chapter ten

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I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. I feel so refreshed, that was a great sleep. I woke up and got ready first as I wasn’t really that hungry. I put on makeup and ran to my closet, slipping on a dress and some converse shoes. I went to brush my teeth and hair, then went down to the kitchen. I noticed Caleb sitting there. “Bro, what are you doing up so early? It’s weird.” I asked. He laughed , then actually looked at me. “Ooh you look pretty today! And I haven’t gone to sleep yet, we had band practice last night then I went and got drunk at a bar.” Caleb told me.  I laughed, saying “Well go to bed now, I’m going to go to school.” I told him. He nodded, and stood up from his chair, but fell over onto the floor. “Come on Caleb, I’ll help you to your room, then I need to go. I need to see my math teacher before class starts.” I told him, picking my brother up from the dirty floor. We’re young, our parents don’t visit, so we don’t clean very often.   To make things quicker, I just picked up my brother. I have scary muscles while he lacks them. I carried him up the first few steps and at the landing, I set him dowm. “I may be strong bro, but you must’ve gained a few pounds while you were gone. Come on. Step, step, keep going.” I told him, guiding him up the stairs while trying to make it so if he falls I’ll catch him. We made it up the stairs, and I pushed him in his room before saying. “Sleep. I have to go.” I heard Caleb falling onto the bed, and I ran into my room. I sprayed perfume on me so I don’t smell of beer, I grabbed my phone and my purse, throwing random school stuff into it. I also threw in perfume for after gym, and I ran out of the house.  I got to school, and walked into Math class as soon as I got there. Mr. Harnage was sitting there prepping for our class. “Mr. H, I met Blake yesterday and I texted him for like an hour last night.” I told him as I sat in my seat and pulled out the microphone and guitar keychain Jared gave me, along with my keys and setting everything on my desk.   I looked up to see my teacher looking at me curiously. “So how is he? Blake, I mean. He doesn’t answer my phone calls.” He asked me. Well, this is kind of awkward… “He’s good, I was asking him if he could talk you into just passing me for the final but he said no.” I told him, as I finished putting my keys onto the guitar keychain.  Mr. Harnage laughed, and I looked at him. “Do you have any idea why he doesn’t want to talk to you anymore?” I asked him.  He smiled sheepishly. “Well, maybe I wasn’t excited when he decided not to go to college, but I still loved him, I still do. And I hear the music he plays and it’s surprisingly very good.” He told me. I smiled saying, “Yeah, I like that band, they’re really good live. Also, Blake’s motorcycle is pretty cool. I think that made me like the band even more.” I told him. I watched his eyes bug out. “He has a motorcycle? Oh my goodness… “ He said, the bell rang and I smiled up at him putting my keychain and microphone away as I said, “No need to worry about him, he seems to be doing just fine.” Mr. Harnage nodded, and asked e “So that’s a pretty snazzy microphone, when did you get that?” I smiled. “Someone at work got it for me yesterday, along with a sweet electric guitar. My boss is trying to take credit for both of those, but I know he didn’t get me them.” I took out my math book, a pencil and a notebook. Mr. H looked at me and said, “No need to talk my son into having me give you good grades, you seem to be doing quite great in this class.”  I smiled and saw Zoe walking into the class. “Jello! You should’ve came with me to work yesterday it was so much fun, well, TMZ was more fun. Your boyfriend’s going to be on TMZ at 1:30 today so don’t miss it!” I told her as she sat down in her desk next to me.  I grabbed my microphone out of my purse, turning to complain to her. “This stupid thing won’t fit in my purse right! It’s super annoying. I should really just throw it in my trunk with my new guitar.” I whined. Her eyes lit up. “New guitar? I want to see! I’m coming over after school today just so you know. I miss you. I miss Cleb too, but not Tiff, Ew…” She said. I laughed, “When I got up for school this morning Caleb was still awake and drunk. I had to help him up to his room then practically rush here. I’m not sure how social he’s going to be after he wakes up.” I told her. She nodded. “Oh, to have no responsibilities.  Only a few days until no more waking up early or any of this shit.” She sighed dreamily. I laughed, and laid my head down on my desk. “I was so awake before, but now I’m like dying. I feel like I’m having an energy drink crash, but I didn’t even have breakfast,” I told Zoe. She nodded, lying her head on her desk too. I heard a throat clear, then Mr. Harnage talking. “Jane, please do your best to stay awake in my class, I understand that you were up late talking to my son, but please let’s try to learn math here. “ I looked up at Mr. H. “Can’t we watch a math movie? Our final is tomorrow, we all know this stuff. You’re like a drill sergeant but with formulas.” I asked him.  He laughed and looked around at our class, all had their heads on their desks half asleep. “I suppose I won’t get through to any of them either, sure let’s watch a movie. But all of you better study tonight, your final is tomorrow!” Mr. H stressed. I smiled as the opening menu for finding nemo came up. “I’ve never seen this movie, only parts of it.” He told the class. Zoe and I gasped. “How can you NOT have seen nemo? It’s a classic! Wait, does this mean Blake was deprived too?” I asked.  Mr. H laughed, “No, my ex-wife, Blake’s mother took him to see it, and he wanted it for Christmas when he was little. I never saw it. Anyways here we go, you guys better not fall asleep.” He said, hitting play on the screen. I watched the movie and even laughed through parts of it, and the bell rang, making Mr. H pause the movie, and call my name right as I was about to walk out of the classroom.  I stayed back, and sat back down at my desk.  Mr. Harnage came up to me. “Will you make sure that Blake knows I don’t hate him? Also, tell him that his mother misses him.” I nodded, pulling out my phone. “Is it okay if I text him now?” I asked. Mr. H sighed and nodded.  I unlocked my phone and went to Blake the Snake. Mr. Harnage laughed, “Blake the snake? I hope that’s not something freaky or sexual..” He said, looking at me seeming freaked out I laughed. “I wouldn’t know, he put his contact as that. I met him and gave him my phone to type his number in because I was running a little late at work. I got home last night to find blake the  snake, and I didn’t think anything of it.” I explained, quickly typing Your dad wants you to know that he doesn’t hate you, and that both your parents miss you. I think you should visit them. I typed. I smiled at Mr. Harnage. “Done! See you tomorrow Mr. H            “ I said. “Thank you Jane, bye and good luck studying.” He told me. I walked out of the class and ran to my chorus classroom. I only had 4 minutes to get there, and it was practically on the other side of the building, in the more soundproof wing. I ran through the hallways, past my locker, up the 5 steps and made it to the music wing. I kept fast walking towards my class, and I made it there and sat in my seat right as the bell rang. My teacher came into the middle of the room. “Class, you are going to have a final tomorrow, but it will be any song you’d like to sing to me. We will have longer classes tomorrow so the learning finals have enough time.  Also, if you want to bring in any instruments to assist you in your final, you can. If you don’t bring an instrument, you have to sing accapella, no sound tracks.” She told us, walking back to her office so we can have time to do our homework.  We nodded, and I turned to smile at Carrie who sat next to me again. “Hey Carrie, how are you?” I asked, taking my microphone out of my purse again.  “I’m good Jane, how- holy shit that thing’s amazing. Can I touch it?” Carrie said, seeing the microphone. I nodded and handed it to her. She looked amazed, and handed it back to me. “Where did you get that? It’s so pretty.” She asked me. I laughed saying, “Someone at work got it for me, along with a sweet new guitar. My boss is trying to take credit for them, but he’s a 21 year old male, I couldn’t see him getting this cool of stuff. By the way, your reaction was just like Lena’s, remember I went to TMZ too?” I said. Her eyes lit up as she nodded. “Was that fun? I bet JD was hitting on you a lot, right?” She asked me. I nodded, “He tried asking me out like 5 times, then he gave me his cell number I think.. And he read my texts out loud and made fun of them. “ I told her, taking out my phone.  I hid it in case my teacher happens to come out of her office, and scrolled through my contacts. “Oh my gosh Carrie, his contact says, JD the backup man, and in the note it says call me if you want revenge sex.” I said laughing. She started cracking up, and I smiled. “You should watch TMZ at 1:30. Me, Ross, and Aiden will be on it talking about the Justin Bieber paternity thing. Oh, and I think if you want to watch what else we did there, Lena said she would be putting it on their website.” I told Carrie. “Wait, Lena recorded the whole time you were there? I would’ve made her dispose of the evidence.” Carrie said. I laughed, “Well, I didn’t notice until a little after we recorded our part for the show today. Ross was making really weird faces at the camera man, and I thought that might be fun to watch after the show today. So I didn’t tell her to trash the evidence.. Oh, and Ross and I sang my song that’s coming out soon. She recorded that too, so this backstage footage should be interesting. I’ll watch that part and go “I was so flat here. I should’ve went higher there, stuff like that.” Carrie turned to me. “You should totally sing that for your final in this class! Then let me hear it!”  She suggested.  I shrugged, “I guess I could, but I don’t know.. I might do situations by Escape The Fate. It’s on my phone if you want to listen to it…” I told her. She nodded, and took the earbud I offered happily. I played the song and her eyes went a bit wide. The song ended, and she said. “Yeah that’s good, but do you know how to play that on the guitar? I think she’d like it more if it was your original song.” Carrie said, motioning with her head towards the office our teacer disappeared in . “Yeah I guess. And now that problem is settled, tonight I have to play the song on both guitars to see which sounds better. What are you going to sing for your final?” I said, looking at Carrie who seemed torn. “I wanna sing the party scene by all time low, but I don’t know how to play it. I  feel like accapella it wouldn’t be that good.  So I’m trying to think of a good song that I like and can play on guitar.”  I smiled, and stood to walk towards our teacher’s office, pulling Carrie behind me. “Miss? I have a question on the final.” I said into the room. “Over here! Behind the boxes.” I heard her voice call. I looked around, seeing some boxes in front of what seems like a closet. I walked over there. “I was just wondering if, to give someone else confidence, could I play for them in their final?’ I asked her. She looked at me suspiciously. “Who were you thinking of playing for? And what song?” She asked me. “Carrie over there wants to sing The Party Scene by All Time Low, but can’t play it. I can’t either, but I know the band so I was going to have them teach me when we hang out tonight.” I said. She sighed. “Well Jane, since you’re such a good friend, and because I know she would sound good singing that song, I guess I can allow it for just this one time.”  She told me. I heard Carrie squeal in the background, and I smiled. “Thank you, now I need to go calm her down.” I told my teacher. I walked around the boxes, and Carrie ran up to me. “You’re really going to learn it for me instead of just hanging out and talking with them when you go over  there??” She asked me. I laughed, saying “I wasn’t originally planning on going over there, but I’ll deal with Jack’s craziness for the sake of your chorus final. Now I just have to hope that they’ll let me go there. I mean I know where Jack lives but you never know.” I told her. She smiled and hugged me. “Thank you Jane! You’re the best! And by the way, does all of the band live at Jack’s house?” She asked me. I laughed. “Well I was exploring at the party and yes, Alex, Jack, Rian and Zack live there, and I think Matt Flyzik has a room in the basement. But I think it’s called Jack’s house because his parents send him money to help him pay for it, not that he needs it because I got my first check yesterday and I’m not famous, but damn it was so much money. I need to go shopping after school tomorrow.”  The bell rang for lunch, and we quickly left the room and got  to the cafeteria about a minute later, which was way before the rest of our class.  I grabbed my lunch from the line, it was stuff crust pizza today. So good! I walked with Carrie following me, heading  outside, to the table where Zoe was sitting. I sat down, remembering something. "Zoe! It’s your birthday tomorrow! How did I almost forget that?? You have to come shopping with me this weekend!” I said. Carrie was sitting next to me, and I looked at her. “Carrie, we should hang out next week, we won’t have school anymore because our finals end Thursday.” I suggested. She smiled. “Sure,  I leave for Jamaica in two weeks so that should work out good.” She told me. “Sweet!’ I told her, smiling as she looked around at who was sitting with us. It was Zoe, Aiden, Ross, Me, then Carrie.  “So Jello, what do you want for your birthday? I picked up my check yesterday and it was…,” I pulled it out,”1500 dollars! I haven’t even put my single out yet, so Blake and Spencer must really like me.” I said, flashing the check in her face.  She laughed. “Wow, I wish I could make that much. I work for $9 a hour at the stupid Walgreens as a cashier.”  I smiled, saying. “Yeah I know, and are you still coming over after school? Because I also need to stop at a stupid Walgreens for dry erase markers, I don’t like the secretaries at work, well except for one. Going to them for dry erase markers is killing me.” I told her. She nodded. “I’m still coming over yeah, and okay, Walgreens now has pink, purple and lime green dry erase markers.” She told me. I fist pumped for a few seconds, earning weird looks. “Writing in blue black or red is so boring. This way I can be original. Take that, bitchy secretary staff except for the one guy who’s nice to me.” I said laughing slightly. Ross spoke up.  “What secretary is nice to you?  They should all hate us because of the cut out incident. “ He asked me. I laughed. “The guy on the punk floor, he was extremely nice to me. You probably didn’t notice because you were too preoccupied with Ronnie and Craig,” I told them. “Wait, who’s Craig? It can’t be Mabbit because they can’t stand each other.” Zoe asked, “That’s what I thought too, but I found those two talking to a chummy Ronnie Radke and Craig Mabbit, they’re friends now.” I told her. “Oh, that’s weird, wow. Have you ever noticed how cool Ronnie’s last name is? It has the word rad in it!” Jello said. I laughed. “I actually noticed that the other night randomly.”  I told her.  I finished  eating my pizza, and the bell rang. I groaned and dumped my tray, throwing it where it was supposed to go before sulking back to class.  Carrie was right next to me, walking slowly back to our class. We made it in the door when the bell rang again. “Right on time.” I said, laughing as we went to go sit down. I grabbed my purse and pulled out my cute little keychain. I turned to Carrie. “Isn’t this so cute? My unofficial boyfriend asked me on a date and held it out to me.” I told her. She nodded. “Unofficial boyfriend?  Is it Jordan, Andy or Alex?” She asked me.  I laughed, “none of them, nobody famous actually.” I told her.  She nodded, and we had to pull out our sheet music to sing.  We sang through two songs, and the bell rang. “Don’t forget to practice for your final! “ My teacher yelled as we all scrambled for the door.  I laughed as Carrie and I got stuck, trying to fit through the door at the same time. “Go, Jane! Save yourself.” She told me dramatically. I laughed, and sucked in my belly, forcing my body to go forward.  I broke through and waved bye to Carrie and ran to the changing rooms, changing an going into the gym as the teacher started talking. “Hello seniors!  You guys don’t have a final for this class so you will have your first two classes finals tomorrow, and on Thursday you only have your fourth hour’s final.  We will be having a free period for you to study during this class, so if you’re in your gym uniform you can go change back to normal clothes,” My teacher yelled in his loud obnoxious voice. I stood up and went to the changing rooms and put my dress and heels back on, then fixed my hair and makeup a bit in the mirror on my gym locker’s door. I grabbed my purse that had my math folder in it, and sat on the gym floor looking over all of my past worksheets.  I can’t exactly practice my music classes finals right now, I think that would attract a crowd. I put my folder down on my desk, and grabbed my phone and put it under my desk.  I had a new text from Blake, I got it about 20 minutes ago. It said, “My dad doesn’t approve, he thinks musicians are scum and hates anyone with the intention of becoming one. “ I looked out in the hallway, hearing Mr. Harnage’s voice and laugh. I saw him walk by talking to Miss McCali. I opened a text to Blake, saying He must approve now, he’s been taking interest in what I do at work, and I just saw him talking to one of my music teachers, and they were laughing. I hit send and put my phone back in my purse before I got caught. I was about to drop it into the abyss of my bag, when I saw it light up. Blake texted back saying Do you want to hang out after you get out of school tomorrow? I would say today but I have a band practice soon. I smiled, quickly texting back I’ll hang out with you, but you need to let me complain about your dad’s final.. Gotta go, my gym teachers looking at me weird. I quickly threw my phone in my purse and picked up my math worksheet again. I took out a blank sheet of paper and wrote down all the formulas like I did for Zoe, and I tucked it into my math folder neatly. The bell rang and I jumped up, ready to go to my piano class.  I practically ran there, and ms mccali was there. I pulled out my pretty microphone. “mcCali! Look what someone from work got me.” I said, holding it out to her. She smiled, taking it gingerly. “Oh it’s so pretty, this must be expensive. You don’t even know who got you it?” She said. “Well, my boss is taking credit, I don’t want to burst his bubble but I know he didn’t get me this, or my new guitar.” I told her, watching her smile. “Well congrats! By the way, I’m having Mary sing for us today. Not the song she’s doing for her final, but she’s going to sing.” She told me. “Oh sweet! This is gonna be fun!” I said right before Mary walked in. The bell rang, and Ross walked in slowly. “I swear my locker didn’t get jammed, I was here on time mccali!” He said loudly. I laughed, and saw Mary giggle. Ms. McCalister was trying to look at him with the ‘stern teacher look’ she sometimes tries out, but she ended up smiling, and then laughing hard. “I won’t mark it down Ross, but you better be on time Thursday for the final, because you’re going first.” She said. “But then he’ll set the stake too high!” I protested. Ross laughed, “It’s my punishment that I have to unveil my secret song genius first, duh Jane.” Ross answered. McCali stood up. “Mary, you’re going to have to sing for us today, I barely have anything for you in the grade book. Pick a song, and practice the song on piano. You’ll have 10 minutes.” She said. Mary nodded, grabbing the headphones and a microphone before sitting down and tapping keys.  I grabbed my headphones and plugged in my microphone and set the keyboard on the special setting . I need to practice my final song, because I just changed it yesterday.  I got to the chorus of the song and my fingers fumbled a little bit. I tried that part again, then my power shut off. That means it’s time for Mary, I guess. I took off my headphones and looked up at Mary. The song sounded so pretty as she started playing and singing. After the first two lines of the song, I recognized it. She was singing only hope by Mandy Moore.  I swayed along to the song in my seat, and Mary’s voice was so sweet. She finished the song out, and at once, we all started clapping.  Mary blushed and went to sit down in her seat. Ross gave me a look, and I shook my head.  If I bring everyone that sings good to the studio, Blake will hate me. I mouthed to him. He nodded in understanding. I decided to sing the song I almost did for my final, because I really wanted to use my microphone. “I just changed my mind on my final song, can I sing what I almost did?” I asked mccali. She nodded, and I grabbed my microphone and walked up to the loud keyboard.  I plugged the mic in, and positioned it in front of me.  I started singing the song unfaithful by Rihanna, and Ross winked at me.  The microphone sounded really clear and pretty, and I got to the chorus. “And I know that  he knows I’m unfaithful and it kills him inside to know that I am happy with some other guy, I can see him dying. I don’t wanna do this anymore. I don’t wanna be the reason why. Everytime I walk out the door I see him die a little more inside. I don’t wanna be a murderer…” I sang in a low voice. I finished the song, and we still had ten minutes left. I grabbed my microphone, and Ross went up to the piano.  I put my microphone in my bag and as I touched my phone, I hit record. Ross said “I just feel like singing this song cause it’s fun.”  He started singing and playing the ballad of mona lisa by panic! At the disco. I smiled. I love this song, and Ross’ voice can definitely pull this off. It got to the chorus, and I joined in “Woah oh oh mona lisa” I sang quietly and lowly. He smiled and continued the song. He pointed to Mary next “woah oh oh mona lisa” She sang, kind of louder than me.  Ross kept going and I joined him in “say what you mean, tell me I’m right, and let the sun rain down on me, give me a sign I want to believe…” I sang with Ross. He smiled and pointed to mccali. She started singing with him “Woah oh oh mona lisa!” She sang along happily. I  smiled, hoping you can hear this on the recording. The bell rang, and Ross frowned. “I didn’t get to finish. There were two words left,” Ross complained.  I laughed and reached in my purse stopping the recording.  I left the classroom, and went to my locker.  I pulled my phone out because the day was technically over, I can’t get yelled at. I saw earlier that Blake texted me back saying  Tell my Dad I’ll come visit him, but he better not bad mouth my choices.  Ask him when I should come to his house. I laughed, and took my sweater from my locker. Zoe was standing there waiting for me. “I have to stop by Mr. Harnage’s room before we leave.” I told her. She looked confused, but followed me anyways.  I knocked on the open doorframe, and Mr. H looked up at me. “Hello Jane! What can I do for you?” He asked.  I smiled at him. “I talked Blake into visiting you. He said you better not bad mouth his choices though, and he wants to know what time to go to your house.” I told him. Mr. Harnage stood up and smiled broadly. “Thank you so much Jane! Tell him to come over around 3. I have to look over your final, so I’ll be here until 2 and I live about 20 minutes away. I nodded, texting Blake back before saying “Well good luck with that. I just got you another chance, don’t blow it Mr. H” I warned before leaving the room and walking out to my car. Zoe was next to me, looking at me with a weird look. “What up with you knowing his son?” She asked me. I sighed. “His son is Blake Harnage, from Versa Emerge. Apparently Mr. H didn’t approve of him skipping college to be a musician, so Blake and him haven’t talked for a few years.. But I managed to talk Blake into visiting his dad today.” I told Jello. She nodded, saying “Awe you’re such a nice person.”  I nodded, and we went to the Walgreens across the street from our school.   Jello stayed in the car because she hates her work, and I ran into the store and into the school supplies aisle.  I grabbed a bright purple marker, a pink one, a lime green one and a bright blue marker. I went to the register and added a pack of altoids small mints, and pulled out a random 10 bucks I had lying in my purse. There goes my money, I guess I need to stop at the bank too. I got in the car and opened all the markers and put them in my purse. I drove the way opposite my house, and turned to Zoe. “I need to cash my check. Sorry.” I told her. She nodded, saying. Hurry, because it’s already 1:05 and we need to get the channel on TMZ before you guys are on. “Oh shit, I guess I should speed.” I said, as my car went faster. She laughed and I drove up to the little ATM thing at the bank.  I typed my pin number and quickly got the money from my check, and drove away and towards my house.   I parked in the driveway and grabbed my new guitar from the trunk because I forgot about it yesterday. I had the guitar and my purse, so Zoe took my little keychain and unlocked  the door. “This is cool, who gave it to you?” She asked me. I blushed lightly. “Jared, he asked me out to dinner, and offered it, it was so cute” I told her. “Shit it’s 1:20!” I yelled, running into my house. I put my guitar next to me on the couch, and my purse on the coffee table in front of me. I looked for the remote to find it in Tiffany’s hand. “Tiffany, may I please have the remote?” I asked her. She scoffed. “No, I’m watching the real world.” She said in a snotty voice. “I’ll record it, but I’m going to be on tv in 5 minutes.” I told her. She scoffed and whatever’d me, throwing me the remote. I hit the record button, before quickly switching to CNN. It showed JD talking. “Yesterday Jane Doe, remember her, surprised us by showing up at our studio with some friends.  They all had different things to say on this topic,” JD set up.  They cut to the clip and I saw me talking. “This is too weird Zoe, I thought I’d be fine but woah.” I said as I started talking about the Justin Bieber thing.  Under my picture it said “Jane Doe, rising singer, hot girl.” “I’m going to kill JD. He was totally the one that added the hot girl part,” I said to Zoe. She laughed as I pulled out my phone.  Tiffany was watching the TV showing no emotions. I saw my head move to the right, and the camera switched to “Ross, rising singer, hot girl’s sidekick”. He started saying, well, what he said when we recorded it, and he made a weird face before motioning with his head to Aiden. “Oh my gosh, I didn’t see that one,” I said laughing. It went to Aiden last, and Zoe squealed. “My boyfriend’s on tv!” She said. Under him, it said “Aiden, cool dude. He’s taken, sorry ladies.” I grabbed my phone and texted JD. J fucking D, I don’t know what that stands for but why would you put those headings?  I’m so mad at you right now. I’m going to blow up your phone now by guessing what it stands for.  I sent a new text,  Jack Daniel like the whiskey? I would love your parents if that was your name. I ended that and looked at Zoe. “What do you think JD stands for?” I asked her. She thought for a second. “Jared Daniel? I dunno, uh there’s too many possibilities.” I sighed and texted  Jeremy Derek? Jeremy Daniel?  Then another text. Or is it Jared something? Jared, Jack, Jacob or Jeremy? Answer me damnit.  I texted.  I opened google quickly. I typed JD TMZ, and a biography came up. I found what I needed, texting Jake Dominic, you probably just ruined my public image. I looked up to the TV, and saw JD trying to hold back a smile. “Okay, now Jane’s threatening me for putting those labels under them. Jane stop texting me I’m at work! It’s incredibly distracting.” He said. I laughed. Oh, the perks of this being live tv. I scooted by Zoe. I typed a message saying JD I changed my mind, I really want you right now, come to my house? ;) I showed it to Zoe. “Do you think he’d come here? That would be hilarious. “ I said to jello, showing the message. She started laughing, saying “Hell yeah he’d come here, even if he was right in the middle of something.” She said. I laughed and deleted the message, I’m not that mean. JD started talking again. “Breaking news, Justin Bieber took a DNA test, and sent the results to Mariah Yaeter and her lawyer, but there has been no attempt whatsoever to contact Justin  and compare the results with her baby’s DNA has been made from Mariah’s party.  Some believe that Yaeter will never compare the D NA to stop an impending law suit by Bieber, but there has been radio silence from Yaeter’s team.” JD finished.  Lena was on the screen next, saying “In other news, the auction on November 30 has new items up for auction including one of Madonna’s bustiers, the jacket Justin Bieber wore for the superbowl commercial, and other items! And hi Jane, I know you’re watching!” She said happily.  I laughed and found her contact saying Lena Lovebunny. I smiled and texted her Hi Lena! You look really pretty today! I laughed as she suspiciously looked down. She looked back up and smiled.  She looked over her shoulder, and JD came up behind her.  “Well folks, that’s pretty much all we have today so we’re going to play the behind the scenes footage of Jane Doe and crew’s visit here yesterday! Jane, don’t you text either of us and start yelling. We have nothing else to talk about. Here we go.” Lena said, and shortly after, the video started playing. There was still 15 minutes until the show ended, and the video started at us walking towards the couch, Ross pushing me and me almost falling until Aiden caught me. Then it showed us  recording the segment, and Lena had zoomed in on Ross making faces, then moving to Fred who sat behind the camera chuckling. She went to the couch when JD was talking to me. Ross had still been making faces at Fred, and I was nodding to JD. I saw Aiden looking around the studio in amazement.  I heard Cut being yelled by Fred, and then JD came and sat on me. Zoe started laughing. You heard me say Dude what the hell to JD, and it fast forwarded to me pulling out my microphone, Lena fawned over it, and then you heard her ask us to play something. It went about a minute forward, and I was walking back into the room with my old acoustic guitar, tuning it. I sat on the couch, and introduced the song saying the name and when it will be out, that stuff. We started playing and Zoe looked at me happily when we finished.  I heard JD asking me out, as usual, and whining when I said no. It went back to Lena, and Zoe paused the tv. “That was such a good song! And you wrote it without my help!” She praised me. I laughed. “Yeah but Ross and I wrote and recorded it together.” I told her. She nodded, and resumed tv. Lena was on the screen talking.  “As you heard Jane say, that song will be on iTunes by the end of this week! We’ll be right back with a little more behind the scenes footage, here’s a word from our sponsors.” She said. We fast forwarded through about two commercials, sat through another one, and TMZ was back. JD was on the screen. “What I’m about to show you is me going through Jane’s phone. What you’re about to see and hear is slightly ridiculous for a normal 18 year old girl. Viewer discretion is advised for mature language” He said.  The video started, and JD was reading my contacts. “Let’s look through her contacts Lena. So there’s Alex, I think that’s Gaskarth from All Time Low? Andy, sixx I’m assuming, uh I see… Oh wait! New text from Ronnie. It says Jane, Craig thinks you’re hot and I don’t know what to tell him. He asked me if you were dating anybody and I have no clue because of the whole Andy thing. He called you wifey and you didn’t object.” JD read. I laughed. “Oh my gosh, he just made that seem way worse than it actually is. Why the hell does Craig Mabbit think I’m hot? I’m not even wearing make up today.” I heard myself say. The video then fast forwarded to me saying “Do you want to hear what Andy put on my phone secretly? Then the song played soon after.  I texted JD Tell everyone Andy Sixx is ridiculous and it’s not my fault he sucks at nerf gun fights.  The text said. The video kept going, with me singing situations blaring through the speakers. The video ended, and JD was on the tv again.  “Jane wants me to tell everyone watching right now that Andy Sixx is ridiculous, and it’s not her fault that he’s bad at nerf gun fights.  He said, smiling at the camera.  Lena was behind him too. “If you want more exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of Jane Doe’s visit, go to our website at  That’s all for today.” I grabbed my electric guitar playing the song on it. “Oh that sounds way better.” I murmured to myself. I turned to Zoe. “Do you want to go to Jack’s house with me and hang out with All Time Low? I need to learn a song for my friend Carrie’s final tomorrow,” I said. She smiled saying, “Sure! It’s been awhile since I’ve seen them, and I haven’t seen their house yet.” I nodded,”Now I just have to make sure that we can go over there, but Alex loves me so let’s see.” I said, picking up my phone and calling Alex. I put it on speaker.  “Janie!! When are you coming to visit? I miss your pretty ass!” Alex greeted. I laughed. “Hey Lexi! I was wondering if Jello and I could come over today? I need to learn how to play the party scene on guitar… If Jack isn’t too fucked up on sugar yet.” I said. Alex laughed saying, “Jack’s always fucked up on sugar, but sure you can come over. We can both teach you! Oh my gosh this will be so much fun. Bring your guitar. See you soon. Guys, Jane’s coming over! “ Alex yelled before he hung up. I laughed with Zoe and turned to Tiffany. “I’ll be back later Tiff, make sure Caleb doesn’t throw up in my room while I’m gone.”I told her as I picked up my electric guitar and purse, taking out my little keychain. Zoe awe’d at it again saying. “He’s so romantic, not that Aiden isn’t, but still. So cute!” I blushed a little saying, “Shutup. Be happy that I have a love life, or are starting to have one at least. I think we’re going to dinner on like, Friday.” I said. “Awe! We need to go shopping sooner than this weekend then. How about after finals on Thursday??” Zoe asked. “Yeah that sounds good. I should still have a lot of my paycheck by then!” I said.  We walked out of the house, and in my car I plugged my phone into the car radio. We blasted All Time Low the whole time we rode there.  Zoe was singing along and I was laughing and bobbing my head to the beat and smiling at Zoe. I parked in the driveway of Jack’s house and Zoe looked shocked. “He lives here? I drive by this house every day to get to school.” She said. I laughed saying. “Yeah, THEY live here. Now let’s go inside.” I said, holding my guitar and purse.  I walked up to the door and just opened it,  not knocking or anything.  As I walked in, I saw Matt. “Sup Flyzik. Do you know where Alex or maybe Jack is? They have to teach me The Party Scene.” I said. He nodded his head towards the main room. “Really? No change of scenery? Damn, well, later Flyzik!” I said in response.  He laughed and I went into the main room. I saw Alex sitting on the couch tuning an electric guitar, and Zack was next to him, tuning an acoustic guitar. “Jack kinda sorta…. Had a sugar high, then crashed and fell asleep on the middle of the floor.  We had Zack here carry him to his room, then we remembered Zack can play this song on the guitar too. It’s super easy to learn, actually.” Alex explained. I nodded, and handed Alex my guitar “Tune mine too, while your at it.” I ordered. He laughed and gave me a weird look, but I didn’t back down and he started tuning it. “So this is a super cool guitar, when did you get it?” Alex asked me. “Someone from work got it for me, along with a microphone.. Spencer is taking credit but there is no way he picked it out.” I told Alex. He laughed saying, “Yeah. I think this is more of Jared’s doing than Spence’s. Spencer is more of a weird random design kinda guy.” Alex told me. “Oh, so they worked together, that’s cool.” I said. Alex laughed and handed me my tuned guitar. “So, the first three chords  are the same thing, it goes like this.” Alex explained, playing a few notes and chords. I nodded and played it back. “Well you definitely do have a good ear. You just played that back to me perfectly. Then it goes A,C,E,G, repeatedly for like, two measures is it?” Alex said. I laughed. “Do I need to go wake up Jack for him to help?” I asked. Zack looked at me. “You might wanna. He’s in his room, you know where to go.” He told me. I nodded, and walked up the stairs happily, opening  up his door and seeing him lying on his bed wearing no shirt and skinny jeans. I jumped on him. “Jackie wake up!” I yelled, flopping onto the bed next to him. He opened an eye. “Janie! You came back for me!” He shouted, hugging me closer to him on the bed. “Uh yeah… And I need your help to learn a song. Alex and Zack are trying but you need to help.” I told him. He jumped off his bed. “Okay! I guess I should eh, put a shirt on maybe?” He asked. I shrugged. “Whatever, it’s your house. Zoe’s here too by the way.” I said, walking out of his room and down the stairs.  Jack must not care, because he followed me downstairs not wearing a shirt. We got there and Zoe whistled, making  Jack laugh and  say, “Hello jello!”  Jack took the guitar from Alex. “I’m going to play it once through, and we can see what you pick up.” Jack told me. I nodded and picked up my guitar. He played it and I was smiling as I could hear the song in my head.  He finished, and said. “Play it back, as much as you can remember.” I nodded, and positioned my fingers along the riff. I played the part that Alex taught me and got to where he had trouble explaining, but I was able to play it. At the key change I had some issues because I forgot to move my hand, but Jack looked really proud. “It’s good you can do that much. So when you get to the key change, just move your right hand down two, then play the same notes like you did from the beginning. Try that, I wanna hear it.” Jack told me. I nodded, and tried to play through the whole song.  I got through it pretty good, until the last chord. “This is the chord you’re having trouble with, try to put your hands like this,” Jack told me, showing me where his hands were. I had a little trouble, and Alex stood behind me, positioning my hands and fingers. “Okay now strum.” Zack instructed.  I did that, and got the chord right. “Yay!” I cheered lightly.  Jack laughed. “Try playing it all the way through.” He told me. I nodded, and moved my hands back to where they started and played the song. I got to the key change and remembered to actually change the keys, shocker. I went through the second half of the song and finished without messing up. “Oh my gosh, I’m a rockstar. When do I start touring?” I joked.  Alex looked at me. “We are going on tour in  two weeks for a short holiday tour around California. You can come if you want.  We’ll only be gone for two weeks,” He told me. I smiled. “I would like to, but I have to talk to Spencer and you know, my sister and brother. I’m not calling my parents because they never call me.” I told Alex. “Wait, do you even have room for me?” I asked. Jack smiled. “You can switch off bunks,  that’s what we normally do if a friend tours with us.” He said. I smiled. “I’ll come with but just wondering, who are you touring with?” I said. Alex cheered and told me, “We’re touring with this band from Arkansas named school boy humor. They decided to tour here from popular demand. I hope that’s not a deal breaker for you.” Alex told me. “Oh my gosh, I know them! I’ve had a few twitter conversations with the guitarist and one with the bassist!” I said happily. “Oh cool, well I’m going to go tell Flyzik that you’re coming with…” Alex said, walking out of the room.  I smiled, and texted Spencer saying Is there any way touring with All Time Low in two weeks will be okay? I promise I’ll work a lot before we go.? I laughed at how ridiculous that sounded. I quickly got a text back saying, that’s fine, but before you leave you’ll have to spend probably a few hours at the studio, recording. We can talk about it next time you’re here. I looked up to see Zoe smiling at me.  “You’re going on tour with All Time Low! Oh my gosh!”  She said excitedly. Alex came walking back in the room. “Hey, since you know School Boy Humor, Matt said you could sleep in one of the bunks in their bus… if you want.”   I smiled. “I don’t want to bug them, and I’ve never actually met them…  I’ll just stay in your bus,” I told Alex.  He nodded. “So wait, how do you actually know them?” He asked me.  Smiling. I answered, “I started talking to Anthony who plays guitar,  on twitter, and then tried talking to his brother Phil, the singer, but he never tweeted back, and I talked to the bassist Chris by saying he was handsome and he had a cool twitter background because it was Family Guy.  Eventually I added Anthony on facebook, and that’s pretty much where we are now, and  someone on the band twitter is psychic and promised I would meet them.” I explained.  Alex laughed and I smiled, pulling out my phone. I tweeted Going on a California tour in a few weeks with @AllTimeLowBand and @schoolboyhumor! So excited to finally meet everyone from SBH J I put my phoneb  on my lap and looked back up at Jack. “Hey my fingers are killing me, I lost all my guitar picks, well my sister probably threw them out, I’ll pick some up eventually but for tomorrow  can I borrow one of yours?” I asked. Jack smiled, gestured for one minute, and ran upstairs.  He quickly came back to where we were, and he was holding 3 different picks. One was black and said boner in white, one was white with rainbow lettering saying hot damn, and the last one was purple with Jack’s signature. “Can I have the hotdamn one?” I asked. Jack threw it to me, and I stuck it in the riff between the strings. Jack stuck the one with his signature on my riff too. “You might lose one, and that proves that I was here  when you take this to school.” Jack told me. I nodded, “Makes sense, I guess, and I’m sorry, I just remembered that, and my fingers slightly hurt.” I told Jack. He nodded, saying “Guitars can kill you, blisters tend to make everything you do with your fingers hurt. So what are your finals tomorrow?”  I smiled. “I have a Math Final, Algebra two, and then a chorus final. For chorus we just have to sing whatever song we like, and we can use instruments or if you don’t play an instrument you have to sing accapella.  My friend Carrie who’s the president of your fan club is singing the party scene for her final.” I told him.  Alex looked at me. “Do you have her number? I think we should give her a call.” I laughed.  “I do, here I’ll put it on speaker. Everyone gather round the phone.” I said, and went to Carrie’s contact. I hit dial and the speakerphone turned on.  “Hello?” She asked, her voice sounding peppy. “Hi Carrie! I just learned how to play the party scene!” I told her. “Yay! Wait, how did you learn it that fast I thought you didn’t know how to play it at all earlier?” She said confused. Jack spoke up then. “Hi Carrie, she was taught how to play it by the all powerful Jack Barakat, also known as me.” He said. Carrie let out a scream, and I laughed. “You’re on speaker, everyone’s here. Is there anything you want to tell the band?” I asked. “Um, I- you guys are awesome. I don’t know what to say! Jane why did you just spring this on me before finals? I won’t be able to sleep tonight.” Carrie said. I laughed as Alex took my phone. “Carrie it’s Alex. I was wondering if we could come watch your chorus final tomorrow? We all really wanna hear you sing it.” I heard Carrie breathe in and out slowly. “I don’t know, I feel like I would mess up if you guys were there watching me.” She answered. Zack took the phone. “Come on Carrie, we really want to hear it? Pleasee?” He asked. I laughed and said, “Carrie just say they can, otherwise they’ll be bugging me all night.  Wait a minute guys, where’s Rian?”  Matt walked into the room saying. “She finally noticed! He’s on a date. So who’s on the phone?” I laughed saying, “Shut up Flyzik, I was preoccupied with learning a song. My friend Carrie’s on the phone. Do you wanna talk to her? I think that would like make her life.”  Matt ran and picked up the phone from Alex who was talking to her. “Hello Carrie this is Matt Flyzik. I apologize if these retards are harassing you.” He said, walking out of the room with my phone.  “Hey! Give that back!” I called running after him. Matt carried on a normal conversation with Carrie and I chased him and tackled him. Using the element of surprise to my advantage, I grabbed the phone right before it fell out of Matt’s hand and onto the ground. I turned off speaker. “Hi Carrie, sorry to ambush you like this, it was all Alex’s idea and now I just had to practically tackle Matt to get my phone back.” I said into the phone. I heard her laugh and say, “Well you better tell me everything tomorrow. Oh and tell Alex that if they really want to come I guess they can, if they can somehow sneak into our class.” I laughed. “I don’t think Jack could sit still that long.” I told her laughing.  I walked away, leaving Matt crumpled up on the ground recovering from my tackle.   “I just left Matt lying on the ground after I tackled him. I’m so nice.” I told Carrie. I walked in the main room, and Jack was asking me to take a picture of him holding his newfound sign. “Carrie, Jack wants me to take a picture. I’ll send it to you, but I gotta go.” I told her. She told me bye, and I opened my camera. Jack held up a sign that said “I love Carrie.” With his signature under it. He made a weird face and I took a picture. I quickly sent it to Carrie, and I think she passed out or something because I didn’t get a text back. I pulled out my camera as Jack started making more signs on his notepad paper.  He held up one that said I heart boobies and I quickly snapped a picture. Alex ran off to his room and came back with a sharpie and notepad of his own. He scribbled something and showed it to me smiling. It said “I loveJane Doe” with a heart instead of the word love. I sat down next to him, he was still holding the sign and I took a picture of both of us. I was going to take another picture of just me, and Alex slipped in the picture last second, kissing me on the cheek. I looked at the picture, and my face was priceless. I looked at a victorious Alex with a shocked look. “Did you just kiss my cheek?” I asked him. He shrugged. “It was for a picture. Don’t let my girlfriend see that though, she would get jealous that I’m friends with such a pretty lady.” He told me. I laughed and shrugged.  I heard the door open and I ran to it. “Ri Ri!” I yelled, running up to hug him. “Hi Jane, what are you doing here?” He greeted. I laughed saying, “Needed to learn a song on guitar for my friend’s final but that’s done so now we’re chilling and taking pictures. You should join us!” I said. He laughed. “Did you break into Jack’s sugar cabinet? You’re acting a bit like him when he’s sugar high,” I smiled saying, “No but I did tackle Matt in order to get my phone back from him. I’m in a good mood not sugar high!” Rian laughed and finished taking off his coat and shoes. “I guess I’ll come take pictures, come on.” He said and we walked in the main room. Zack was holding up a sign that said “Jane Doe thinks my muscles are sexy.” I laughed and he turned towards me and lifted his shirt, held the sign and smiled. I snapped a picture and turned to Rian. “Your turn to make a sign so I can take a picture!” I told him happily. Rian ran into the kitchen and appeared with a white notepad rather than a yellow one, along with a bright blue post it note. He sat down and started scribbling. He held up a sign that said. “I’ve missed my Janie” Then there was a bright blue post it that he autographed.  He smiled and I took a picture of him holding the sign.  I sat on Jack’s lap and we took a picture, then I moved to sit next to Zack. “Picture” I told him. He smiled and I moved my face closer to his, smiling and taking the picture. I stood up and jumped on Rian’s back, taking a picture of both of our smiling faces as I almost fell off of Rian’s back. He laughed and I stood up. “Guys I’ll be right back, I’m gonna go find Matt and demand a picture with him.” I announced.  A few people laughed, and I walked out of the room.  I didn’t see Matt in the kitchen or anywhere else so I headed into the basement.  I got down there and was wowed by the entertainment system in one of the rooms. I went next door, and just opened the door. I found Matt sitting on a futon in his room, watching old videos of the guys performing.  “Matthew, I’m sorry about earlier but I was wondering if I could get a picture with you?” I apologized in his doorway. He paused the video and looked at me.  “Eh I guess you’re forgiven, and yeah, come in here.” He told me, standing up. I smiled and walked in his room, looking around at all the autographed band posters decorating his walls. “Nice place you have here,” I said. “Why thanks,” He told me. I smiled and held up my camera. “Can we take a picture in front of your beastly all time low fathead?” I asked. He nodded and we walked over to the life size wall sticker.  Matt smiled and I stuck my tongue out and took a picture. I looked at it and smiled, proud. “The guys were so mad when I got the package titled All Time Low fathead, they thought they had too big of egos. I let them freak for awhile but eventually told them about fathead being the company that makes wall stickers.” Matt told me. I laughed, looking at it. “Alex’s head does look a bit chubby right there.” I pondered, then started laughing with Matt. (AN: Looking now on all these sites, can’t even find one. Found ryan sheckler, icarly, Hannah Montana, Justin bieber, yet no ATL. WTF kind of world is this? Sorry, you can get back to reading now) I said bye to Matt and he resumed watching old recorded concerts. I smiled as I walked back upstairs.  When I got there, Aex was on the ground being dry-humped by Jack. I guess this is normal… “So Jalex does exist?” I asked curiously. Jack looked at me. “Yep!” He said and went back to dry humping Alex. I pulled out my phone and started recording a video. I laughed and yelled “If the kids don’t believe, make them believe. Jalex does exist!” Rian caught on to what I was doing and walked up to me.  “Jack only resorts to Alex if he’s really horny. Just be lucky it’s not you getting dry humped…. Again.” He told me. I laughed. “Yeah, that was really uncomfortable last time. Who proves that you’re not dating someone by dry humping them  and looking for a jealous reaction from the other person?” I said. Rian laughed. “Well, apparently Jack does that.  I looked at Alex still lying on the ground and letting Jack have his way with him. “Um, should Zoe and I go back to my house now?  I don’t wanna hear them having sex…” I joked.  “Don’t worry, they should be done in a minute… I hope.” Zack said. I laughed and turned the camera towards him, then back to Jack.  I handed the camera to Rian and mouthed “Keep filming, I’m going to show this to Carrie tomorrow.” He nodded, and focused in on Alex and Jack. I walked over there. “Jack Bassam Barakat! How dare you cheat on me! With Alex nonetheless? I thought what we had was special! I understand you cheating on tour because of loneliness, but I’m right here! If you hump anyone it should be me!” I yelled, fake outraged. I heard Zack start laughing and I turned to glare at him. I saw Rian filming it out of the corner of my eye, and turned back towards Jack.  “Go put a shirt on, you filthy slut.” I said. He started fake crying, but got up and went upstairs, probably to put a shirt on.  I walked next to Rian, grabbed my camera and zoomed in on Alex laying on the ground. I ended the video there, and Zack, Rian and I all started cracking up. “Damn, I should be an actor.” I said as we all could breathe, at least a little bit. That comment set us all back into fits of laughter.  “Can someone help me up here?” Alex groaned from his spot on the floor. I got up and walked over to the crumpled man. I grabbed his hand and heaved him up. He stood up and fell back onto the couch so conveniently placed right behind him. Jack came back to the main room wearing a shirt that said, ”is that a mirror in your pants? Cause I can see myself in them.” “Wow, nice shirt there Jack,” I said sarcastically. He looked at me. “Thanks Jane that means so much coming from you.” I sighed and smacked my head at his stupidity.  “Hey guys, I need to go study for my final and have dinner. Sorry Jello, but we have to leave.” I said sadly. Jack stopped me. “Wait! Make sure you can still play the song. I want to hear again anyways.” He told me. I nodded and put the signed guitar pick in my purse. I grabbed the other and started playing the song. This time, I sang along.  “Yeah she’s good, you can go now. Bye Janie! I’ll miss you!” Jack said. I laughed, saying thanks to everyone who taught me. As I said thanks I also gave hugs.  I walked by the stairs. “Bye Matthew!” I called. He opened his door yelling, “Bye! I’ll text you the tour details and shit.” I laughed and went back to the room. “I almost forgot my purse.” I told the guys. They laughed, and I flicked them off as me and Zoe walked out the door. “Love you all! Bye!” I called before closing the front door. Zoe and I walked to my car. “Well Jack has a nice house…” She said. I laughed and said, “He really does. You didn’t even see the bedrooms. It would be sweet living there, except for Jack’s constant sugar highs. I don’t think I could sleep at all if I lived here.”  We got in my car and I drove back to my house.  We got there, and I pulled out my house key, as Zoe awed at the little keychain once again. “Are you going to do that every time I use a key now? Goddamn,” I complained. She laughed and said a small “Maybe……” I walked in my house and sat on my living room floor. Zoe sat on the floor next to me. “Are you going to help me clean out my purse?” I asked confused. She nodded, and I smiled and dumped out everything in my purse.  I made three piles, need, don’t need, and work.  I put what I need back in the purse, including some mints and a chapstick, then looked in my work pile.  I found a wallet with nothing in it and put around 100 dollars in it, and settled that in my purse.  I put the dry erase markers from earlier in the second compartment of my purse. I also put the guitar pick Jack signed in there. Zoe grabbed it back out. “Jack actually has a really cool signature…  I wonder how long it took him to perfect that.” She pondered. I laughed saying, “I don’t think he just signed it, isn’t it like manufactured to have his signature on it?” I asked. She looked closer. “No he signed it earlier. You can see where the marker smudged a bit.” She told me. I grabbed the pick and looked closer. “Oh yeah…” I said. I looked on the back of it, and in a messy scrawl it said Jane Doe I <3 you. “He seriously just wrote on one of his guitar picks so people would know that Jack was here at some point.” I said, dumbfounded and laughing. I got up and grabbed a plastic Meijer bag. I put the junk I don’t need in that, and took it into my room. I had my microphone in my other hand, and put everything on top of the dresser by my bed.  I grabbed my math book and walked back downstairs.  I looked at the time, it’s only 6, I don’t need to start studying yet. I sat on the couch next to Zoe. My purse sat on the coffee table next to my math book, and I grabbed my phone out of it. I went to contacts and called Blake. I put it on speaker and laid across the couch with my head on jello’s lap. The phone was right next to my ear, and it was on speaker so Zoe could hear it too and not bug me by asking who was on the phone. “Jane! My dad doesn’t hate me!” Blake answered happily. “That’s good! As a reward to me, did you ask him to give me a good grade on my math final tomorrow? That would be sweet as I do not feel like studying at all.” I said back. There was about a minute silence and I said, “Blake Harnage, come on, I thought friends did that for each other? And don’t say you forgot because I’m sure your dad said something about me.” I scolded. He laughed, “Conceited now, are we? My dad did say something about you but I didn’t think at the time so you’ll just have to study and take the final using your brains. Sorry doll.” He said. I laughed. “Did you just call me doll? Oh, and are we still hanging out after I get out of school tomorrow?” I asked. I heard a motorcycle rev. “ Oh, and you better not crash your beautiful motorcycle because you were too focused on talking to me.  That thing just sounds sexy.” I said. I heard Blake laugh. “my dad didn’t like the motorcycle very much, but yes I drove it to his place.” He told me.  I laughed. “It’s ridiculous that you’re my math teacher’s son, I seriously never knew. Once again, are we hanging out after school ends tomorrow?” I repeated. He laughed. “Yeah I’ll pick you up from your school tomorrow and we can chill out at my place.” He told me. “Yay! I get to ride on your motorcycle? And okay, I’ll be in the main parking lot in front of the school.” I said happily. He laughed. “You should study for my dad’s test tomorrow and stop talking to me so I don’t crash my beautiful motorcycle.” He said. I sighed. “Fine, your no fun. We get out of school at 12 tomorrow, I’ll see you then.” I said. Blake laughed before saying bye and I looked at Zoe. “Blake Harnage of Versa Emerge. Son of our math teacher. Blake is a guitar extraordinaire with a sexy motorcycle.” I told her laughing. She looked at me oddly for a minute. “I should go home and study, I have math and government finals tomorrow.  Will you drive me back to the school so I can get my car?” Zoe said. I nodded and grabbed my purse. “I’ll be back!” I yelled to whoever was in the house. I heard a groan and I held back a laugh. “Sorry Caleb. I’ll be right back.” I said, slightly quieter now.  I got outside and started laughing. “Caleb must have the worst hangover. He probably just woke up..” I told Zoe. She laughed a little and I got to the school about ten minutes later. I dropped Zoe by her awesome sleek  black Maserati and waved before I went through a Wendy’s drive-thru, getting me some chicken nuggets and fries. Dinner of champs, also known as dinner of people too lazy to actually cook anything, I thought. I got back to the house quickly because the smell of my food was taunting me. My stomach growled as I walked back inside the house. I went in the kitchen and saw Caleb eating Cap n’ Crunch cereal.  I laughed and started eating my meal.  Tiffany came in the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar and started making a sandwich. “You didn’t feel like cooking anything either?” She asked me. I shook my head no and held up my wendy’s bag. She eyed it, saying, “Nice, that smells so good,” I nodded and kept eating as Tiff walked back to the basement to eat her food. I looked at Caleb, “Did you put something in her food? Why is she being so nice?” I asked him. “No, I was wondering the same thing, there was a weird absence of snarky comments and it’s just really weird… Is this real life?” Caleb answered me.  I laughed and walked over to him. “Pinch me to make sure this isn’t a dream or anything like that.” I told him. He smiled and slapped me. “Ow! I said pinch me, not bitch slap me!” I complained. Caleb half-shrugged, only saying that “Pinching is for pussies.” I laughed and threw away the remains of my meal.  “Off to study. Have fun in here, Caleb” I said, groaning as I saw my math book sitting on the coffee table. I walked upstairs and grabbed my math notebook, then went back downstairs and sprawled across the couch.  I flipped through my notebook, understanding most of the stuff from the beginning of the year. I got to factorials and groaned, opening my math book to the page the examples in my notes said. I read the little summary and tried a problem that I didn’t do yet. I got it right after checking in the back of the book, and I kept flipping. At some point I got to the absolute value of lines, and went to that page. I did okay with these, so I just read the summary of what you do. I  got to the end of my notebook, and I didn’t have anything else I needed to look over. Smiling at that, I grabbed my guitar and started tuning the guitar to my song.  I started playing and singing my song, and I shook my head. I don’t feel like doing this song anymore… I tweaked my guitar’s tuning a little bit and played the familiar song.  I was playing Hallelujiah by Kate Voegele, the song from Shrek. I finished playing it and singing, and I smiled. Yeah, that’s totally the song I’m doing, I thought happily.  I heard Caleb whispering, and looked to find him in the doorway of the kitchen with a video camera. He was whispering to Tiff, and recording what I was singing I guess.  “Caleb, turn that off right now before you expose my secret song for my chorus final tomorrow! I don’t care that I’m yelling hurting your hangover, turn it off. I was just messing around really.” I half yelled. I saw him visibly wince.  I ran upstairs and grabbed my keyboard and ran back to the couch. I did finger warm ups and started playing my song. I had it on the setting that made it sound really authentic so I smiled and sang my song. I looked over to see Caleb still recording. I quickly flipped him off and continued my song.  “Finished studying!” I announced happily. Caleb sat on the couch next to me as I tuned  the guitar back to the party scene. Caleb sat the camera so it was recording and on us, and I started playing  the party scene. I sang and Caleb recognized it and sang along with me.  I saw the blinking light on the camera throughout the whole song. It ended and I high-fived Caleb. “Woo! We rock, bro.” I said laughing. He smiled. “And what final is that?” He asked me.  “I learned that song for my friend to sing, I have to play guitar for her though. I learned that earlier so….” I told him and watched as he nodded. He stopped the camera from recording. “Can I post these videos on my youtube after your finals are done?” Caleb asked me. “Sure, just make sure I don’t sound too horrible.” I told him.  His eyes went wide. “You’re kidding me right? You sounded great, with all of that.” Caleb told me. “Awe thanks broski.” I said sweetly.  I grabbed my camera from the purse that still sat on the coffee table, and looked through the pictures I took today, laughing. Caleb stole my camera and laughed at the pictures before handing me the camera again.  “Well I’m going to go upload these on the computer and put them on facebook then go to bed. If you need anything, I’ll be in my room. Other than that, night.” I told Caleb before grabbing my guitar and purse and walking upstairs. I flopped on my bed, putting my guitar on the ground and my purse next to me.   I opened my bedside drawer, pulled my laptop out of it and opened the second drawer and grabbed my camera cord. I uploaded the 10 or so pictures from today, with some random pictures from the sleepover,  onto my computer. I smiled and made a new folder on my facebook photos. I named it “Behind the scenes and random things’ I smiled and uploaded the pictures from my visit to Jack’s house. I then added the group picture I took of all of us at the sleepover, we were sitting in a little circle playing never have I ever when I took the picture. You could see my 5 fingers up, Andy’s 1 and Zoe and Aiden both had 3 fingers up.  I smiled and the picture uploaded. I named it “Never have I ever____” I smiled and kept searching through facebook for a few minutes, and my notifications suddenly showed 20 new picture comments. I clicked on one, and that brought me to the picture of Zack holding his sign, and there was 5 comments. I clicked the next picture over to find the picture of Jack holding his sign, that one had 3 comments.  I went to the next picture that had Alex kissing me on the cheek, that one had 12 comments. I scrolled through them laughing as half of the comments said “Omg are you dating?!” I sighed. These people are ridiculous…. I quickly typed, “No we’re not dating. We’re good friends and he kissed me right as the flash went off. Alex has a girlfriend and he is really loyal, this was just for laughs. =)” I went to my profile and went on Anthony from School Boy Humor’s profile. I quickly typed, “Ant! I’m going to be touring with All Time Low for the California tour in like two weeks! I’ll finally get to meet you guys! So excited!” An im popped up and it was Anthony, shocker.  How did you get on this tour? He asked me. I quickly responded, I got signed dude, and I know ATL so I’m bussing with them. I might need to escape to your bus though, because they can get pretty psycho.  I hope you guys like me once you meet me. I typed to him.  He quickly typed back, I’m excited to meet you and the guys are too now that I told them. Don’t worry, everyone’s going to love you =] I smiled and we chatted for a bit longer about his birthday, and about how I got signed and stuff. I noticed it was late, and I exchanged numbers with Anthony before turning off my computer.  I plugged my phone into the charger and put my purse onto the ground and took off my shirt and jeans leaving me in a tanktop and my underwear. No pants is the way to go, I sometimes have no pants parties when I’m ome alone. I fell asleep soon after I got into my bed.

-- i think this chapter really speaks for itself when I say that, I've barely started my homework that's due on Tuesday after we get back from break... Happy Thanksgiving everyone. It's 12:10 am right now so it's official!

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