Soportado (Rey Elías Part II)

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Chapter 20:

Hunter's POV

I watched them as the moved me out the way and gathered around Eli's body. I already knew what they were about to say. They're were gonna say...

Yep...he's dead. Like he was nothing more than a case study. Like another gansta on the street that got himself got.

I covered my face and started to walk away in distress. Ant followed me as we walked toward the doors of the hotel room. I knew once the door closed behind us it was real.

"You ok?" Ant said in a low voice.

"No..." I shook my head. Ant walked me to my room. I opened the door and just stared.

"Shit..." I heard Ant said softly seeing what I saw. I walked in slowly and picked up the first shirt on the floor. It was the same shirt that he wore the night we made love. I put it up to my nose and felt a tear come down. I could smell him...I could still smell him as if he never left.

"What do you want to put all of Rey's clothes?" Ant asked.

"Eli..." I said softly.


"His name was Eli..." I said a little louder as I turned toward him. Ant lifted his hand up in surrender.

"You need another room?"

"No...I'm ok." I said sighing. Ant looked down unsure if I was really ok in here. I heard the door close and I ripped off the clothes that I was wearing. I went in the shower and scrubbed my skin rough to get off his blood.

Blood isn't hard to get off skin, but I scrubbed hard anyway. I screamed and slid down on the shower floor, crying.

After all my tears were gone I just sat there staring at the other corner of the shower. Maybe I was waiting for him to come in and say 'mind if I join?' like he always...used to do.

I guess the worst part was that I've never seen him cry, but he cried tonight. The tears came right before know.

The tears came as if he was afraid...he wasn't ready to go and I wasn't ready to let him go. The tears came when he realized that he was never going to see me again. The tears came when he realized that he should've never did this gansta shit in the first place.

You can have a title, but what does it do? Once you take that last breath, it means nothing. It's nothing when you get buried in the ground and you leave the man walking on the earth...that's it. Cause see he shot him and screeched his ass up outta there.

But it's ok...cause I heard what Ant said...about that knife. See...I use to use a knife to cut my very skin, but not anymore. Tonight...or whenever I find his ass, I'm gonna lift that knife away from my wrist and stab...

But that ain't gonna bring him back. My first love, my only love...nope. He'll be gone forever. So no Ant...I'm not ok and I never will be.

I got out the shower, dried my body, rewrapped my arm and put on his shirt with my shorts. I sat on the bed with my knees to my chest. I just stared at the suitcase he left behind. His clothes were half out of it...he never did pack right.

I got up, started to pick up his clothes like he was still here. I put them all in the suitcase neatly and zipped it up. A packet of cigarettes fell out the pocket and I grabbed them. I took one out and took out the lighter.

I walked out in the patio bare footed and lit it. I put it in my mouth and started smoking.

You don't smoke... His voice rung in my ears. I put out the cigarette and covered my face. I sat down and cover my eyes with my knees. I heard the siren echoing in the wind from a distance...

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