First Night

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First Night for etre-libre-dit-combeferre:

Grantaire felt the sun warming his back and at first he was confused as to why he didn't have a shirt on. Without opening his eyes, he stretched his arm out and was even more astonished as to why there was a human in his bed.

Had he done something he ought not have? Do he get drunk? Grantaire thought back, no he didn't get drunk. Enjolras had thrown out- Enjolras. That's who was beside him now.

Grantaire sag up, opening his eyes. He pulled the blanket covering Enjolras' naked body and was overwhelmed at seeing Enjolras, the tough, fearless, revolutionary, that took punches and ha already had several concussions, that carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, looking so precious.

He always looked beautiful, with that pale white marble skin, his gorgeous curly blond hair always tied up in a red ribbon and those damn black skinny jeans that Grantaire recognised thrown to the floor.

But there was something about seeing Enjolras in such a... A vulnerable position. He had curled his long toned legs underneath him, his arms sprawled out. His hair was most perfect though.

Those beautiful blonde curls that Grantaire loved so much, usually kept in an impeccable state of perfection, had gone nuts. They were limp and sticking to his forehead and cheeks. Grantaire watched as Enjolras reached for the sheets blindly. How could Enjolras be so flawless, even in sleep?

Grantaire ached to get his sketchbook and draw this scene. He'd call it "First Morning."

"Taire? Taire, where 're you?" Enjolras mumbled, reaching for Grantaire. Grantaire pulled Enjolras flush against his chest. "M'cold." Enjolras said, once he was settled.

"I'll keep you warm, sheltered from the storm that's raging on." Grantaire sang a bit of the song he had associated with his affection towards Enjolras a long time ago.

"You do that." Enjolras smiled sleepily up at Grantaire.

"Oh I will Monsieur." Grantaire promised. "Now you go back to sleep, we had a bit of a late night."

Enjolras pouted, which would have made Grantaire give into his slightest whim, but his look was broken by a yawn.

"Oh alright. But you'll stay with me?" Enjolras asked, as if Grantaire would rather be any where else.

"Of course mon amour. Always." Grantaire said, leaning down to kiss Enjolras.

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