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Chapter 25:

4 months later

Rey's POV

I rubbed my eyes after sitting up from my sleep and yawned. It was the first time I actually got any sleep at the new place. I looked on my side to see if Hunter was beside me. She wasn't...

"Hun..." I stopped myself hearing the shower turn off. Damn...I always miss her. Not like she was gonna let me in with her, her getting bigger and all. But I was gonna try's not like I was less attracted to her.

She walked out with the towel around her making a pouty face. I narrowed my eyes wonder what the hell was wrong.

"I'm so fat..." She said with her bottom lip out.

"Oh baby, come here." I said holding my arms out. She slowly came to my embrace and sat on my lap.

"This is all your fault..." She said mean mugging me.

" were there too." I said point to her. She pretended that she was gonna bite my finger.

"I hate you." She said smirking a little. She laid on my shoulder and I put my hand on her belly underneath the towel.

"You feel that?" I whispered. "The baby moved." I said feeling an overwhelming sense of surprise.

"Yeah..." Hunter said smiling. She wasn't as surprised as I was, cause I guess she was use to it, but this was my first time feeling the baby there.

"Wow..." I said with my eyebrow up. I started to smile and I couldn't seem to take my hand off Hunter's belly.

"Just wait till the baby actually comes out..." Hunter said placing her hand on top of mine.

"Yeah...the baby is gonna have little fingers and toes, and arms and legs...and a face with a...with a nose." I felt my eyes widen. "The baby is gonna have a nose." I repeated.

"Of course...hopefully a cute one like yours."

"You think I have a cute nose?" I said confused. "I hate my nose. I want the baby to have yours."

" nose is cuter, but your eyes..." Hunter said touching my face.

"Don't curse this baby with my eyes..." I said in a serious tone making Hunter's smile fade away, which I didn't mean to do.

"Our baby isn't going to be like him if he or she have those eyes. You aren't like him and you have them."

"Yeah but I'm no better..." I said looking to the side.

"Eli..." Hunter trailed off and looked at her stomach.

"I'm not gonna love this baby less because of it...if he or she has my eyes, then...they'll be greater than me, just like I was better than him."

"Exactly...but you're still pretty amazing." Hunter said wrapping her arms around my neck.

"You had a little something to do with that." I said making Hunter make the aww face. She kissed me on the lips softly beginning a deeper kiss.

"Yo, Rey---" I heard Ant bust in the door making Hunter jump and me narrow my eye in irritation.

"What the fuck, Ant?" I said lifting my hand.

"Oh my I interrupting something?"

" a matter of are." I said tilting my head at Hunter.

"When you're gotta see this." Ant said in a serious tone. I lifted my eyebrows. Hunter slid off my lap and walked in the bathroom.

"What is it?" I said getting up and smoothing out my pajama pants. Ant just walked away and I followed. We walked all the way up to the front door only to find that it was Camlia and Trey standing right there.

Rey ElíasWhere stories live. Discover now