Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I watch as the autumn leaves dance in the wind. The cool breeze rushes across my body, shifting my long hair over my shoulder. The sun is shining brightly today. Nothing seems wrong.

"Baby?" a voice behind me asks gently. "Are you alright?"

A comforting hand is placed on my shoulder. I tilt my head, touching his hand with my cheek. I nod slightly, and he sits beside me.

"What are you thinking about?" Tucker asks as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. I gaze out at the small front yard from the front steps of the small house.

"Your brother," I answer quietly, remembering everything that happened in that short time.

"You were day dreaming again. Weren't you?"

I nod again.

"You shouldn't do that. You always relive what you don't want to."

"It's not just that," I argue quietly. "I felt like I was there again. I felt the pain and happiness and stress. Everything."

"Baby, you know how crazy Harrison was. Besides, he's been gone for almost five years now. Those people were out to get him, so they did. Things just happen sometimes, and we can't change them," he explains.

"You remember when we were cleaning out his room and looking through his things?" Tucker nods. "I found this story he wrote. It contained everything that happened from when Colin began to hurt me to things that haven't even happened yet. Harrison knew things we didn't. How do you think that is?"

"I don't know. Like I said. He was crazy."

"But he was right. You know what is supposed to happen in his story?"

"What?" he asks, his curiosity growing along with the excitement in his eyes.

I nervously glance at my hand. "It said something like, 'Too bad I'd never attend my brother's wedding to the girl he's loved all of his life, a gentle and kind soul who showed him how to love and what love felt like.'"

I twirl the ring on my left hand, watching it glisten and sparkle in the midday sun. Tucker smiles.

"Even though he was a little off his rocker and all, he sure was right. And in less than a week, I'll be married to the girl who showed me what love really is."


Tucker and I got married a few days later. But past that, it's up to whatever was in that book. Harrison saw how everyone was going to live, and he saw most of the major details that would take place in their lives.

I stored the book away hoping no one would find it. I dug it out before and found that things that had been happening were the things he wrote down.

It's still a mystery to me. It's all still an open story. At this point, the future truly is uncertain. But it's all about what we choose to make a future for ourselves. Too bad Harrison never decided for us what the future holds. I guess Tucker and I will have to write it ourselves. Until then, we all have to wonder what kind of life we choose, for life is one of the greatest adventures anyone could journey on.


So if you're confused, because I know I'd be, just ask and I'll gladly explain! I know it took a weird twist, but yeah!

Plus this is, I'm 99.999% sure, the end because I don't know what else to add. So yeah.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. I'm glad I could entertain some of you. (:


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