-~ Vikklan ~-

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I give up on naming the chapters XD
Sad fluff.. At Least I intend it to be...
AU where the Lachlan is in police after Vikk retired, will be explained, and he goes back to YT. Now that I'm thinking about it, this will be sad...
Lachlan zipped the bullet proof vest up, slipping a pistol in the gun holster, a knife in a small pocket on the front, and a few others small gadgets. He finally picked up a walkie-talkie, clipping it to the vest as well.
Lachlan was in the police force, and Vikk was too until a fatal shot hit his spinal cord, rendering him useless from the waist down. The small Brit returned to doing YouTube, his three channels still keeping up a steady subscriber count.
No one knew of the accident outside of Lachlan and the police force, not even the Pack or the Sidemen.
Vikk had posted a vlog to all his channels explaining why he was back.
~Flash Back~
Vikk sat at his desk, his slim fingers drumming on the desk. He sighed and reached into his desk to pull out his camera. He re-setup his facecam in its normal position and thought about what to say.  He turned it on and started recording.
"Hey guys it's me Vikk, and this is my welcome back to YouTube..." He greeted, smiling at the camera weakly.
"For the past two years I have been in the police force, but a month or so ago I was shot.." He trailed off, looking down at the desk.
He continued with a sigh, "the bullet hit my spinal cord and I am not paralyzed from the waist down.." Tears pricked his eyes.
"I'll continue doing YouTube, but Lachlan will not, he's still a police officer.. Anyway, that's my introduction and explanation on why I am back, I'll see you guys in the next video, bye," he stopped the recording and did nothing to edit it besides putting his intro an outro for his three different channels on three separate copies.
He then rendered the small file and posted it, waiting for the comments and questions.
Minutes later he received a Skpye call, which ringed loudly through the silent room. Vikk answered it and looked at the camera, then at his screen to be greeted with Rob, Preston, Mitch, and Jerome's faces, each ship shared a camera.
Rob looked the most upset, with Preston close to him. "Vikk, why didn't you tell us?" Rob asked, tears pricking his eyes.
"Well, for the past month I've been in rehab trying to learn how to walk but it wasn't working. So I now have to sit in a wheelchair.." Vikk replied, looking down at his hands.
"Where's Lachlan..?" Jerome asked, hugging Mitch who was about to tear up.
"Out working.."
~Flash Back Over~
That day Vikk became happier, no longer moping around like he had been doing since the near-fatal shot. Lachlan continued to love his work, all the action he encountered daily.
Lachlan entered the door, to find Vikk at his desk, his head bent over on the desk, his recording software up, but inactive. Soft snores left the Brit's mouth, as he slept at the odd angle.
Lachlan chuckled, turning Vikk's monitor off before pulling the wheelchair out from underneath the desk, picking Vikk's fragile frame up carefully, bridal style, and carrying him to the bed where Lachlan sat him down, striped himself to his boxers and climbed in bed where Vikk cuddled to his chest.
Lachlan pressed a light kiss to Vikk's forehead and fell asleep too.
FLUFF! I might do a part two, but that will only happen if I have an idea fo- I have an idea... Soo it will happen.. That was luck..

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