~ The Pack as Kids ~

184 14 12

Ships: Merome, Poofless, Vikklan, PeteZahBo
Words: 506 words of fluff done in like 10-20 mins XD
Brandon and Choco knocked on the Pack's door, healing laughter and squealing from behind the door. Choco looked at Brandon and he looked at Choco. Brandon twisted the door knob surprised when the door sung open to 6 kids running around the large living room squealing in delight.

"Mine! Mine!" was being yelled from a kid. While "Biggums!" was yelled by Mitch and Jerome. Mitch was being chased my Preston who was being chased by Jerome who Rob was chasing.

Lachlan was latched on to Vikk, hugging him tightly, the small boy's eyes half closed, about to fall asleep. Lachlan mumbled "Mine..." faintly, resting his head on Vikk's shoulder. Vikk soon fell asleep, warm and safe in Lachlan's arms. The small Australian's eyes glimmered a bright blue at he looked up at the two awkwardly standing in the door way watching the madness.

All of a sudden Mitch tripped, landing on the floor with a thud his lip trembling when Jerome ran over to him and hugged him. "Biggums.." Jerome mumbled as Benja pressed his face into Jerome's shirt, crying. Choco had now ran in, hugging Mitch and Jerome, sitting on the floor with the two in his lap.

Brandon stepped in and shut the door, locking it behind him, as Preston and Rob walked over to him and each latched onto a leg. Brandon sighed and Choco giggled. Rob looked over at Preston and grinned. Brandon pried the two off his legs, now holding them together in with one arm.

Preston booped Rob's nose and the flower King giggled, booping Preston's back, then Preston did it again to Rob, so Rob did it back. The cycled continued until to two fell asleep, too tired to go on.

Brandon sit the two on the couch, Rob nestled into Preston's chest. The Texan had his arms around the smaller figure protectively as he slept. Choco awed at the two and sit the, now sleeping, Merome pair beside them.

Mitch was still buried in Jerome's shirt but he had stopped crying and was now peacefully sleeping. Jerome was still hugging his Benja, his head resting on his back.

Vikk had fallen asleep, wrapped up in Lachlan's hoodie now, the large shirt burying him in warmth. Lachlan had his arms around Vikk's waist, holding both of his hands, his eyes looking at the Brandon and Choco. Lachlan mumbled "Mine." when Brandon tried to pick Vikk up and he held him closer, afraid of him being taken away. Choco sighed and picked Lachlan up, who brought Vikk with him, sitting both of the couch with the other two pairs. Lachlan had soon fell asleep, after struggling against it.

The three pairs slept soundly on the couch and the final two sat on the other couch, Brandon laying down first and Choco in front of him. "Petey..." Choco mumbled. Brandon hummed in response, his arms wrapped around Choco's frame. "What are we going to do..." Brandon pressed a kiss to Choco's black hair, "worry about that tomorrow, just sleep right now."

Done! That was adorable... Did I make up for the previous Chappie? Ehh? No... Okay...

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