Party all Day

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Your Pov
I woke up around 11:30 and got in a usual outfit My F/B T-shirt And skinny jeans with My F/C Sketchers so comfortable like very I decided to go and jog to Argos Nicole will be there in a Min with her "Bishes" I looked around a Girl with dark brown hair came with two people yelling One Blonde another Brunette then I saw Nicole with her redish hair she walked up to the girls she saw me and waved me over she was with a Girl who looked like she was in college "Hey girls this is Y/N Y/N this is Mia,Mae,Angel and my lil sis Aliah we also have Rachel but she is a lil late,"
I see a girl out the corner of my eyes wearing a MyStreet Phoenix drop high P.E top "Sorry I am late so where to?" I am guessing she is Rachel "Like normal we r going to Starbucks then we r gonna make a video THEN Go nightclubbing," O.O nightclubbing? "Nightclubbing but we never go nightclubbing!" Says I think Mae "Uh no we always go Nightclubbing u just don't join." Says Mia "Oh god." I hear Angel Muttering "Put a sock in it u 2 I put up with it in the car ride and I refuse to put up with it anymore!" Says Angel "Shut up at least I don't have to marry some one I hate." Says Mia "At least I don't sleep with my Best friends Bf." Says Mae "THAT'S IT!" They all yell and stomp off "O_O OK? Is that normal?" I ask they both shake their heads "I guess they r all having problems Wanna go to Starbucks then go interrupt the boy's Recording!" Says Rachel "Yo Nicole I wanna go back to campus I need to go do extra work." Says Aliah walking off "Okay?" We all hop into Rachel's car then we sit in silence as we drive to Starbucks We get all different drink I got a Caramel Ice Latte idk what Nicole or Rachel got then we drive to Jerome's house "Ya girls ready?" Says Nicole we all nod we grab our foam swords from the back Nicole picks up the gnome and picks up the key (So many Refrances XD" She opens the door and puts the key back we sneak up to Jerome's Study room where he records I whip put my camera "Hey guys Y/N here we r at Jerome's house about to prank him I am with Nicole and Rachel go check em out anyways we have foam swords and we r gonna go in there and whack Jerome with them" I whisper we kick open he door and start hitting Jerome with the Foam swords I yell "YOU'RE NEXT MITCH!" I yell and we run out I pause the recording we drove to Mitch"s house and do the same after that we head back to my house I laugh at this memory Adam was outside waiting for me to get home "Hey Y/N good day to u I guess goodnight." He says walks into his house "Night girls," I say I hop out the car and go inside my house wow

546 words :O so many words me and InsaneKawaiiGirl decided to do a cross over so yeah I added in XxRachelWoodxX because why not luv ya guys

P.S thnx guys with out u I wouldn't have met so many great people here

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