching his reactions. Ross just sat there, staring at us, unmoving. He looked towards the others, who stopped whispering as soon as Jack started 'moaning'. "Is he drunk?" I heard Ross ask the band. "No, this is him on a small amount of sugar, and sugar sometimes impairs his brain." I heard Matt answer.  Jack let out a final 'moan', and fell off of my lap, onto the ground, faking exhaustion. After a minute, Jack bounced back up. "WOW! You guys really aren't dating! Jane, I'm sorry to use you like that, it's not like it wasn't pleasurable, but you just didn't react so I don't think this relationship's going to work out." He said quickly before sitting by the band as the whispers resumed. I turned to Ross. "That proved a point? It just made me super uncomfortable... See, this is why I warn my friends before they meet him. He does the most random and inappropriate shit and gets away with it." I said, laughing slightly at Jack, who seemed to be avoiding me and joining in on the whispers with a confused look on his face. Ross looked at me. "You sure you didn't enjoy being dry humped by a celebrity? He is pretty hot." Ross said quietly, whispering the last part to me. I laughed, shaking my head no and pulling out my phone. I opened my twitter contact, sending a tweet saying "Just got dry humped by @JackAllTimeLow before he lost interest and left me. Looking for a new celebrity boyfriend, anyone up? If you're in hollywood, come to the free ATL show! I'll be singing." I'd just changed my twitter name yesterday to @JaneDoeReMi and, after sending that tweet out, I saw my email blow up, saying I had about 200 more followers. I showed Ross, who laughed and shook his head. "I hate twitter…" He told me. I gasped loudly, causing the whispers to stop again. "How could you hate twitter? I get that people, ahem, ALEX, get stalked by crazy people from it, but it's so much fun." I told him, laughing at the creeped out look on Alex's face. "That chick was obsessed. She sat outside our house in the bushes, taking pictures and tweeting." He told us, shuddering involuntarily.  I turned to Ross again, “So, are you doing lullabies for your final in piano singing?”  I asked hhim. He nodded happily. “I love singing and playing lullabies, it’s so much fun. “ He said excitedly. My phone went off,as more whispers started. It was a text from  twitter. The text read “@thereadyset @JaneDoeReMi can I be your new celebrity boyfriend or did @Redrumronnie already take up that spot?” I laughed, and responded “@thereadyset we’ll see how things work out at this show, text me later and I’ll let you know if we’re dating xx J”  Almost immediately. I got a text from Jordan, not from twitter, but from his phone. “I’m in Hollywood, almost at the show. When are you on?” He asked me. I smiled and quickly texted back, “Third song, and hurry because it’s ten minutes til they start.”  I turned to Ross. “So, you’re going to meet Jordan from the ready set today, too.” I told him, watching his eyes and smile grow rapidly in size. Awe, he’s just too cute. The show started with newer songs from dirty work, an acoustic version of I feel like dancing, which sounded totally different but still good, and they continued with under a paper moon, which I immediately fell in love with.  I jumped a bit as three people ran by carrying random things to the stage.  I managed to see Danny Kurily with a wooden stool like the one Alex was sitting on, and I saw someone I didn’t recognize carrying a microphone, and a different techie carrying a stand. I heard Alex “Guys we’re going back in time now. Jane…..  Doe, or whatever your last name is, get out here and help us with Remembering Sunday!” I laughed, blowing Ross a kiss jokingly as I walked onto the stage, trying not to trip over any microphone cords.  I stepped next to Alex. “Hey guys, my name’s Jane Somers.  These fuckers only remember my stage name; Jane Doe.” I said, causing the crowd to laugh as Jack protested, swearing that he loved me. I looked around the crowd, spotting Jordan in a nerdy getup. I bit back a laugh; I don’t want him to be attacked.  He caught my eye and smiled. I nodded my head to the left of the stage, mouthing backstage, so he knew where to go. He nodded, but stayed put in his place.  I heard guitars start, making me nervously move a couple inches back. I cleared my throat before inching back towards the microphone. I was getting mesmerized in Alex’s voice but snapped out of it as I heard the measure before I come in. I sang the duet happily, harmonizing with Alex. We finished the song as Alex jumped off his stool. He hugged me, then we both looked at the crowd smiling. I grabbed my microphone. “In case you guys were wondering, we’re friends….. with benefits, maybe.. Alex over here just wants to fuck me, and it gets bad when he’s drunk.”   I said, causing the crowd to laugh.  “If any of you have twitter, you can follow me at JaneDoeReMi.  I’ll take my leave now.” I said, after giving hugs to Zack and Rian and bracing myself as Jack tackle-hugged me. “Damnit, you learned to catch me in only knowing me for like a week? That means it’s not fun anymore. I need a new method..” He told me, and the crowd started laughing as I picked Jack up bridal style, spinning in a circle before putting him down. “Jane, why did you do that? Now I’m all dizzy.” He said, almost falling over. “That was payback for earlier. Carry on, guys.” I said simply, before walking off the stage. I found Jordan sitting backstage, next to Ross in a light conversation. “Hey Jor.” I greeted, watching as he got up to give me a hug.  “You did great, and by the way, the audience thought you were amazing too. That’s why I was staying in the crowd, to see what the fans thought. “ He told me. “Oh thanks, I thought the audience would be mad that I ruined one of the songs.” I told him, even though I was still blushing a bit from him complimenting me. “You did NOT ruin the song, I think you made it better than the original.” He said, turning on me and reassuring me that I did good. I nodded along with Jordan’s rant about how great I was. “Wait, where’s Zoe? I figured she’d be here with you.”  He looked at Ross. “You guys aren’t dating, right?” He asked again. “Zoe is probably still sleeping, Ross was with me, we just came from the studio to here. No we aren’t dating we’re just close friends. Ross, do you wanna have a sleepover at my house tonight? I’ll invite Zoe and Jordan, you can come if you want.” I answered, turning to Ross for his answer. Ross nodded, then said “Ooh! I have an idea! How about we do a Halloween sleepover since Halloween’s so close? We could all dress up in Halloween costumes and stuff!” He suggested. “Okay that sounds fun! I’ll text Jello to let her know. Oh, and I’ll text my sister something to get her out of the house.” I said, grabbing my phone and texting Jello. “Where should I tell Tiffany Justin Bieber’s party is at?” I asked everyone. Jordan jumped in. “Tell her he’s shooting a music video at the rainbow club, she’ll get hit on by girls and lost” He laughed, and I did too, imagining Tiff at a gay bar. “good idea!”  I said, opening a text and typing ‘Tiff! I just heard, Justin Bieber’s shooting a music video at the rainbow club downtown tonight. He’s supposed to be there from 8 pm to 2 am.’  I laughed evilly as Jello texted me back saying, ‘I’ll be there! I’m going to be a playboy bunny!’ I smiled at Ross, then looked at Jordan and was about to ask if he was coming, when I heard Alex call Ross onto the stage. “Guys, we’re making dreams come true today so this is Ross, Jane’s friend and he’s gonna help us with the song lullabies.” Alex announced, and I saw Ross swallow nervously. “Here’s how it’s gonna work. Ross will sing, and we’ll play. I’ve never heard him sing before so if he needs help, I’ll join in and it’ll be a new take on the song.” Alex picked up his acoustic guitar, and everyone started playing as Ross stepped forward and started singing. I was, once again, amazed at how sweet Ross’ voice sounded. I heard Jordan humming along beside me and hit his arm. “Sh, I won’t be able to hear him sing this for another week.” I told him. He laughed. “I can’t help it!” He told me, but shut up quickly after, becoming mesmerized in the song.  Ross finished and Alex said something about Ross singing that I didn’t really catch. I heard Jack say, “Hey Ross, if we ever get rid of Alex, we’ll give you a call.” Then I heard Alex announce. “For our last song, it’s something that I’m working on. It’s called In Hollywood.  And I’m also going to ask everyone backstage to come out here so we can have a fucking dance party.”  He continued.  Jordan jumped up, tucking his nerd glasses in his flannel pocket. “Time to announce we’re here.” He said, as Danny and all the roadies ran on stage before us. As we walked out, Jack spotted Jordan. “Oh my god you guys, the ready set is here! I didn’t even know that! When did you get here dude?” He said into the mic, going to give Jordan a bro-hug. Jordan smiled and walked up to Alex and Zack, who were in the front talking to the crowd.  “Oh my gosh, it really is the ready set! Hi Jordan!!” I heard some girls scream, and I started laughing as Jordan stood next to me again. “Okay, so these are all of our roadies, then there’s Jane Doe, Ross…… I don’t know your last name dude, and Jordan Witzigreuter of The Ready Set.” Ross laughed and I saw Zack offer a microphone. “Ross Beauregad, that’s my last name. You really are bad with last names, aren’t you Alex?” He said laughing, and doing something I don’t think he even realized he did. Ross turned to the crowd and flashed them a heartbreaking smile.  “So the song goes like this…” Alex said, as he started playing and singing. (A/N: Play the video, that’s my friend, Eric’s  song actually J. I think it’d be cool if you all listened to him, and I’ll put his purevolume in the external link and you can download some of his stuff for free xD) Alex played and sang, and at the chorus we all started jumping around at the same time. Matt Flyzik appeared in front of me, fist pumping and jumping as he shouted over Alex. “Hey Janie, happy birthday!! You’re finally legal!” He panted out as he was jumping and dancing. I felt someone grab my hips and start grinding on me. I heard Jack scream “Makeup sex is the best! I’m sorry I left you Jane!” A microphone nearby caught it, and I started cracking up as Alex stopped playing. “You guys broke up not even an hour ago, after Jack dry humped you. You’re already taking him back, Jane?” He asked me, before singing the last verse of the song. I laughed, grabbing the microphone that Rian held out to me with a wink. “First of all, Ri what was with that wink? Second of all Jack and I aren’t back together, we were never even dating. He dry-humped me earlier and then ‘left me.’ And that wasn’t makeup sex, that was grinding, a form of dancing.” I explained, then saw Jack frown and grab his microphone “But you said you loved me at the party the other night! I figured we were a couple! Not an exclusive couple or anything cause I fucked a girl the other day, but still.. I thought we had something Jane!” Jack protested. I turned it on him, saying, “You had sex with another girl? I thought we were soul mates, but I guess not!” I said, adding an angry face. At that point, Ross and Zack both started cracking up. Zack took the microphone. “Jack, you and Jane don’t have anything. You tried to get Jane into bed when you were drunk, but failed because Ross was with her. Then you passed out because you were so shitfaced. I don’t think you even realized that Ross and Jane aren’t really dating until you proved it earlier, by dry-humping Jane.” He said, staring pointedly at Jack. Jack shrugged. “You can’t help that I wanna sleep with Jane, she’s so sexy! And the fact that she’s still in high school just makes her that much harder to resist. Her friend Zoe is hot too, and Ross, if I went for guys other than Alex, I’d probably wanna fuck him too.  I’m just really horny and I need like physical contact.” Jack explained. Ross cracked up, grabbing another microphone from out of nowhere. “You probably want Jane because her dress was up around her waist, and you saw that while you were drunk, and she pulled it down then you noticed that she has boobs.” Ross told Jack. “I think we need Jerry Springer or Maury here, Alex, is that the last song you wanted to play? We can sort this out backstage.” I asked into my microphone. Alex laughed. “That’s the last song, but I’m just curious… Did anyone get that on camera? Cause it was fuckin’ priceless. And we’re settling this right now, in front of the fans and everything.”  He said, turning to the crowd who looked like they were getting up to leave, but quickly stayed in their spots. I saw a group of like 4 people shouting, “JERRY! JERRY!” I laughed, and gestured for those people to come closer. They came to stand in front of the stage, and I asked them. “Do you think I should accept what Jack is saying?” I then handed the microphone to a girl with bright blue hair in the group. She was quiet, but responded, “Uhm, I think you should accept it, but I’m bias because I think Jack is very sexy.” She said, blushing as she  handed the microphone back to me.  I heard Jack yell. “Fuck yes!! Janie, please take me back, we can have a lovely one night stand!” I laughed and turned to him.  “Jack, if you were my homework, I’d do you on the kitchen table.” I said smirking. He groaned and ran off the stage, still holding his microphone . “She made me hard, such a tease, now I need to watch some porn.”  He said, sounding kind of angry. I turned back to the crowd. “And now you guys see why I have to warn my friends before they meet him.” I said, then turning back to the group.  I looked at the guy of the group. “Do you understand any of the points Jack just made?” I asked, handing the microphone to him. “I get the point he made that you’re hot, and I agree with that, but other than that no, he doesn’t exactly make sense.” He told me. I grabbed the microphone and our hands brushed, making him blush. “You know what, the shows over so fuck it, your group can come up here to help us settle this,   Zack, will you go find Jack? You’re always chasing him so I assume you know where he went.” I said, watching him nod and run backstage. “Thank you, you’re the best! Then bring him back here!”  I shouted as he ran away. I pulled the group onto the stage, the girls laughing as I pulled them up the however many feet between the ground and the stage.  I was staring the guy down as he grabbed my hand and I hauled him up. “Damn, you do have some muscles.” The dude smiled, saying “Damn, you do have some muscle. I like that in a girl.” He winked at me, as Alex came up to the group and I. “Jane, I have no fucking clue what went down at our party. I was totally shitfaced… Will you fill me in really quick?”  He asked, and I watched as everyone in the group’s eyes went wide.  “I’ll tell you, but get Rian over here so I don’t have to repeat this.” I said, he nodded and went to grab Rian from where he was standing around by the back of the stage.   As he did that, I turned to the group. “I don’t know how much of this party you guys want to hear, but their parties get pretty psycho.” I explained, then Alex and Rian got back.  “Here’s what happened…” I started, making sure everyone was listening to me. “Okay we got in the car, and I was warning Ross about how Jack normally is. I should’ve warned him about you, really.” I said, pointing at Alex. “Because, about ten minutes later, when we got to your house, you answered the door, you were trying to grab my boobs and shit. I think you were trying to get me into your bed, but I introduced Ross as my boyfriend, and you got all sad.” Alex laughed. “I could totally see this happening.” He said, and I nodded.  “I got past Alex to find Rian, who I asked where Jack was, because I was concerned about the sugar and alcohol combination. He told me that Zack was chasing Jack, trying to corner him in his room so I ran up to Jack’s room.  Jack was rolling around on the ground, drunk out of his mind, while Zack was just laughing. Jack noticed me, and decided to tackle hug me, which actually made me fall over. When I stood up, Jack was still on the floor, staring at my underwear since I didn’t notice at the point that my dress was up.  I pulled it down so quickly, that it went down a little too far in the front, and Jack was on the ground, and saw everything then he started basically demanding that I fuck him because I was hot. He passed out shortly after I turned him down, and Zack, Ross and I went back downstairs. There we found you, Alex, in a dress, wig, and singing I kissed a girl. You were really shitfaced, and you seemed horny so I just went to talk to Rian, who was talking to Matt.  We talked for a little bit, and then we left, since Ross and I had to go to the studio the next morning.” I explained. Alex nodded, “Oh, and then there was what happened before the show, which shows that Jack is interested in you?” Alex concluded. “Yeah, if by interested you mean dry-humped me to make sure Ross and I aren’t dating.” I confirmed. Rian laughed, “Jack has a weird way of trying to be in a relationship with girls.” He said. I looked at the group next to me, who were looking pretty shocked. “Oh, sorry guys, I forgot you were there.” I apologized.  The girl with blue hair looked at me shocked. “Jack Barakat dry humped you?” She asked me, looking at me like I was a totally amazing person. I laughed, “Yeah, he was moaning and stuff, then he acted like he came, then fell off me. After he fell off me, he said that he wanted to end it because it didn’t seem like I enjoyed it. “  I told the group. “I found him guys. He was crying in the parking lot, well, not actually crying but you know what I mean.” Zack said, walking onto the stage with Jack behind him. “Jack Bassam Barakat, we need to get this settled now.” I started in a firm voice. Jack started whining. “Janie, I think you’re hot, but I can’t date you because I know someone else who wants to date you. It is hard to resist you, but I just can’t screw him over like that. So, I’m sorry to say, you have to resist my devilishly good looks and charm.”  He said, sounding more firm near the end. “Jacky…. I don’t like you, I’m not even attracted to you, really. I like someone else.” I said Jack looked at me, seeming sad. “You do? Okay, that was easy.  It just better not be someone in this band, or I will be soo pissed.” He said, sounding relieved again. “Well Alex is sexy, but no I like someone else.” I said. There were only a few fans left watching us, and the group was still standing on the stage watching everything unfold. “Oh Jack, I don’t know if I ever showed you this!” I pulled out my phone and found the video of Ronnie humping the Jack cut out that we drew on.  I started laughing and showed the rest of the band, then the group of people still standing next to us. “Wait…. That’s Ronnie Radke. Oh my gosh Jane, you must have an awesome life.” One of the girls said to me. “Thanks, it’s okay….. I still don’t know you guys names.” I said awkwardly. “I’m Skyler” Said the girl with the blue hair. “I’m Paul. It’s nice to meet you guys.” The guy introduced. The other girl, with black hair said “Hi! I’m Charlie.”  I smiled, and turned to the band.  “That’s Alex, Jack, Zack, and Rian.” I introduced. The group laughed, and nodded. “We know, we’re all obsessed with them.” Skyler answered. “Oh… Well, in that case I’m Jane and he’s Ross? Oh… And that’s Jordan over there..?” I introduced, making it sound like a question. They laughed. “We know who you guys are now, you both did great by the way.” Charlie said. Ross blushed, and I turned to him. “Dude, you just got signed, I already told you your voice is amazing. Now that you can show off your voice, you’ll get that comment a lot more often.” I told him. He nodded. “I still can’t believe you helped me get signed, you are like the best friend ever Janie.” He told me. “Awe! Ross, you know you deserved getting signed. I’m just thinking about how happy Miss McCalister is going to be when she finds out that 2 of her 3 students are signed. Poor Mary being so shy about her talents….” I said happily, giving Ross a hug. Skyler looked like she was thinking, then said “Jane! We need to talk, privately. Follow me.” She started leading me towards the end of the stage. “Nah, let’s go backstage. I don’t think anyone besides Matt will be there, if Matt’s still here.” I told her, steering her towards backstage. “This is so cool! But anyways, I think I know who you like!” She said as we got backstage. I laughed, “I don’t think you know who I like. He’s not famous. It’ll never work out anyways…” I told her. She got all mad. “Awe man, I was gonna guess Jordan! Please tell me who you like, it’s killing me.” She whined. “I’ll tell you, since you don’t know him.. But I have to explain pretty quickly because ATL and Jordan know who he is. Ross already knows.  It’s this guy that works at the recording studio, he’s a talent scout, and he could possibly be my boss, his name is Jared. I don’t think he likes me back, but a girl can dream. “ I told her the story, then continued saying, “ I even wrote a song about him, how pathetic can I get. I had to record the song in front of him and it was so awkward!” I said. Skyler shushed me, and we exchanged numbers before walking back out to the stage.  I saw Jordan sitting there talking with Ross happily, and Alex was running very fast around the stage cleaning stuff up. “Woah there, speed racer. Please tell me that you didn’t turn into Jack… He gets so bad when he has sugar.” I said, as Alex almost ran into me. “Where did YOU come from, Janie? Were you fucking Jack again?” He asked, speech slightly slurred. I turned to Ross, who was looking at us now. “Who gave him the alcohol, Rossie?” I questioned. “Danny gave him a bottle of beer before he left, and Alex just sat out here getting wasted as everyone else sat backstage relaxing. I think that was soon after you guys went back there.” Ross answered. “Oh no, so the band was sitting back there the whole time me and Skyler were back there?” I asked, worried now. “Uh yeah, I think so… Why, what were you guys talking about back there?” He asked me.  “Oh my god! We were talking about who I liked! Now everyone knows……..  Oh man, I am so in need of a costume sleepover….” I said, pacing. Jack walked out from the backstage area. “Jane, why are you worrying so much?” He asked me with a smile. “Because all you guys just heard I like Jared! Wait, why are you smiling, you better not tell him.” I said, freaking out.  “I’m smiling because that’s my friend who likes you. No need to be worried, he feels the same way.  He thought you wrote that song about somebody else. I had him texting me, almost in tears, thinking that you liked another guy.” Jack explained. “Oh my gosh, really? I thought he’d just see me as some stupid singer. He’s like one of my bosses!” I said. Jack nodded, smiling really big. “Call him, and confess your love. That way, I won’t have to deal with his depressing texts anymore about you not loving him. Who cares if he could be your boss, you guys were meant to be… And do you really think Spencer or Blake care about the law? They both want you two to be together. Please call him.” Jack said. Alex stood up. “No Janie! Don’t get a boyfriend, I love you! I promise, I promise I’ll change for you baby.” He slurred. Skyler and her group started cracking up. “This is how he always is when he’s drunk? Man, I’d love to party with them.” She said, as her friends agreed. I put my phone back in my pocket for a minute, and was going to explain when Jordan came up next to me. “Jane! I got you a birthday present!” He told me, holding out a poorly wrapped box. “Awe Jordan, you shouldn’t have. I’m just happy to finally be 18.” I told him. “No, you are taking this gift. You’re going to love it.” Jordan told me strictly. I shrugged, an pulled off the two sheets of wrapping paper. I was left with a box that I then opened. Inside the box, there was a beautiful necklace with a microphone and a little red heart charm next to it. “Oh my gosh Jordan, thank you… I’m speechless… I love it.” I said, as he was clasping it around my neck for me. “WAIT! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANE!” Skyler said, as her and Charlie came up to give me hugs.  Paul was behind them, staring at me with a weird look in his eyes.  “Happy birthday, hot stuff.” He said, hugging me tightly. I tried to get him out of my personal bubble, but it just didn’t work so I gave up and let him hug me. “Wait a second, you guys I have a future boyfriend to call!” I yelled, walking away after pushing Paul off me.  I went to the back of the stage, where it was more quiet.  I pressed call on his contact “Hi Jared, don’t hate me.”  I started. “Hi Jane, why would I hate you? Now you’ve got me worried.” He said, sounding conflicted. “Okay, so I’ve been denying certain feelings for awhile but I need to get this weight off my chest. I like you, even though you’re supposed to be like my boss or whatever, I know it’s not right but.. I need to tell you.” I told him. There was a few seconds of silence before Jared quietly replied, “I… Jane, I feel the same way. I didn’t want to freak you out or anything so I didn’t tell you.”  I quietly cheered. I was hoping Jack didn’t lie, because otherwise I would’ve been really embarrassed.   Jared continued, saying “So, um……  do you wanna do something next weekend? I know you have school and stuff all week, but I really think we should try to make a relationship work out.” “Well, I think we can do something on Tuesday, I get out of school at like one.” I told him. “Okay! And while I have you here, Spencer wants to know if you can come into the studio on Monday again? He wants your fan base to grow, apparently. That means recording a shit ton of different stuff.” Jared said. I laughed saying, “Yeah, I can come in after school. Now I’m still at ATL’s concert so I have to go, but I’ll text you?” I said, just realizing how lovestruck I sound. “Yeah okay, bye Jane, I’ll see you on Monday.” He told me, before we both hung up. Alex was walking by me, and he ran up to me when I hung up the phone. He grabbed my arms, and made me start slow dancing with him. “Uh…. Alex? There’s no music playing…” I said awkwardly, still slow dancing.  “Shh! Yes, there is. It’s in my head and if you stopped talking, maybe you could hear it too!” He suggested drunkenly.  I laughed, stepping out of his tight hold he had on me. He stopped dancing, looking at me sadly.  “I have to go, I need to get home to see my sister because it’s my birthday. I’m sorry, Lexi.” I told him. “Okay, I under- hey, you called me Lexi! That’s not very manly, Alexander though, that’s such a hot manly name.” Alex rambled on drunkenly.  “Hey Ross we gotta go. I need to find a costume for tonight.” I said as I walked up next to everybody chilling on the stage. “Awe! You shouldn’t leave! This was so much fun!” Skyler said right before we were going to walk away.  “I have to, but I’ll text you, okay?” I asked her. She pouted and hugged me. “Okay, well good luck with Jared  and have fun on your birthday!” She said happily.  “We will be buying your cd when it comes out, all of us!”  She called as we were walking away. “Thanks! I’ll talk to you later!” I called as I walked backstage saying bye to the rest of ATL and Jordan. After many hugs, and some apologies from Jack, Ross and I were sitting in my car on the way back to my house.  My radio was off since it didn’t pick up any stations. “Ross, I have a song stuck in my head.” I said, breaking the silence. He laughed, “Well, sing it out. You know I love your voice, dahling.” He drawled out, randomly talking in a southern accent. “Okay mister cowboy….” I said, then started singing “Born to Be Wild.” Ross started cracking up, and then he started singing along with me. We finished singing the song, and Ross turned in his seat to me. “So, what are you going to be tonight? I need a idea of what to look for. I thought for a second, ”Well, Zoe’s going to be something slutty-ish, so I was thinking I will too. I have a cheerleader costume that I wore back in freshman year to make fun of the cheerleaders at our school. I think I’ll wear that, it has like a short skirt and belly shirt.” I told him, then watched as he started laughing. “You a cheerleader?? Oh my god I can’t even imagine….” Ross said, he was quiet for a few minutes. “I don’t know what to be!” He randomly said. I thought for a minute. “You should be….. a jock or a player. That way we can match!” I suggested.  We pulled up to my house soon after, and Ross hopped in his car to go home to  get ready and grab clothes for the sleepover. I walked in my house to see Tiffany on the computer. “Oh Jane, good, you’re home! So, I need to know. Is Justin Bieber really gay, or is he just filming at the gay club for no reason?” She asked me. “Uh, I don’t really know……. I just heard one of the guys from the studio say he was gonna be filming there. My phone beeped showing I got a text from Ross. ‘I have a friend that’s going to be at the club tonight. Tell Tiff to look for a guy with spiky hair wearing  a bright pink tshirt and white jeans.’ It read. I know better than to question Ross’ motives so, I turned to Tiff. “My manager said to look for a guy with spiky hair wearing a bright pink tshirt and white pants tonight.” I told my stupid sister. “Oh, thanks! I’m going to go out and get dinner, then I’m going to head over to the club so I can meet him. So bye!” Tiffany yelled as she grabbed her coat and purse, and ran out of the house. I dug through my closet, quickly finding the costume. I called Ross. “Why is she looking for that guy, again?” I asked as Ross answered. “Oh, that” Ross started laughing. “He said he’s going to point her in circles and see how frustrated she gets. I told him to record it if he could, and he said he’ll try acting like he’s going to be filming Justin.” Ross explained. I cracked up. “Oh my gosh, you are a genius! So you find anything for a costume?” I asked him.  “Yeah I found a sleeveless shirt with the school logo, and some shoulder pads from a costume I bought forever ago.” Ross answered me. “Oh sweet, yeah I just have a cheerleader costume that’s red and I’m throwing my hair in a ponytail.” I told him.  “Well, I’m leaving now so I’ll see you in a few. Bye hottie, haha!” Ross said, hanging up after laughing.  I set my phone down as I heard my garage door opening. I guess that means Zoe is here, I thought.  She came in the door and I saw a very authentic looking playboy bunny.  “Damn, who got lost on the way to the mansion? I think Kendra’s here!” I said, eying Jello’s costume.  She laughed. “Who invited a bitch to the party?” She joked, motioning to my costume.  I was going to respond when I noticed  Ross walk in the door. “Omg it’s my boyfriend!” I joked, running to Ross and holding onto his bicept. Jello looked confused for a second. “Wait, since when are you dating someone? And why does he look a lot like Ross? I need to be caught up, ASAP.” She said. I laughed. “It is Ross, and we aren’t dating… I’m hoping to date Jared from the studio. I’ve liked him for the longest time, and I found out today that he likes me.”  Zoe squealed and asked, “Hey, can you have like a cool guy come here too? If he’s hot, that’ll be a plus. Oh, I know! You should call Andy!” He said. I laughed, turning to Zoe. “Should I invite Andy Sixx to our wonderful sleepover?” I asked her. She got all excited. “Oh my gosh, yes! When did you meet him?! I love him!” She said excitedly.  I smiled, pulling out my phone, calling him and putting it on loudspeaker. “Hello Jane Doe! What’s upp?” He greeted. “Well, it’s my birthday and I was wondering if you’d come to my costume sleepover tonight?” I asked. He laughed, “Yeah, I’ll come but does it count if my costume is me without any makeup or my hair straightened?” He asked. “Yay! And sure I guess it counts, because you don’t normally look like that…. Either that or you could be yourself. I’ll text you my address,” I told him. “Cool, I’m getting in my car now so I’ll see you soon.” He said, and we hung up.  I went to text him, and noticed that his contact name says ‘Andy Sexx’. I sent him my address, and we waited for him to get there by playing 20 questions about each other, except you had to think of the most original questions. “Ross, what’s your favorite…. Tree?” I asked him.  He laughed, “Favorite tree uh… I think it would have to be, that’s a tough one.” He said. A new voice joined in. “Favorite tree? Palm, duh!” It was Andy, looking way different than I was expecting. His hair was semi-short and he was wearing a red tshirt and red jeans. “Andyy! My main mann!” I greeted, making him laugh. “A cheerleader, really? Hey Ross, and who’s the sexy playboy bunny?” He asked. I laughed. “The cheerleader thing is to make fun of them, Ross is a jock, and the playboy bunny is our friend Zoe Jellano, we call her Jello.” I introduced. They shook hands, and the chaos began.

….To be continued……….

Made this 2 parts because well it’s over 7,000 words and I wanted a little cliffhanger til next time I can update. Please don’t hate me.!

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