A Forgotten Love

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hello this my first story on this website and i hope you people like it and read it

its called A Forgotten Love its a historical fiction its suppose to take back in the Roman and Greek times in a city called Alivia and the main characters is Sophie and Xavier. Sophie is this 17 year old girl whose has lost her father to a war and her mother to illness and all she has left is her younger brother Estilio, her three cousins: Tristan, Jacob and Colin and her their mother which is her aunt Amber and she lives with and Sophie's father was a great military General and she becomes the new General but she meets this guy named Xavier from across the sea, they fall in love but she doesn't know he is a prince.

I dont give away too much information but i hope people will this and i hope that you guys will commet to and vote and i'm going only write the firdt chapter till i see if i get any votes

Thanks :)


Chapter 1

The sun raise early one morning only to be cover but clouds of depression.

"Sophie...Sophie make haste dear the dead dosen't wait for living come on!" Aunt Amber yelled to me as I do my hair. I stepped from the mirror and look at her, she had angry face.

"If you want to see my passing father then go ahead I will follow you in a bit." I said in totally complete bitterness. I heard a low growl from her, then her hand shot out and grab my arm hard made her face her which was scary.

"You maybe my brother's daughter but you lived under my house, you followed my rules!" She yelled. Her face was red as a beet and I could see a little vein popping out of her forehead on the right-side. I grab her hand that was grabbing my arm and threw it off almost knocking her off balance and stormed out the front door but before I left I turned around and said,

"Be careful who you piss off..." Then I slammed the door and walk to the burial of my fathers.

It began to rain as i walk into the temple there I saw a lot of people standing around the burial of my father's passing. Mourning women crying and other family member that my father had showed me when my mother had past away but this time it was my father and he was laying on funeral pyre high above us and the scent of roses filled the room. I look around there I saw my brother standing there in the midst of the crowd tear-eyed I came over to him and hugged him he didn't hugged back at first but then he slowly but surely hugged me back and started to cry in my arms.

"Today is a sad day indeed. We lost a beloved father and general, he was truly won't be forgotten. He was noble and Brave, the bravest man I ever known and the best reliable man I ever knew i only wish he dies of old age but he died of pride for serving his country. My friend and comrade i will true;y miss you."  The men stepped down and I was next i walked up the stairs of the pyre. I saw his face and I almost choke but i held it together and began to read the poem I've written for him.

"My father was great man, loving father and brave general and I love him with all my heart. As daughters and I'll never forget him. I always remember the walks on the beach, the stories he told me and my little brother, the help of getting ous through our mother's death even the of the days that he was gone protecting us from war. I always thought he would he would return and be with us again, but unfortunately that thought never came. But I know that he won't ever leave us. I know that we'll be together again somewhere , where there is no wars or discretion's but together as a family." I place the paper down and place a white shroud over my father's face and whisper to his ear,

"I always love you daddy..." Then place the shourd over him and grab a torch and set the flames to his body saying good-bye for now.

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