29. The Insulting Interview

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Lilly's POV
It was time for the interview... Everyone was going public. Well, accept me and Zayn, we've been public since we started dating... Accidentally, of course ;) Then it was time for the interview.
The interviewer asked same old same old questions, until the single question came up... The interviewer said, "So this is one question all the girls want to know. Who is single?" No one raised their hand. He continued, "Who are the lucky ladies?"
Louis said, "Well, how about we show you..." Cindy got a piggy back ride from Louis. Niall did the same with Jasmine and Harry the same with Lulu. Zayn grabbed my hand first and I protested pulling back, he eventually carried me bridal style. I was laughing and covering my face the whole time. Lila had the same problem with Liam. He picked her up yhe same way and I yelled, "Three! Two! One! Go!" We uncovered our faces and everyone gasped. The interviewer and everyone was shocked I had a twin sister. He asked, "Why the secret?"
I said, "I didnt want her to get caught up in it, but its too late now. She's happy with Liam and that's all that matters." He said, "Care to explain?" I winked saying, "Not my interview, maybe later." He chuckled and we said who we were.
It was going until he asked some awkward questions. He asked who was the best kisser, who was great in bed. That stuff, the girls said "Sorry, it's private." He kept pestering and bothering us then he asked an insulting question. "So, Lilly, when will you drop the Muslim piece of terrorist and go for Liam. I mean obviously, you two love each other. Come on, tell us?" I said in a bitter mood, "1. Don't you ever, in your state of any mind say Zayn is a terrorist! He is the most sweetest person I have ever met and you should be ashamed of yourself for saying that in the first place! 2. Liam and I love each other as brother and sister. Nothing less and nothing more. Oh and one quick thing, can I have my twitter fans tweet this out, #Zaynisntaterrorist And #Zaynisthebest ?" I sent out the first tweet then and there sending the bewildered look on the interviewer's face. I mean, I rarely talked like that, unless it's insulting my friends and it was really rare. Then I said in a sweet voice, "Now please apologize to my boyfriend and he can continue this interview." He apologized and gave me the death glare.
I stared him down smirking and he continued, then he talked about my tour.
The interviewer asked, "So, Lilly, how has the tour been going?" I replied, "Well, we are started soon and I can't wait though." He smiled and asked, "How are you guys going to manage with the album released and stuff?" I smiled and said, "I have a recording studio in my private bus and the lads and lass plan to visit me on some dates."
He smiled and said, "Well thanks for tuning in everyone, this is One Direction, their girlfriends, and Lilly Black!" with that, we went to Nandos and went home. Each couple decided on a movie. Louis and Cindy picked Grease, Lulu and Harry picked Love Actually, Niall and Jasmine picked Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, Liam and Lila picked Toy Story and me and Zayn picked, Deathly Hallows Part 1. We all had fun watching it and soon, we all dosed off.

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