Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Tucker's words stick in my head, but it doesn't make any difference to me. I know now why he seems like he doesn't enjoy anything. He doesn't. Ever.

"Things move quickly. They want me, they want what they want from me, they leave me whether or not they get what they want. It's like I have no feelings to them. It all happens in a few days, and I'm alone again. I can love someone," he had said. "But I don't get a proper chance to..."

Now I know. And it's a secret I have to keep.

I think about this as I get ready for school. It's a half day today so I really don't care how I look. People can laugh and stare all they want. I'm not pregnant and that's that.

Momma starts nagging on me to come straight home because we're having a cookout. I keep running past her trying to get ready and all.

We all meet up at the bus stop and get on the bus feeling the spirit of football Friday.

The others still aren't talking to me. I guess it's fine, but it kind of hurts considering who they are to me. I just wish there was a way to convince them...

We get to school, and I take a deep breath, hoping today will be better. Of course my attempt at positivity backfires, and everything feels a lot worse than it did yesterday.

The first person I see is Colin. Without thinking, I walk straight over to him. Everyone I pass says something rude loud enough for me to hear. The comments irritate me even more.

Colin frowns when he sees me, knowing I'm not exactly happy at the moment.

"Hey, Baby. What's wrong?" he asks.

"As if you don't know!"

"I really don't... What's going on?"

"You told everyone I was pregnant," I accuse him. He raises an eyebrow.

"I didn't say anything like that. In fact, I didn't say anything at all!"

"Then what were you telling your friends the other day? That you got lucky and scored with me? Is that what you told them?!"

"Baby, calm down!" he says. "I never said that. They were telling me a prank that happened in the locker room when I took you home! I missed it so they were telling me about it. I never said anything about us."

I step back, hurt and confused. If he didn't say it, and his friends didn't say it, then who said it?!

"I-I'm sorry..." I apologize. "I really need to get my facts straight before I accuse someone like that."

"Hey, at least you confronted me about it. That's what I love about you. You're so... pretty when you're angry."

"Thanks?" He laughs and puts his arm around my waist.

"So are we okay now?"

"Yeah. We're okay." He smiles down at me and walks me to class.


As soon as we get home, momma starts yelling at me to change and come downstairs. I don't know why she's so pushy today, but it's driving me insane.

I change into some shorts since it's so hot outside, and then I run downstairs hoping she won't yell at me again.

I carry the things she places in my arms to the backyard, and everyone's already here. I set them down and go hug all my aunts and uncles.

I try to go join the others in the pool, but they all just stare at me, and I just turn the other way and sit by myself. They go back to doing what they were before, and I feel really left out. I watch as they play pool games and splash each other and just have a good time. I sigh.

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