chapter 14

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I woke up and looked at the clock first thing. 9 am, 11 hours of sleep, not bad. I got up and started getting ready because I know that Caleb will be anxious to get to band practice. I straightened my hair and put on some lip gloss. I threw on a random band tee. I looked down to see it was actually a forever the sickest kids tee shirt. I threw on a pair of skinny jeans and figured I’ll finish getting ready with Zoe later so I look good on my date. I walked downstairs to get breakfast.  I passed the living room on my way to the kitchen, and sure enough, Caleb was already awake watching tv. I noticed Tiffany sitting on the other side of our large couch, and as I was going to walk away, they started talking. “So you really need to tell Jane about your condition, she deserves to know what’s going on. I’m not going to be here for much longer to cover for you,” Caleb said in Tiff’s direction. “Yeah I know, I need to tell her and soon, but you don’t understand, I’ve been trying to break out of my mean habits towards her for the longest time, and this seems to be making me think more about feelings lately.  I think I’ve always been jealous, but now that this happened it makes me worry, what if this was fatal, I would’ve felt horrible if I died and we were on horrible terms because stupid jealousy got to me,” Tiffany said, making me slightly worried, but I’ll give her time and confront her before I leave for tour. My stomach growled loudly and I walked towards the kitchen as Caleb started talking again. I was so curious, but a stomach doesn’t like not having food in the mornings. I grabbed a muffin and started eating it. I decided to go sit in the living room and see if they stopped talking, I can hear the faint murmurs of conversation right now.  I walked into the living room, and Tiffany stopped talking. I sat down on the couch by Caleb and smiled. “Hey bro, you excited for practice?” I said. He thought for a minute, “Yes, and by the way, apparently the guys miss you.” He told me. I smiled and looked at the clock, that said ten by now. “I’ll be right back guys,” I said as I got up and walked to the kitchen, deciding to call Carrie to hang out. I found her contact and called her. “Hello?” She answered.

“Hi Carrie, I was wondering if you want to hang out and sleep over on Monday if you aren’t busy?” I responded. I heard her laugh. “Sure why not, I don’t really have plans until I leave for vacation with my parents.” She told me. “Okay well I’ll text you on Sunday with my address, I’ll see you then. I miss you already!” I told her in a happy tone. “Okay, bye Jane. I’ll see you then!” She told me in a voice that sounded way too peppy for this early in the morning. I laughed, quickly telling her bye and ending the call. I snuck to the living room entrance again, but Caleb and Tiff were talking about what’s on TV tonight. “It’s a Friday so for my shows there’s glee and celebrity rehab. What about you?” Tiff said to Caleb. “Uh… I think there’s a new family guy and  I have to check MTV because I know I’m missing something.” He told her. I chose then to make my entance, “New family guy tonight? Sweet, I hope I’m home to see it.” I said, laughing as Tiffany looked at me oddly. “Tiff that show is hilarious… Caleb can you record it? I don’t know what time I’ll get home from my date,” I said happily. I saw the tv guide come up, and he went to fox. He hit record on family guy at 9 pm. I grabbed the laptop sitting on the coffee table and opened up google. I searched Jane Doe because yes, I’m egotistical like that. I really just wanted to see what came up. I saw some videos saying, Jane Doe and brother playing on the streets, or other things like that. I also saw a blog that someone wrote, the little description read, met Jane Doe earlier, she was really quite nice. I see why she’s a big deal now.. I clicked the blog and the page loaded. A picture popped up on the side of a guy that I thought looked familiar, and I read the little article thing. “Blogosphere! I just met Jane Doe! She was on the boulevard in Hollywood performing with her brother. From what it sounds like, they got bored and decided to entertain people on the streets of Hollywood.  I was there the whole time and they definitely were entertaining. Also, if you guys ever get offered  the chance to see Jane Doe perform live, you should.  Incredibly amazing.  Below is a video I took from their little adventure.” I clicked play on the video, and the speakers were up pretty loud, so it blasted out of the computer. The video was of me and Caleb singing she likes bittersweet love.  There were 200 comments on the article, but I haven’t even finished reading it yet. I scrolled up to the article, and kept reading. “Jane was very nice and friendly, and I didn’t get a chance to talk to her brother, I tried when one of Jane’s friends from TMZ showed up, but her brother was staring into space and didn’t hear me, almost as if he was really worried about something or thinking very hard. Jane seems to be very good friends with JD from the popular gossip show TMZ, as they were talking like they’ve known each other for years and they both seemed slightly intimate with one another.” I laughed there, and finished reading the article, which basically said that he had talked to the manage after we left and found out that we might come back, so make sure to check the entry of Guitar World next time you’re on the boulevard. I went down to the comments quickly typing in my e-mail and making a username. I started typing saying, “Jane Doe here, this is a cool article, and I’m sorry Caleb didn’t hear you, my sister is sick and we were both pretty worried last night leaving her home alone, I had to deny my worry because I would’ve ended up rushing home right away if I didn’t.  We will probably be performing outside of Guitar World a few more times until I go on tour with my friends all time low and school boy humor.   Sadly, I won’t be singing at any of the shows… I don’t think, at least. Oh, and I’ve known JD for about a week lol, thanks for promoting me dude! I’m off to band practice to see my brother’s friends now! Xoxo, Janie Doe =]” I posted the comment, and Caleb was putting on his shoes so I quickly made sure my phone was in my pocket, threw on a random pair of heels that somehow ended up matching my band tee, and we walked out the door. “Jane, can we take my car, pretty please? I haven’t driven it in so long!” Caleb whined. I laughed saying “yeah why not,” and opening the garage door to reveal his black convertible our parents got him when he was 18. It was starting to collect dust, but Caleb looked like a little kid on Christmas after getting the present you wanted from Santa. He jumped into the drivers seat, and I sat in the passenger seat, getting in the normal way- by opening the door, instead of jumping over it. Caleb backed out of the driveway. “Man, I feel like a kid again. This is awesome.” He said as we cruised down the freeway with the wind blowing in our hair. Not long after, we pulled up in front of a nice looking house.  “Please tell me we don’t have to deal with any awkward parents?” I asked zcaleb. He laughed, walking over to a door. “Nope, just down here,” He said as he opened the door to expose a few stairs. We ended up in a basement, and all the guys were sitting there.  “Hey guys! I’ve missed you!” I squealed as I ran to give everyone hugs. “Janie we’ve missed you too!” Kyle and Austin yelled. I smiled at the drummer and bassist. “Hey, nice shirt. Where can I get one of those?”  John said as he looked me up and down. I smiled, “I dunno I stole this from Kyle, and stop checking me out you perv!” I yelled jokingly. “Wait, when did you steal my shirt? I was looking for that one the other day!” Kyle piped up. I smiled saying, “Well I stole it awhile ago, then I had to wash and dry it a few times so it would fit me and not make me look obese, then I realized if I gave it back it wouldn’t fit you. Oops!” I told him sweetly. He laughed saying, “Whatever… Guys let’s start practicing the old songs, Caleb said he wrote some songs too so we  need to decide if we’re going to do anything with those.” Kyle said off-handedly. All the guys got up off of the couch to go to their instruments, so I sat down on the couch, watching them happily.  After a little bit, Caleb asked me to help him with the song ugly that he’d wrote. I shrugged and stood up.  We sang the song and I did the chorus again, “And if the make you feel ugly, just imagine everybody in their birthday suits, imagine everybody in their birthday suits” I sang just like I did last night, except I sang more how Caleb originally wanted it.  “I think that’s a really good song…” Kyle started. “Oh my god dude, I have an idea! We should have Jane record the chorus part for the actual song then when we play it live, I’ll sing the chorus part.” John suggested. I shrugged. “I’m down, you guys agree?” I said, looking at the other members of this band.  “Sure, cause it sounds really good when you guys sing it together.”  Kyle agreed. Everyone else nodded, and I cheered a little bit. “I’m working on another song too right now, but it’s not even close to being finished,” Caleb told his band. “Well I think we’re done here guys,” John concluded. I smiled and went to hug each of the guys, then we went back home. I looked at the clock and saw it was about time to head to Zoe’s.  I got out of Caleb’s car and into mine,seting my purse on the passenger seat of the car. I drove over to Zoe’s house which was about 5 minutes away, and walked up and rang the doorbell. I heard a dingdong, and Zoe’s mom answered the door. “Miss J! Nice to see you again,” I greeted happily. She smiled, saying, “Oh Jane darling, I’ve told you a million times to call me Dani. Zoe’s in her room, make yourself at home as usual.” I smiled, passing Jello’s mom and walking to the door next to the kitxhen, where Zoe’s  room was. Zoe’s room had a dutch door, where you could open the top part to see if anyone’s in there and the bottom part stays closed unless you want to actually go in it. I opened both parts of the door and walked into the zebra room accentuated with pink.  Her hot pink walls had random band posters from AP magazines, and she had plush hot pink and zebra throw pillows on her neatly made bed.  I looked up at the glittery silver stars above her bed. There was a time when we both thought those stars were so cool, back in 8th grade, when in reality, they never really went with the room. The stars were basically there to remind us that we had the ability to be stars if we wanted. I continued looking around the room, and found Zoe sitting on a rounded chair on her laptop.  I sat on the round chair close by, and poked her randomly. She looked up and took out her earbuds. “Oh hey Jane! I didn’t know you were here yet,” She greeted. I smiled, saying, “Hey, happy birthday! Caleb says happy birthday too, but he’s back at the house recovering from the band practice,” She laughed, “He didn’t want to have a girl’s day with us? Man, he’s missing out.” I nodded my head, agreeing. I looked once again at the stars. “We should change those stars for something cooler, it’s clashing with the room.” I said randomly. “I was just thinking that! I don’t know what I’d put there, though.  Wanna help me find something?” She said, offering me the computer.  I opened up hobby lobby’s website, and started searching through the different wall decals. I clicked on the category love, because I know Zoe is a firm believer in it. I saw a wall decal with a bunch of hearts, each being a different size. I clicked on that, and looked at the section that said: If you like this, you might like…. I saw a framed black and white picture with a zebra and someone smiling next to it. I showed Zoe who agreed to it pretty quickly. I saw that the store had a half off everything sale today only, and the store closed at 3:00 so Zoe and I ran to her car and went to the nearest location. We got there and quickly found what we wanted. I paid, as her birthday present, and we left the store happily. We got back in her car, and the clock said 3:02. We’d just made it before the store closed. “Oh, that was a total win. And  that was only ten dollars!” Zoe said, laughing and slightly out of breath from our running into the store, looking for the stuff, and running to the checkout area before it closed.  I smiled as Zoe took us back to her house. We sang along to the mainstream music that was playing on the radio, half making fun of it and half taking it seriously. We got back to her house, and put the stuff on her wall. We sat around talking for another half hour, when I realized. “Oh, I have to go get ready for my date! Wanna come to my house and help me?” I said hopefully. “Hell yeah I wanna help you get ready for your first date in two years! I’ll meet you at your house, I just have to tell my mom where I’m going. When you get home, plug in your curling iron and prepare your fancy new makeup,” She told me. I laughed saying, “Okay, well I’ll see you there! You’re the best!” I ran out of the house and to my car. I drove home, and when I got there I did what I was told to, because Zoe takes getting ready for dates very seriously.  I took the outfit out of my closet, along with the shoes I was going to wear.  I plugged in my curling iron, and was setting up my makeup when Zoe walked in my room. “ooh! That outfit’s even prettier than it looked in the picture!” She said as she walked over to it. “We’re gonna do makeup first so nothing gets on your outfit, then you’ll put on the outfit, then I’ll do your hair.” She told me, making me laugh and say, “Okay then, miss professional beautician, let’s do it.” Zoe put some foundation on me, which I barely ever wear, then light eyeliner, some mascara, and natural looking eyeshadow. I smiled as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Zoe finished my makeup by applying some light pink lipstick, then I was ordered to change into my outfit. I did so quickly, excited to see what she was planning with my hair. Zoe messed around with my hair for 15 minutes and after about 5 more minutes, I was allowed to look. In the mirror I saw a really pretty girl with soft curled hair that was in a low ponytail. Happy with my appearance, Zoe and I went downstairs in the living room to wait until he got here, because I gave him my address a few days ago. Caleb and Tiffany were in the living room talking, and they saw me and shut up for about a minute. “Jane you look so pretty!” Caleb suddenly rushed out. “Thanks bro, it was mostly Zoe’s doing,” I said, pointing at jello. He laughed saying, “You did good Zoe, happy birthday!” and he waved after. I laughed and turned to Tiffany. “What do you think, sis?” I asked her, as she still hadn’t said anything. “You look gorgeous, I almost didn’t recognize you. Zoe, what have you done to my sister?” She said, laughing at the expression on Zoe’s face. Oh yeah, she hasn’t witnessed Tiff being nice to me yet… “Uh, I curled her hair and did her makeup?” Zoe answered, seeming confused. I laughed at the look on her face. Tiffany then decided to answer, “Well if you keep doing that we’ll have to beat guys off of her with a stick. Damn, he must mean a lot to you Jane, I’ve never seen you wear this much makeup, good job Zoe.” Tiffany was sitting in her usual spot, near the door so I sat next to her. “He should be here soon. Guys, what happens if he doesn’t like me?” I asked, slightly scared. “Janie, listen to me.   “Janie, listen to me. He likes you. He’d be stupid ig he didn’t, you’re the best. Hell, if you weren’t my sister I’d totally be hitting on you right now.” Caleb said reassuringly. “I know that was meant to make me feel better, but it was kinda creepy, please don’t ever say that again.” I told my half-brother, laughing. He laughed, and Tiffany was about to say something, but the doorbell cut her off. “Oh! I wanna get it!” Caleb answered, running for the door. “No, don’t ambush him, I’ll get it.” I said, pulling Caleb a little behind me. I ran to the door and opened it. Jared stood there in jeans and a red collared shirt with a black tie around the collar. “Hi Jared,” I greeted with a smile. “Oh wow, you look nice Jane. I almost didn’t recognize you,” He said after a few seconds of silence. He waved behind me, and I turned around to see Tiff and Caleb looking at Jared almost in awe, but waving at him. “My siblings, Caleb Turman and Tiffany Somers.” I told Jared. He laughed. “Nice to meet you guys, I don’t have to go through the parents enforcing a curfew thing?” He said, laughing slightly.  “Nope, you two take your time. Have fun!!” Tiffany said, practically pushing us out the door. “Well bye guys…” I called through the closed door. Jared laughed, taking my hand and leading me to his nice Ferrari california car. He opened the door for me, which made me giggle a little, and I never giggle. I got in the car and Jared shut the door for me. I saw him running around to the driver side of the car, and he got in. “You’re making me nervous. Stop being so pretty.” He commented with a lopsided grin. I laughed, blushing a bit and replying, “I’m nervous too, I can’t even believe that you would like someone like me.” He laughed,  assuring me that he did like me, and we got onto the main freeway, and drove towards Fairfield. We had a light conversation, and I saw the sign saying welcome to Fairfield. I smiled and about five minutes after, we were parked and getting out of the car. Jared smiled as we walked into the cafe. We got a table immediately, because Jared had made a reservation. At the table there was a really cool  centerpiece of a shiny old-school  guitar.  Everything about the place was vintage- even some of the menu choices, such as black and white milkshakes or spam. The waitress came to our table and asked what we wanted. “For a drink, I’ll have a sprite,” I told her politely. She nodded, and I looked at Jared. “Are you ready to order? Because I am whenever you are,” I said, noticing how the waitress was giving Jared the flirty eyes. “Yeah I’m ready to order, can I have a chili-cheese dog with potato skins?” Jared said, looking up at the waitress with a smile. The waitress nodded and giggled, “I’ll have the cheeseburger with no onions, and curly fries as the side,” I told her. She scoffed and boredly scribbled my order on her pad, walking away without even regarding me.  “Well that was rude, she just kinda left.” I said after she was out of hearing range. Jared laughed saying, “Yeah… And she was kinda creepy, just giggling to herself and looking at me weird,” I quietly laughed at how oblivious he was to her useless attempts to flirt with him, but I took another look around the place. I saw a sign that said “20% of Americans believe that Elvis Presley is still alive.”  I laughed a bit at the sheer ridiculousness of that, and Jared followed my gaze. “Dude that’s crazy, are you part of that 20%?” He asked me. I laughed replying, “No I’m not, it’s ridiculous. I mean, imagine faking your death; who would want to die on the toilet? That’s a bad rap in my opinion. I can’t really blame some of them though, there are all those Elvis street performers, what if one of them was real.” This made Jared laugh, and the weird waitress was back with our food a minute later. We ate pretty quickly, and I thanked Jared for dinner. “Oh, it’s not over yet.” He told me smiling as we got back in his car. We drove for around ten minutes, and we parked outside of what seemed like a run-down building. Jared must’ve seen the look I gave it because he quickly said, “Don’t worry; nobody’s going to rape you or anything. This is cool, you’ll love it,” I trusted him and followed him to the door.  He walked right in, and we saw a guy standing near another door. “Hey Jared, is this your hot date?” He said as soon as he saw us.  “Yeah man, I wanna show her around,” The guy opened the door, and we were met with an elevator. I saw Jared press a button saying C. “I’m going to show you the club first, just make sure you stay by me, it can get crazy down here,” Jared told me.  I nodded, and the door loosened a little, so Jared could open it. I walked out of the little elevator to be met with a giant dance floor and a big stage. Someone was singing on the stage, and a bunch of people were dancing to the music. It looked like heaven to me, and I was so happy Jared brought me here.  “This is awesome, thanks for showing me.”  I  told Jared as we got back in the little elevator. “Okay, so that was the club, now I’m going to show you where they train and record stuff here.” He told me as he hit the 1 button.  The weird little elevator stopped moving, even though I barely realized it moved, and we stepped out.  I recognized some recording rooms as the first thing we passed, and we kept walking by randomly decorated rooms that Jared told me had great acoustics. He pulled me In one with a bunch of speakers, pushed a button on a little speaker and told me to sing. I started singing poppin’ champagne by all time low. It sounded phenomenal as the notes travelled around the room and went over to Jared.  Jared laughed and asked. “Would you like to sing something downstairs tonight?” I laughed saying, “I think I’m a bit overwhelmed by this place to sing to them right now, but maybe some other night. Now that you’ve showed me this place, you know  I’ll be coming back every once in awhile,” I laughed looking around.  I was going to walk back to the elevator, but Jared grabbed my hand and led me towards a small flight over stairs. “Let’s go sign you up so you can come back whenever you want. We need to take the stairs to get to the front entrance.”  We held hands as we went down the stairs, and it was so comforting with Jared’s large hand holding my smaller one.  When we got to the front of the place, that same guy was standing there in front of the elevator door. “Hey,dude, can we sign her up so she can come back without troubles and all that?” Jared asked him. The guy smiled and nodded, taking a little camera out of seemingly nowhere, and he told me to smile. I was confused, but did it anyways. There was a small flash, and the picture came out of a slot on the back of the tiny camera.  “Here’s a card to fill out,” The guy handed me a plastic card and a pen. I quickly filled in my name, deciding to write Jane Doe instead of Jane Somers. I filled out my e-mail and a few other details, and handed the guy the card.  He grabbed the small picture of me, peeled the back so it looked like a sticker, and stuck it on the card. He took his notepad and wrote some things- probably what I wrote on my card, and handed it back to me with a smile. “Welcome to the singers warehouse, Jane. I hope to see you back here soon” I assured him I would be back, and Jared and I walked outside to his car.  “That’s all I had planned, are you ready to go home?” Jared said as he started the car. “Yeah I guess, and thanks for tonight, I had a lot of fun,” I told him as I felt a small yawn hitting my system.  He started driving, and we’d turned down the radio, just enjoying the peaceful silence.  Jared rolled down the windows and started laughing as I tried to fix my hair after the blast of powerful air. “Now my hair probably looks like a poodle,” I said laughing as Jared just kept driving. Jared decided to speak up as I was about to say something about how long It took me to get ready.  “Jane, you know I like you for who you are, right? You don’t have to get all fancied up for me, in my opinion you always look beautiful,” He said, breaking the silence. “Awe thanks Jared… I let Zoe talk me into dressing nice and doing my hair and makeup and all that because it’s been so long since I’ve dated anybody, but that’s nice to know for the future.” I told him as my heart melted and my brain repeated that sentence he just told me.  I noticed the sign that said San Jose welcomes you, and it made me sad that I was almost home.  Jared parked next to my driveway, and he didn’t turn off the car yet. “Jane Somers,  will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?” He asked me in the cutest voice I’ve heard him use, it sounded so hopeful and vulnerable. I couldn’t deny him after this amazing night, so I said, “Yes I will Jared Dean,” I looked at him, and he looked as though he just won the lottery, he looked so happy. “I’ll walk you to your door,” Jared said as he turned off the car and ran around to open my door.  I laughed and said, “You know, you don’t have to keep doing that, I can open doors too,” In a joking tone.  Jared smiled, nodding and we walked to my porch by the door.  “Thank you, I had a wonderful time,” I said as he stood staring at me. I was about to go open the door when Jared grabbed my shoulders and guided me back to him. He kissed me and it was so sweet,  he didn’t push me to do anything other than kiss him back. It wasn’t the normal kiss guys give girls, and there were hints of fireworks going through my mind as I kissed him back passionately.  He pulled away, and told me in a quiet and slightly husky whisper, “Goodnight,  sweet dreams.” I smiled and waved as he got back into his car. I walked into my house, and looked out the window because I didn’t hear his car start yet. Jared just sat in his car smiling stupidly, staring at the place where I was on the porch around two minutes ago. I saw his eyes travel to the window I was looking out of, and he smiled, blushed a little, and waved. I waved back, watching as he started his car and left my house.   I was in the middle of a small happy dance when Caleb walked in the room.  “How was your date? Family guy was hilarious, it’s on the tivo.” He said, and I stopped my happy dance. “It was good. And I wanna watch! Actually, let me shower and change first, then I’ll watch it.” I told him happily. He nodded saying, “Well I’m going to go on the computer, I’ll be in the living room if you need me.” I nodded and walked upstairs. I got up there, grabbed new undergarments and two towels, and wiped off a little of  my makeup before I got in. The shower felt so nice, and I smelled like my fruity body wash, instead of my stinky perfume that Zoe told me to wear tonight.  I got out and put on my undergarments.  I wrapped a towel around my hair and one around my body. Time to search for sweats, I suppose. I walked out of my room and to the living room. I walked in asking, “Caleb, do you have any big sweatshirts I could borrow? He looked up from his computer with an innocent look, and I looked down to his computer to see him on stickam.  I was on the camera and I saw a few messages saying dumb stuff like, “OMG SHE’S SO HOT!!” Caleb looked around at the clothes sitting on part of the couch. “You can look over there, that’s some of the stuff I had on tour. I think one’s in there, but if not, you can go in my room and raid my closet like you normally do. I smiled saying, “Kay thanks bro!” I walked over to his tour stuff, half scared to touch it, half really wanting a baggy sweatshirt.  I sorted through it, and found a sweatshirt that had their tour name on it. I smiled and sniffed it, not bad. I slipped it on, and moved the towel down to my waist. “Nice choice sis, now please go find some pants.” He told me laughing as I glared at him.  I walked up the stairs to my room again, and found some old sweatpants that had the school’s name on the butt. I put those on, not caring anymore, and went back in the living room. I grabbed the remote from Caleb and turned on Family guy, while searching the room for a hairbrush. I paused the theme song and ran to grab a brush from the nearest bathroom. I found my favorite one and plopped on the couch, hitting play and taking my towel off of my head.  I brushed through my hair, and laughed at the retarded cartoon characters on the show. I love this show, I continued watching and Caleb was laughing at whatever the people in his stickam were saying, yes he was still on there.  “Jane this guy wants me to give you his number, what should I say?” He asked. “Tell him that I’m happily taken so he can fuck off? But say it as nicely as possible,” I said, laughing and imagining the guys reaction.  Caleb laughed after about a minute. “Apparently he heard you, and he says, if you’re taken why did you come on cam in a towel?” He says.  “Well I needed clothes, I didn’t know you were on that stupid site, I thought you were done with that, by the way?” I said curiously.  “Yeah well I am, but I got like 1,000 tweets from fans telling me to come on here, and I got bored so I did,” He told me.  I laughed, and returned my attention to family guy.  I laughed as the episode went on, and at some point I started texting Carrie. Happy first day of no more school! I texted. She responded about a minute later, saying You too! Did you have a good day? I smiled, today was so good. I texted back, I had an amazing day, hung out with my best friend for her birthday, then Zoe helped me get ready for my first date with my, well now he’s my boyfriend.  And now I get to have a lazy weekend, unless someone random decides to stop over here. I like texting Carrie, she keeps a good conversation. Family Guy ended, so I went upstairs and grabbed my laptop, camera, and camera cord. I was bored, so I decided to put on videos from my camera and phone. I got my phone charger and took the computer cord off of the wall charger. I smiled and went to the living room.  I opened my youtube account, and plugged in my phone first.  I uploaded everything on there to the computer’s drive.  I decided to upload the videos of us having fun at the studio, and the one of the pop acoustic room. I uploaded those, and opened a new tweet on my twitter. I quickly typed, uploading the best videos ever on my youtube! J I hit tweet, and went back to uploading. I didn’t even need my camera because everything was on my computer already. So after all my work prank videos, I uploaded a video titled, JALEX DOES EXIST!! I laughed and hit finish, smiling as the page loaded and showed me that each of my new videos had around 100 views.  I opened a new tab, and went to stickam. I logged into Caleb’s stickam and got on camera. Caleb laughed and started typing furiously. C-Man: Hey Jane, welcome to the room! I see you over there on the couch. What’s hanging, sis? I smiled at the camera, quickly typing back, Jayn: I got bored and ended up here, so how was your day bro? I bet you guys missed me SO much while I was out on my amazing date. Caleb set the computer so the webcam was facing me, and I flicked him off. “Hey, that’s not nice. I was just gonna come give you a hug saying how much we missed you, but you don’t deserve it. No hugs for Jane.” He said, using his voice instead of typing for once. I giggled and quickly typed, Jayn: guys, my brother’s crazy in the head, I think he may be drunk right now. I’m sorry for anything bad he’s said to you. Caleb laughed obnoxiously and typed, C-Man: I only get drunk after band practices! No need to worry.  I laughed typing, Jayn: …And you had band practice today, I was there, smart one. Caleb quickly typed back saying, C-Man: Damn, this one’s quick. Watch out for her, guys. She can see through your lies. I smiled and looked at all the private messages that were on my screen. A bunch of people were asking the weirdest questions, stuff like, have you and Caleb ever ‘experimented’? I was grossed out beyond belief, and one said. how is it being his sister? Seems like there’s never a dull moment..  I decided to answer that one, quickly typing back, It’s fun… There are dull moments though. I just like his band, they’re some of the greatest guys I know. That’s the only reason I’m nice to him lol, but seriously, he’s a normal person, it’s like any other relationship where your brother is 4 years older than you.. Except me and Caleb are close. I finished typing, proud with my work, and I looked at the viewer count. “Holy shit, Caleb look at how many people are watching us,” I called out, my eyes stuck on the number 10,000, and then my eyes moved to my camera. My hair was still wet and curling a bit, and I was in sweat pants, and to top it all off, I have no makeup on.  I heard a thump and Caleb fell out of his chair. The computer sat on the couch, slightly pointed in my direction. I quickly typed in the chat, Jayn: The dumbass just fell off the couch, be right back guys =] I walked over to help Caleb back on the couch, and he turned to me. “10,000 people is a lot, that’s like…. 5 of our bands….” He said, speech slightly slurred. “How much did you drink this time?” I asked in a parent-like tone. “I had 4 beers and a few shots, I dunno how many..” He answered. I put him on the couch, and he passed out as I sat down again. I quickly typed into the chat saying, Jayn: I have to go put him in his room, he just passed out totally shiitfaced. I’ll be right back, guys. Time for me to carry my heavy brother up two flights of stairs. I saw some people on the camera laughing as they read my message, and I held up one finger in a wait one minute motion. I grabbed Caleb bridal style, and he snuggled into my chest. I laughed, but took him up to his room without much difficulty. I put him on his bed, and closed the door as I walked out.  It was only midnight, and I wasn’t tired so I went back downstairs.  On stickam, there were still about 8,000 people in the room. I typed saying, Jayn: I’m back from my work out of the night, I just had to carry my brother bridal style up the stairs. When you have him, who needs a gym membership? Some people were laughing, and I decided to make a stickam room so I’ll be on the main screen on my name. I told everyone to go to my profile, and I started it. I saw myself in the big box, and I smiled as around 4,000 people entered. I went over to Caleb’s computer and shut off his room, before shutting off the computer.  I set the caption under my image to say, go there. I smiled as more and more people entered. I saw a guy get on cam, and I recognized him as the blogger I saw when we were street performing the other day. He waved at me, and I waved back excitedly. “Dude, we meet again!” I said happily. I heard him laugh and say, “Hello Jane Doe! I actually know who you are now!” I smiled, and a bunch of people started asking me what happened to Caleb. I typed back saying, Jayn: Well he apparently went to the bar while I was gone today and just passed out of drunkenness, so I carried him upstairs to his room. I’m such a good sister.  People started asking random questions. I was talking to this one guy in California who told me he’s obsessed with All Time Low and is going to their show when they go to his town, he’s in Bakerfield. I happily typed back saying, Jayn: Dude I’m going on that tour! I’m not living with All Time Low because I want to stay sane and alive, but I’ll be backstage! The guy started typing saying, you’re so lucky to know them, are they fun to hang out with? I typed back, Jayn: They are, but Jack gets pretty bad when he has sugar or alcohol. If you go to my youtube channel, you should look at my newest video.  There was a few minutes of him not responding when he  typed back, I love you, will you marry me?  That video was hilarious it just made my life. I laughed, typing back saying, Jayn: I don’t think my boyfriend that I’ve had for a few hours would like that too much, and yeah, I feel like I’ll get yelled at for that video but hey, I film things when I’m uncomfortable. I’ve been on the wrong side of one of Jack’s dry humping escapades before.. It’s pretty bad.. I felt bad for Alex. The guy typed back saying that he was going to get on camera now, and to look for him when we get to Santa Barbra. He was on camera and I was shocked at how pretty boy he seemed. I didn’t say anything, and we kept a casual conversation going about what he thought the guys of All Time Low were personality wise. I told him where he was right or wrong, and he told me that we’d be in Santa Barbra on Friday. I was confused with how that works, but I’m no tour expert so I told him I’d come out of hiding backstage to look for him when we got there. We said goodbye, and I told him I’d see him soon, and I got offline and went to sleep in my comfy bed. 

video of Christina Grimmie's ugly :)

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