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Enjolras twisted the satin red ribbon around his long fingers. His stomach was twisting and jolting with every step he took.

"Taire? Could you, could you help me?" asked Enjolras nervously. "I can't get it to tie right." he held up the ribbon.

Grantaire had jolted to attention the moment Enjolras opened his mouth. He looked at Enjolras' disheveled curls and the ribbon tied tight around his fingers.

"You want me to help- you?" Grantaire stammered, getting to his feet. Enjolras nodded, holding the ribbon out.

"Can you?" Enjolras asked.

Grantaire blushed. What Enjolras didn't know was the elation Grantaire felt in the pit of his stomach. He had dreamed of the day he got to tie the ribbon.

"Yes!" Grantaire exclaimed, unwinding the ribbon. He stepped behind Enjolras and laced the ribbon behind the golden curls. He dropped the ribbon for a moment to wipe his sweaty palms on his pants before going back to the task at hand. Because Enjolras was so much taller, Grantaire had to stand on his toes to tie it. Once he was finished and the curls were tied neatly in a bun, he stepped back in front of Enjolras.

"I hope it's okay..." he said quietly.

Enjolras couldn't stop smiling. "Thank you, Grantaire. I don't know why I didn't ask you sooner. I've been in there for fifteen minutes trying to tie the damned thing." Enjolras babbled.

"You poor thing." Grantaire mocked.

"You wanna tie my hair up all the time?" Enjolras requested.

All Grantaire could do was smile.

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