~Solangelo Part 2 ~ [Repost}

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1.14.17>Wattpad doesn't like Solangelo apparently. It unpublished both of these parts and no other. Wth... <.<


Everyone sat at the Poseidon table since Percy was the only person in the cabin. Will sat next to Nico, Hazel on the other side of her step-brother, Frank beside her. Jason sat across from Frank, Piper next to Jason and then Percy and Annabeth sat next to them. (I thought I had missed Leo but then I remember he disappeared and I'm sad.)

"Hey, Will, hey, Neeks." Percy greets after the two had sat down.

"Hey, Perc." They responded, Nico picking at his food. A hole slowly spread from the middle of his hand out, soon it was completely a shadow and his forked fell to the plate.

"Neeks, your hand.." Percy pointed out, causing Will to slightly panic. Nico shivered a bit and felt Will's jacket to fall over his shoulders. He grabbed the sides of it with his solid hand and pulled it shut.  The shadow slowly was replaced with his normal skin, the rest of the guys in awe of the regeneration.

"What was that?" Annabeth asked, clearly mystified.

"I don't know, it happens when he's cold. He did that after I took him his food last night." Will's eyes flicked to Nico, concern evident in his bright blue eyes.

"Defiantly weird.. I wonder if it's a side effect of the shadow travel, like the cold signals that something is trying to turn him." Annabeth wondered aloud.

"I don't know, all I know is it scares me.." Will admitted, looking at the group.

"Why?" Hazel asked, rubbing Nico's shoulder comfortingly.

Will sighed, glancing at Nico who gave a small thumbs up. "We're dating, as of this morning.." Will scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Really?" Jason asked, looking at Nico like, "What the hell?! Last time I heard you liked Percy!"

Nico nodded and leaned against Will for warmth, Will reacted by wrapping his arm around him. Percy grinned at the two, "Nice."

A small squeal was heard over by the direction of Piper, and with her being the daughter of Aphrodite, she found that cute slightly. Will chuckled at Piper's reaction and grinned down at Nico who smiled back at him.

"This is the happiest I've seen Nico since the day we found him at the school." Percy remarked, careful not to mention Bianca. 

"Yeah, it is.." Annabeth leaned into Percy's side, smiling at Nico.

The bell rung for the end of breakfast, everyone broke apart for training. Will stood, picking up Nico. He walked toward the Big House to tell Chiron about the weird side effect.

"Chiron?" Will called, after opening the door to the large house and walking in, shutting it behind him with his foot.

"Yes, Will?" Chiron wheeled in, sitting in his magical wheelchair.

Will sat on the couch, Nico beside him. "Last night after bringing Nico his dinner he was freezing cold and parts of his skin was shadowy, and you could phase through it. The same thing happened a couple of minutes ago and both times when he warned up it stopped." Will explained, keeping an arm around Nico.

"Odd, this hasn't happened, ever. Well, we haven't had someone shadow travel across the world, though, either." Chiron looked at Nico, thinking about the situation. "Also, how is he not freaking out about you basically hugging him?"

"Well, we're dating.." Nico mumbled, cuddling into Will's side.

"Didn't expect that..." Chiron chuckled. "If that's the case, Will, just stay in Nico's cabin. You could keep an eye on him and prevent the shadow thing from happening."

"Alright," Will nodded, standing up. Nico stood too and was immediately picked up by Will.

"Hey! I can walk you know!" He protested, trying to get out of Will's arms.

"Just trying to keep you warm, Ghost King." Will grinned walking outside and toward Apollo cabin's training class.

A short bit away from it Will put Nico down and joined his group, keeping a close eye on he son of Hades. He saw Nico shiver slightly and he ran over wrapping his arm around him.

"Why are you getting so cold.." Will wondered aloud. "Let's go to see what's up with your body temperature.

-time skip because I don't want to write scientific stuffs..-

Will and Nico sat on one of the logs around the campfire, Nico wrapped up in Will's jacket still. The group sat on the logs around them and they talked about random things, Will occasionally kissing Nico in the top of the head. Nico blushed like mad whenever he did and hid himself in the giant jacket.

After the campfire was over the two headed to the Hades cabin, Will having already explained everything to his cabin mates and grabbed his stuff.

The two changed into their sleep ware. Nico wore a long sleeve black shirt that was huge on him with boxers and Will wore only boxers. Nico blushed heavily when seeming Will and climbed into the bed his face buried in the pillow.

Will laughed and laid next to Nico, pulling him to his chest. Nico buried his pink tinted face into Will's chest. Will pressed a kiss of Nico's head.

"Nico.." Will whispered, gaining his attention. Nico looked up at him, granting Will the opportunity to kiss him on the lips. Nico reacted quickly and kissed back, his hands flush with Will's chest. They parted and took deep breaths, Nico hummed, happy and content, already falling asleep. He was surrounded by warmth, the rhythmic heartbeat and the steady rise and fall of Will's chest. Nico closed his eyes and slept.

Will grinned, closing his eyes, he fell asleep knowing that he was cuddling with his boyfriend and they were both extremely happy.

I've almost fell asleep twice, also this was like 940 words so woo! Anyway, I'm probably gonna go to sleep so Baii!

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