
162 14 8

*Your vs. You're

-You're= you are (contraction)

-Your= ownership


Ex: As I stared into Aiden's orbs, I felt safe.

Orbs: a spherical body; a globe

~When did it suddenly become ok to replace eyes with orbs? I mean, last time I checked, orbs don't mean eyes. It's really uncomfortable when you replace eyes with orbs. Please just don't.

*To vs. Too vs. Two

-To= At, From, Of

-Too= Also, Excess

-Two= Number

*Loose vs. Lose

-Loose= Not tight

-Lose= Not to win

*When an author runs out of idea's for her book, she throws in a psycho ex girlfriend/boyfriend that kills off characters

Ex: I was washing the dishes when someone bursted through the front door with a gun. It was my ex boyfriend Tom!

"If I can't have you Tina, no one can!" He screamed and shot me. Then I passed out to the darkness.

~I really don't understand. Why would you ruin your wonderful book by bringing some psycho in and killing everyone?

*In almost every Harry Styles FanFic that involves him having a kid, it's always a girl and her name is always Darcy.

~Yes, Harry Styles DID say he likes the name Darcy, but that doesn't mean you HAVE to use it. I'm pretty sure Harry likes other names too.

*The author get straight to the point of the book and spills the beans in the second chapter, leaving the rest of the 25 chapters dry and boring

~There's 5 steps in creating a story.

1. Exposition- setting out story/characters. Getting the setting into place

2. Rising Action- Builds beginning of story

3. Climax *Turning Point*- Where the drama/issue is addressed

4. Falling Action- Resolves the conflict

5. Resolution- All ties are tied, the book is finished.

*The author tries to write the book in British slang, but uses the wrong money term, and switches back and forth from American slang to British.

~The solution is really quite simple; if you're American, uses American slang. If you're British, use British slang. It's better to use slang you're use to, than  mix up everything and confuse your readers.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2013 ⏰

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